Page 86 of If I Could

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But I can’t tell Sage. I can’t get her involved in this. Even just knowing the truth could put her in danger if my father ever found out. Making money is all that matters to him and if anyone interferes with that, or even poses a threat of interfering, he’ll go after them. He’ll make sure they keep quiet.

I already told Sage too much. I didn’t mean to. It just slipped out. When I’m around her I start to relax, and when I relax I tell her things I shouldn’t.

When I mentioned my brother I wasn’t even thinking. When it slipped out and she asked about him, I didn’t know what to say. When I lied about having a sister in France, the made-up story came easily, maybe because I was telling it to Nina and not Sage. Lying to Sage is harder because I really do want to be truthful with her. I just can’t.

Thinking about it now, it’s really not a big deal if Sage knows I have a brother. Knowing that doesn’t give anything away so I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. Luckily, I found a way to explain my reaction by pretending my brother and I are no longer speaking. It’s true but it’s not because we’re fighting. It’s because talking to him could put us both in danger. I haven’t spoken to Cain since the night I was almost killed.

“Kyle?” Sage lifts her head off my chest.

“I’m right here.”

“What time is it?” she asks, sounding groggy.

“I’m not sure. Probably around two or three.”

She yawns. “I should go.”

“Why don’t you stay? I don’t want you driving home this late.”

“I live two miles away.”

“Still. Going home to a dark house late at night doesn’t sound safe.”

“You’re saying I’m safer here with you?” She lays back on my chest.

“Much.” I kiss her head without even giving it a thought. It’s something I’d only do with a girlfriend, with someone I really care about. I’m not supposed to feel that way about Sage. I’m not supposed to be getting closer to her.

“Could we move?” She rubs her eyes. “My neck is starting to hurt sleeping that way.”

The bed would be more comfortable but we’d probably end up having sex. Given our attraction to each other, I have a feeling that’ll happen eventually but I don’t want it to be tonight. It’s too soon and I don’t want her thinking that’s all I want from her. Truthfully, I don’t know what I want from her, or what she wants from me. Right now I’m just going with what feels right in the moment, and right now, holding her in my arms feels right. I don’t want it to end.

She stands up. “Lay down.”

I do as she asks, laying on my side to give her room in front of me.

“Do you have a blanket?” she asks.

“Just the one on my bed. I’ll go get it.”

“I’ll do it.” She’s gone before I can stop her and I panic. My duffle bag is in there and I don’t want her seeing what’s in it.

Bolting up from the couch, I run to my room. “Find it?”

The blanket is off the bed and wrapped over her arm. “You didn’t have to come all the way in here.”

“I thought you might need help.”

“You’re strange,” she says with a smile as she walks past me.

We lie down on the couch, Sage in front of me, my arm holding her close, the blanket over us. It’s perfect, and something I wish we could do every night.

I’ve never slept with a girl like this, meaning actually fallen asleep together. I’ve had girlfriends but nothing serious. Nothing that made me feel the way I feel with Sage. There’s something about her that makes me want to be with her. To hold her. To protect her. Take care of her.

A loud noise comes from the kitchen. I immediately sit up, causing Sage to fall back where my body had just been supporting her.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“I heard a noise.”
