Page 2 of Lucky Obsession

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What do you want me to promise you?”

“Wait for me. I have stuff to handle in Chicago. But I am coming back for you and when I do, all bets are off.” My uneasiness with leaving her here is morphing into a frantic need to scent her and leave a mark. My teeth sink into her neck. I grip my cock and rub it up and down her pussy, groaning when I feel how wet she already is.

“What do you mean?” She barely asks. Her voice is lower now as she sinks into the fog.

“Exactly what I said. There will be no telling me no, Aisling. You will come back with me as my wife.”

I feel the protest coming. Let’s stop that shit. I end it with my cock shoved into her pussy. By the time I left, she understood what her choices were. Or I thought so.





She said she would wait. She fucking looked me in my eyes, with my cock in her pussy and told me she would wait for me. I believed her and not once did I think she would break that promise. Over the past three months, however, everything has changed.

When I left her in New York, shit quickly hit the fan and I got distracted. I attempted to keep in touch and check in every day. We talked for a few days and had some fucking hot phone sex. She told me about her parents wanting to hook her up with some guys from their church. I kindly told her to make sure that didn’t happen because she didn’t want to see what I was capable of.

The plan was always for me to go back and forth over the next three months, but shit in Chicago got real, quick and I couldn’t make it happen.

Abruptly, the phone calls became few and far between. Not because I stopped calling, but she stopped answering and when she did answer the calls were stinted and then she stopped answering all together.

My locator which had been working stopped and I lost her. My mind was fucked. Not knowing if she was okay. Was she hurt? Why was she not calling out to me? So imagine my surprise when my brother and I walk into Karolinka’s Bar, looking for some dumb fuck trying to lay in our town and I see a flash of red in the corner and time stops.

I try to convince myself I was conjuring her up, you know. Seeing things because I am so fucking worried. But the longer I stared, the surer I was it was her and that she saw me too. Bars like this are dark as fuck for a reason.

So the real question is, what is she doing in Chicago with another man? What the fuck is she doing in this fucking state, let alone club Karolinka? And why won’t she look at me?

She is surrounded by men and tense as I am now, my hands clinching and itching to go and snatch her ass from that seat, drag her out of here, spank the shit out of her and fuck some sense into her before getting answers, I know this is not the right moment. If I make a move my brother would back me but not knowing what we are up against it is not smart. I know she knows I am here because she hasn’t looked up… at all!

My head doesn’t leave her direction the entire time I am there, until my brother signals for us to leave. Leaving the bar with my brother, I take a minute to talk to him outside and then let him know I am going back in. My brother is not happy, but when I tell him I am going to bring two of my guys with me, he relents and leaves.

Walking back into the bar, I see her sitting there, pinned in by some big fucker who keeps leaning over her, his eyes obviously trained in on her chest as he reaches for his drink that should be in front of him.

I can see her face where I am sitting and she looks scared and tired. So fucking tired. Trying to find a way to get her attention, I send her a text message. I wait, trying to see if she will respond to it, but she doesn’t look at her phone. My mind is buzzing with question after question.

Why does she look scared? Who the fuck is he? Why is she here? I am literally willing her to look at me, acknowledge me… something. “Come on baby. Come to me.” I whisper to myself. But she doesn’t.

My guys look anxious. A bit antsy since we are in unfamiliar territory, but I can't leave until she does. Twenty minutes later her table gets up. I watch my fiery fairy walk toward the door with her head down, so meek and not like herself and I literally reach for my Glock, before remembering this is not the right moment.

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