Page 49 of Blood Reign

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Mina turned to look up at the king, her eyes wide, the color draining from her cheeks. “Erik…where did you…what are you doing here?”

He smiled indulgently down at her. “I was nearby checking on our newest recruits and saw you over here with Lucy. I thought I’d stop by and wish you luck in your game.”

His easy manner loosened the knot in her chest. Over the past few days of her self-imposed isolation, she’d missed him. It made no sense to her at all, but she’d been filled with that dull ache, wishing he’d burst through her door and demand something of her, and now here he was standing in front of her.

“Can we…can we speak later?” she asked, swallowing around a lump in her throat.

“Of course,” he said, with that same easy smile.

She felt the blush burn in her cheeks. “I don’t want to keep you from your duties, I just…there’s a lot that’s been on my mind these past few days, and I think you may be the only one who might understand.”

“Dine with me tonight. We can talk then, in private,” he said.

“That would be…lovely.” She flashed him a smile and glanced down at the ribbon in her hand. “And I’d be honored if you’d show me how I’m meant to wear this.”

“And I would be honored to show you,” he said, taking it from her, his fingers brushing against her skin.

Mina’s breath caught in her throat, and that coil of desire in her gut grew tight and needy. She wanted him again….as if she’d ever stopped.

“Are you well, Princess? Would you like me to escort you back to the palace?” He asked, gently pulling her closer by the arm.

She shook her head and met his eye again. “I’m fine. For now.”

“If you change your mind,” he said, quietly. “All you need to do is say the word.”

She nodded and he proceeded to wrap the red cloth around her bicep, tying it in place through the loops of her leather armor.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” she said, clearing her throat as he let her go.

“Of course, Princess.” He gave her a polite bow, his eyes burning with a fire that reminded her of the one deep inside her belly. “And please, allow me to wish you luck in your game.”

“Thank you.” She smiled.

“Oh, Your Majesty,” Lucy crooned. “You should join us. It’s been far too long since you played a game with the troops.”

Erik laughed. “Unfortunately, a king’s job is never done. You two have fun now.”

“Two?” Harker gasped, feigning hurt. “What you’re not going to wish me luck too?”

“You,” Erik pointed at him, narrowing his eyes. “I expect you to keep them safe down there. The princess is my guest here. I don’t want her returning to the palace with any broken bones. Is that understood?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Harker gave him a flourishing bow, and Erik laughed, waving him off as he strode away.

Mina ached. Her body wanted to chase after him to pepper him with her questions, to kiss him, to do…anything, so long as he stayed with her.

Harker cleared his throat stepping up beside her, bumping her shoulder with his. “You ready for this, Princess?”

She arched an eyebrow at him. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”

“Lucy will drop first, to show you how it’s done, then I’ll get you secure on the line, and let you fly. Sound good?”

She nodded and watched as he picked up a leather and metal hook from the table where she’d grabbed her cloth from. He handed it to her and then grabbed a second for himself.

“This is gonna be so much fun,” Lucy cheered, clapping her hands together as she circled to the side of the platform where the first team had hooked themselves to the rope.

Mina stepped up and watched as her cousin looped the leather strap around her wrist and hooked the metal around the rope. She gave Mina a cheeky smile and then leapt forward. The metal sparked with that same violet glow, and Mina’s stomach lurched as she swung out into the air and went zooming down into the valley below.

“You’re up,” Harker said, putting a strong hand on her shoulder, guiding her forward.

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