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“No way. Consider it payment for that fantastic lunch.”

She opens her mouth to argue but I’m already moving out the side door.

Chapter 33


Gage almost kissed me. Oh. Whoops.

Dear me...

Gage almost kissed me. Or we almost kissed. It was a mutual almost kissing. Guess what? I wasn’t afraid. A little nervous for sure. I mean, it’s been years—YEARS—since a man has held me or anything more. There was no hesitation on my part. Maybe that’s a bad thing, I’m not sure. I thought about it all night. Like so many other things, I managed to dismantle what should have been a simple moment of attraction between two adults. Instead, I picked it apart, trying to figure out the why of it all.

Was Gage pitying me? Obviously I’m not quite emotionally stable. He’s seen more of my ups and downs than anyone except Morgan. Only, my best friend has never looked at me like he did.




That is what was in his eyes as he held me in his hands. We were having one of those moments you see in movies. Nothing existed around me except him and how his expression made me feel.




It was so much all at once yet I craved more. I needed him as much as I need air.

Then a tree fell from the storm and shattered the connection. Thankfully nothing was damaged but the moment was over. I played it off like it was no big deal. As if we didn’t share a moment that felt more intimate than any sexual experience of my life. Not that there were many but still... it was intense.

Then I saw the look in Gage’s eye. He was obviously in a self-imposed battle over what almost happened. I found a piece of my former self. The one who didn’t stand for others hurting or being unkind. Even to themselves. I told him I needed to process what happened but I wasn’t sorry. I’m not.

After he left tonight and I dragged myself to bed, I realized something. I’ve given up my power. My stalker has taken control of my life. Dictated when and how I live. But here in Starlight Ridge he isn’t in charge. I can do what I want without the fear of what may happen. Sure, I still have a never-ending level of anxiety and don’t feel comfortable being alone but all of that is lessening.

Coming here was supposed to keep me safe, but these weeks away from everything in my regular life have allowed me to discover who I am. Gage is a major factor in that progression. He sees me for the woman I am today. He isn’t comparing me to the person I was before and while he knows of that person, he didn’t really know her.

On that ridge, I told Gage maybe we both needed to build new memories with the people in our lives and not focus on what we’ve lost. I think that’s exactly what I’m doing with him.

Chapter 34


One of the benefits of living on a secluded piece of land is the ability to work late into the night or in my case, through the night. Sleep has been evading me since the night of the storm. The pace I was working has slowed since I spent time with Sophia and I’m using my insomnia to make up for it. Physically I’m exhausted but my mind won’t settle.

I spoke to Bruce this morning and as much as he fought me, I managed to pull more information from him about Sophia’s case. The facts sickened me. Knowing how afraid she must have been over the years pissed me off. What kind of sickness does a person have in order to immerse themselves so intensely into another person’s life? To track their movements and those of the people closest to them.

Unfortunately, her case isn’t unique. Stalkers come in all forms. Family members, strangers, former significant others. The list goes on. In Sophia’s case, Bruce and the other detectives haven’t been able to find a link to her or her life. At least they managed to eliminate her family and closest friends from the suspect list. And then, nothing. While this guy has been lurking and watching, nobody has been able to find anyone to add to the list.

If I wasn’t in one of the cabins, I was pouring over the notes about her case. Today, I decided to give myself the morning off to let all the information sit and hope that if I’m not looking at everything, maybe something will pop in my head. With all the work I did in the cabins this week, they’re almost finished. With the exception of a few fixtures and the shed, there isn’t much left for me to do. Which means I will need to start thinking about returning home.

I’m sitting on my newly purchased porch chair with my feet propped up on a stump I dragged over to use as a footrest. It feels good to kick back and let my body relax. If I had some beer, I’d pop the cap and convince myself this scenario is normal.

The sound of tires on the gravel draws my attention and I sit up, my feet on the ground. An older model compact is headed my way. Probably someone lost. I stand and take the two steps down from the porch when the car comes to a stop, the driver killing the ignition.

A pair of sneakers I recognize appear at the bottom of the driver’s side door. Sophia rises from inside the car and looks my way. With a huge smile on her face, she closes the door and crosses in my direction.

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