Page 14 of Father Help Me

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“So, you made the appointment with Mr. Bauer, right? You remember that’s tomorrow?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I remember. You’ve only reminded me about it a thousand times.”

Sam walks around the corner into my living room with two glasses of champagne. “I’m just making sure. I wish I could be in there with you, so I could hear what he’s saying. I want to know what he knows. You figure out what you’re going to tell him yet?”

“I don’t know. I told him that we needed to have a meeting, just to check up on how he’s doing at work. But I think I’m going to pull up some of his other accounts and ask him about those first. It sounds like the best option to keep him thinking this is just a regular meeting.”

She nods. “What if he says he doesn’t know anything, are you going to push him into talking? Do a little interrogating?”

I sigh. “I’ll take care of it, honey I don’t know if we should be taking our work home with us. We finally have a night together, let’s not ruin it by talking about all of that stuff.”

“You’re right. You’re right. I know.” She sits on my lap, and I relax as she hands me my glass.

She’s been obsessed with John ever since she found his name on that document. I don’t know how she thinks of this stuff. She told me her true love was marketing, but maybe she should become a detective because I would have never thought to do the things she does.

“Let’s have a toast.”

“To what?” She asks, raising her glass.

“To us. To making it this far and putting in the work to be together. I know it’s been hard for both of us, but I’m proud of us for sticking it out. We’re a great couple and when it’s time to tell people I think they’ll end up loving us together.”

She nods and clinks her glass against mine. “To us, then!” I nod back, then take a sip from our champagne. It’s not the best I’ve had, but it’s good enough for a weeknight with the most beautiful woman in the world.

I set my champagne glass on the coffee table, and she does the same. She bends down to kiss me quickly, but I hold her head there. I can taste the champagne on her lips, and I want more.Without a second thought, my tongue begins exploring her mouth.My hands gravitate toward her large hips sitting across my lap.

My hips swerve under her, ready to take her. I push her off of me and onto the couch. On top of her, I can see straight down her low-cut top. I want them. I kiss down her chest and put her hand on my groin. She starts working her magic hand around me as I make out with her breasts.

When my teeth graze her, I can feel her squirm. It’s exactly what I want, it’s everything I want. I can’t stop myself fromripping off my shirt and I help her with hers. Something animalisticinside of me wants her now. My breathing is heavy and quick. Everything is moving so fast.

She works her way down my chest, kissing me methodically until she’s sitting up taking me. It’s everything I would have hoped her mouth would feel like. I let my fingers crawl through her hair and finally pull her off of me. I back down away from her, bringing my face back to hers.

Our lips come together with a hunger I’ve never felt before. Right before I’m about to go in, I hear something.

“Chris?” Her hands are on my stomach. Why has she stopped me? I’m almost angry that she’s opened her mouth. I was so close. But that’s why she’s stopped me.

“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry, Sam. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

For her to have to stop me, means I was going to do it. I was about to have sex with her. What is she thinking about me now, that I was willing to have her right here, right now?

I know we’re doing the right thing; we have to be. I don’t believe in sex before marriage. I almost ruined my integrity for a moment of bliss with her. Every time I’m around her I get this need to have her. Need to please her and take her. I crave her. But I can’t let myself do this again. I can’t let myself get to this place. Sam had to stop me; I didn’t do this. I would have had sex with her if she didn’t say anything. If she didn’t snap me out of it.

“It’s your rule that we don’t have sex. I was just trying to make sure it was something you wanted.”

I sit up beside her, she follows and sits next to me. “I know. I’m so sorry. I was going to do it. I can’t believe I almost let myself slip up. I’m so sorry you had to do that. I know you want it to, but it’s me who holds us back.”

She puts a hand on my back, rubbing me to calm me down. “I’m wondering if all this is too much for you. Me coming over here so often. Us being physical so frequently. Should we slow down?”

I can’t lose her. I’ve gone through this before, the part where we slow down and then end up breaking up because we lose interest. I can’t let Sam and I turn into that. I want her too much; it would hurt too badly.

“No. I can do this.”

“Well, you almost couldn’t. I don’t want you to have to betray your morals and beliefs just to have sex with me.”

She’s right, but I have to find a way to get past it. “Can I tell you something?” Sam nods. “There was a woman, a long timeago. I couldn’t stop myself and we had sex. And then immediately afterwardsI regretted it and-”
