Page 31 of Blood Reign

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He couldn’t hide his surprise as she stood. His smile stretched so wide it hurt. “Princess, please, allow me to welcome you to court.”

She smiled back, and he led her carefully down the stairs to the empty chair to his right. She stood and looked calmly at the crowd of six standing before them.

“Princess Mina, this is my High Council. Carlotta, Matron of the wolves, Varley, Master of Whispers, Sabine, our Trade Czar, and…” He realized for the first time someone was missing from the group. There were only five perched on their chairs. The sixth chair was empty. His nostrils flared. “Where is Andrea?”

“Never you mind about that now,” Carlotta crooned, eyeing Mina from head to toe. “Finish your introductions.”

Erik cleared his throat. “Yes, please forgive me. Council. It is my great pleasure to introduce Princess Mina of Distova.”

Mina gave them a respectful bow, not nearly as low as the one she’d given him, and he gestured for her to sit. She let go of his hand as she took her chair, and he felt the sting of her absence as he forced himself to return to his seat beside her.

“Now,” he said, facing his nobles once more. “Let’s get this over with. Ask your questions.”

He nearly laughed at the comical surprise that passed over each of them, but it was Varley that recovered first. “You hail from where now, Princess?”

“Distova,” Carlotta sighed. “Clean out your ears, and stop being tedious.”

To her credit, Mina didn’t blink, though he was almost positive he saw the corner of her mouth twitch towards a smile.

“Please forgive us, Princess,” Carlotta said, steepling her fingers around her goblet. Erik couldn’t help but wonder what spirit she’d poured for herself today.

“It’s fine,” Mina said. “I’m sure I would be curious too if I were in your shoes.”

“How are you adjusting to our kingdom?” Carlotta asked, smiling. The old woman had always been good at conversation.

“It was strange at first, to be wide awake when the sky makes it seem like I should be sleeping, but I’m sure most humans feel like that when they cross the veil,” Mina said. “But other than that, and a few hiccups we faced on our way here, I am eager to learn as much as I can about Nilumaria.”

Erik couldn’t keep his eyes off her as they spoke. Mina held herself upright, her posture impeccable. She was soft-spoken, kind, and regal. A natural leader.

A small voice at the back of his mind whispered that she would make a great queen, just as his Evangeline would have, but….Evangeline wasn’t bold. She wasn’t built for immortality.

Abruptly Mina’s eyes flashed to his and back to the person she was speaking with. She laughed, and he blinked, returning his attention to what was being said.

“You find my question funny, Milady?” Varley asked, a note of warning in his voice.

Erik growled under his breath. “Easy.”

Mina held up her hand, to stop him from interfering. She took a deep breath and spoke. “Sir, you asked why I think I’d be a good queen to Nilumaria. That implies that I had a choice in coming here.”

“I don’t th—” Carlotta tried to cut in, but Mina pressed on.

“Don’t mistake me. I have found a great many things to admire about this kingdom since I crossed through the mist, but I never asked to be your queen. If one day that is what I become, it will be because I’ve chosen to spend my life with your king, and ashisqueen, I will do my best to meet the needs of the people. It will be then, and only then that anyone has a right to decide if I am a good queen or a bad one.”

Erik could’ve cheered. His body ached to draw her into his arms and dance around the room. She was stunning in every way. Bold, beautiful, and brilliant.

Sabine chuckled, crossing, and uncrossing her legs as she sipped her wine. “Perhaps we should leave the King and his new friend for the evening. I’m sure they’re exhausted.”

“I second that idea,” Carlotta said. “Besides, it sounds like it’s past Varley’s bedtime anyway.”

Erik laughed. “I know it is certainly past mine. Any other concerns you have about my choice can be put into writing, along with your reports on how your divisions are doing this month. Leave them with my herald, and I will review them in the morning.”

“Rest up, Your Majesty, I’m sure your subjects will be eager to see how things are going over the next few days.” Carlotta nodded, and as he rose, the nobles and Mina rose with him.

They bowed in unison, and Erik took Mina’s hand leading her back up the stairs to the door they’d entered through, Lucy and Harker, both following close behind. He led her down the hall, looping her arm through his, and then as they found the stairs to ascend to the upper floors of the castle, he switched his grip to put a hand at the small of her back as the rose.

Neither of them spoke, the only chatter came from Lucy and Harker gossiping over the nobles and their spats. It wasn’t until they got to the final hall where he’d had her rooms set up beside his, that he caught the scent of her arousal.

His skin burned, and he felt himself stirring against the leather of his pants. He needed to be alone with her, and then he would need to feed. If he didn’t—

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