Page 75 of Blood Reign

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Mina could hardly believe her eyes. The woman in the mirror couldn’t possibly be her. Could it? Running her fingers over the soft red fabric, she felt it slip over her skin smooth as silk.

“Well?” Lucy prodded. “What do you think?”

“I suggested a black dress, or something more modest at least, but she insisted that this was traditional garb for the…consort of the king,” Aria said, tugging at the sleeves of her own demure black gown. The only adornment she’d allowed were golden suns embroidered in a swirling pattern across the bottom half of her skirts.

“This dress…is perfect…,” Mina said finally. “I can move in it.”

To prove her point she twisted her waist and wiggled her legs testing the give of the cut outs along her ribs, and the high slits that revealed her thighs.

“Erik is going to lose his mind,” Lucy said grinning like a fiend.

“Let’s hope not.” Aria grumbled almost too low for Mina to hear.

“Come now, Ari. I know you like parties just as much as I do, but please try and have some fun tonight. It is my birthday after all,” Mina said, though her words rang hollow. In the past, she’d always hated balls. The moment her father wasn’t looking she always snuck away from the balls in Dee, stripping out of her dress to run wild in whatever pants she could find.

She loved climbing and testing her balance on places she probably never should’ve stepped. Anything to feel that rush, but now, this night felt just as exciting. This night she would go to the ball, and there would be a king there waiting for her.

Aria shook her head. “I will. This is your birthday. Having a little bit of fun is the least I can do. Call it a birthday present.”

Mina chuckled and took a deep breath turning away from the mirror. “Alright, do you think now is a good time to head—”

A knock sounded on the door, and Mina jumped. Aria stiffened and Lucy rolled her eyes. She marched over to the door, and Harker stepped in giving them all a polite bow.

“Forgive me for the intrusion,” he said, smiling at each of them in turn. “You all look lovely.”

“As do you.” Lucy whistled through her teeth and ran a hand down his bare chest. Harker wore a nice pair of leather pants, and a bandolier lined with daggers across his pecs. His wrists were cuffed in what Mina assumed was white gold given the werewolf’s aversion to silver.

In his hands he carried a black square box that he brandished in Mina’s direction. “His Majesty requested I bring this to you. He’d like you to wear it tonight if you’re not opposed to it.”

Mina stepped forward, and he opened the lid of the box to reveal a glittering crown of obsidian crystals and diamonds. It was the most beautiful crown she’d ever seen in her life. Far more intricate and captivating than any of the jewels her mother or stepmother ever wore.

“This is beautiful. I can’t wear this,” she said, gently brushing her fingers over the largest of the black shards jutting from the center.

“He knew you’d say something like that, so he sent this as well.” Harker produced a folded slip of cream paper. Mina read the words, unable to keep the smile from her lips.

Tonight is your night, Starlight. You deserve to shine like the great queen you will one day be. No matter if it’s over my kingdom, your own kingdom, or in the world hereafter. For one night, let the world see you as the goddess I knew you to be.

Mina’s heart ached. His words were powerful, and moving, but they hurt. No matter if she was queen ofhiskingdom of her own? How could he not see? No matter if she could suddenly return to Distova or not, Mina knew her life had changed irrevocably. No matter where she went, she would not be queen if he wasn’t standing beside her as king.

“Princess, if I may…” Lucy said, reaching for the crown. “Sit on the bench at the foot of the bed, I’ll secure it in your hair.”

Mina folded the note and looked up at Harker, flashing him the best smile she could muster, which wasn’t saying much. “Thank you.”

“Of course, Princess.” He nodded his head, giving her another bow and began to move away.

“Harker, please call me Mina. Just as Lucy calls Erik by his name when they are alone, I’d like you both to do the same. I’d like to believe we’re all friends here.”

Harker lit like a torch, smiling from ear to ear, his cheeks turning red. “Well, Mina. As your friend. Allow me to be one of the first to wish you the happiest of birthdays.”

“Thank you. Now, go back to the king, and try and have some fun tonight,” she said. “But not too much fun.”

The werewolf gave her a wink and glanced at Lucy for a brief second as he backed out the door. Mina arched an eyebrow at her cousin, and Lucy shivered.

“Goddess, that wolf could own me if he really wanted to.”

Aria’s jaw dropped and Mina laughed. “Even I can see how much Harker likes you. You should go for it. Make a move.”

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