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Jason laughed a little, obviously flustered. “It is a bit surprising, I suppose. You’ve only been in town a few days, after all. And knowing what I do of you—”

“You don’t know me,” Gray said, his words low and sharp.

All amusement faded from Jason’s face, and he regarded Gray a moment before nodding. “Perhaps not. I apologize. I truly am happy for you. Both of you. Curious, I confess,” he said, back to grinning again. “But happy, nonetheless.”

Mercy watched Gray, her brow slightly furrowed. He figured she’d explain the situation, but minutes passed, and she still didn’t say a word. The woman was gonna drive him to drink. First, he couldn’t get her to shut up, and now, when he actually wanted her to natter on, she sat quietly and blinked at him.

He sighed and dropped his biscuit. “It’s a…mutual arrangement.”

Jason’s eyes widened. “Oh?”

Gray waved toward Mercy, having no desire to go over all the details with the little twit, if he could even remember them all. He let Mercy fill him in on the now-missing sheriff and Josiah and his crew. Though the fact that they hadn’t heard anything from that quarter since the day he’d arrived had him wondering if Mercy had exaggerated the situation there. Then again, Gray’s reputationwasa powerful deterrent. If he did say so himself.

Jason listened to Mercy with interest. Too much interest for Gray’s liking, though he could hardly complain and tell the man to stop listening when she spoke.

When she finished, Jason let out a slow whistle and grabbed another biscuit.

“Well, now. That is quite a predicament.”

Mercy nodded, and Jason glanced at Gray. “Andheoffered to help you out?”

She hid her smile behind her napkin. Gray pushed his plate away from him, hot anger souring the already leaden dinner in his gut.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Jason held his hands up. “Nothing at all. Just that…well, you’re not exactly the most helpful type under normal circumstances.”

Gray’s eyes narrowed. “Circumstances can change.”


He leaned forward. “You think you could do a better job protecting her? Maybe you’d like to marry her, then?”

“I’d be honored,” Jason said with a huge smile. “If you’re so against the idea…”

Gray snorted. “She’d eat you for breakfast and spit you back out before lunch. You’re still too wet behind the ears, kid.”

Mercy glared at him. “Kindly refrain from referring to me as some sort of man-eating monster.”

“My apologies,” Gray said, “I’m just going off my limited experience.”

Her eyes flashed, and Gray’s pulse hammered. Damn, she was a lively woman.

“Perhaps your experience would be a little more to your liking if you didn’t spend the few waking moments of your day trying to drive me to drink.”

She crossed her arms, and it was damn near impossible to keep his gaze from glancing down to take measure of her dress pulled tight across her plump breasts. Of course, her next words yanked his gaze right back to hers.

“Well, at least he’s young enough to be capable of keeping a wife happy. Not sure you can say the same. They do call you Quick after all.”

She looked him up and down with a dubious expression that would have had him searching for his balls in his younger years.

“QuickShot. As you well know. And I’m perfectly capable of keeping a wife happy, woman, if I cared to take one.”

“So you say.” She sat back in a huff.

“I do say. He can’t have you, anyway. We’ve already told the town about our engagement. Changing now would cause more issues than I’m sure you want to deal with.”

She sighed. “I never suggested changing fiancés.”

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