Page 4 of Blood Reign

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Mina knew slipping back into the temple would be a lot harder than it had been for her to get out. After they wiggled their way through the wrought-iron fence lining the garden, that much was obvious. Crouches in the bushes she could see the guards moving swiftly just inside the courtyard, crisscrossing as if they were searching for something. Searching for her.

Mina groaned and glared up at the stars. Her father was no doubt pacing the main room inside, barking orders at anyone brave enough to draw near.

“There’s no point hiding now,” she muttered, glancing at Aria. “You ready to face the music?”

She paled in the moonlight. “Alright.”

“Don’t worry.” Mina chuckled. “I’ll protect you. He knows how persuasive I can be.”

“But what will he do toyou?” she asked, her voice shaking around the words.

“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled, standing up in the brush. “Let’s go, it’s starting to get cold, and I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted.”

Aria glared at her and stood up, brushing the dirt from her clothes. “Alright. Let’s go.”

She grabbed Mina’s hand, looping it through hers, and they started up the garden path to the raised walkway that encircled the courtyard beyond.

“Halt!” shouted one of the guards, and then another echoed from the opposite direction.

Mina whirled around to face the first that reached them, her shoulders squared, her head held high. “What is the meaning of this? Why are you yelling, soldier?”

He skidded to a stop, his boot slipping on the smooth temple tiles, and blinked at her in surprise.

“Your Highness,” he gasped. “You’ve returned.”

“Returned?” She arched an eyebrow. “Was I gone at some point?”

“You…you…” his jaw worked, but he’d lost the will to speak clearly.

“Princess,” the second man said, as he reached them. Mina recognized him as one of her father’s personal guards. He was older, and wiser than the first. Not someone she could fool. Clearing his throat, he stood tall. “Your father is waiting for you in the main hall of the temple. I will take you to him now. Come along.”

She gave the man a once over and sighed. “It really does amaze me how many of my father’s soldiers forget who outranks them. You will both speak to me with more respect. Is that understood?”

“My apologies, Your Highness, but your father has been desperate to find you for hours. You will have to forgive my urgency.” He gave her a stiff bow and extended his arm towards the inner door that led to the temple. “Please, if you will walk this way, we can put things to rest.”

Mina rolled her eyes and towed Aria with her back through the courtyard and a pair of guards opened the great wooden doors for them as she approached.

Aria muttered under her breath as they crossed the threshold. “Mother protect us, and Crone, I beg you…guide her tongue. Don’t let her screw this up and get us into more trouble than we’ve already earned. I beg you.”

Mina sighed and turning the last corner they entered the main hall. “For once, I hope your prayers are answered.”

A building of white marble, and flame, the Temple of the Mother was often compared to salt and gold. A precious thing of beauty, but all Mina saw looking at it was bone. Bone white walls, bone-white floors. A dead thing long past its prime. Just like her mother, whose ashes lay interned in the altar along with all the other royals of their past.

In the main hall, where the priestess usually gathered for prayer, her father, clad in his favorite blue silk pajamas and ermine lined cloak, paced the far side of the room, muttering to himself, and pointing to the altar with an accusatory finger.

Mina squeezed Aria’s hand and walked on ahead of her in time to catch what he was saying.

“…She has too much of you in her, Tatzi. She’s too much like you. I knew she’d run wild one day. If she comes back wound—”

“I am here father,” Mina said, clearing her throat loudly. Her mother, Queen Tatianna, had died when she was six years old. Leaving her the sole heir to her father’s throne until he’d remarried and birthed her little brother George.

Now she was the figurehead while George, his son, was the heir.

Whirling around to face her, his eyes narrowed in anger. “Mina! Where in the name of the Maiden Mother and Crone have you been?”

“Aria and I needed some air, so we went for a walk, Father. I’m sorry if I frightened you,” she said, feigning innocence.

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