Page 34 of Pursued

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“Not at all.”

“See, Gage, no bother. Now if you’ll excuse me I have some inventory to grab. Remember, no stripper songs. I can’t watch that nonsense another three minutes.”

A small giggle escapes as Neil walks away, leaving Gage and me alone. Gone is the tension I felt moments ago and in its place is the awkwardness from the last time Gage appeared out of nowhere.

“Maybe you’re meant to be a magician instead of a police officer. You seem to appear out of nowhere.”

“Nah. Magicians have to wear hats and play with rabbits. People think those things are cute but they can be vicious.”

He’s so serious I can’t help but laugh. Not the giggle I gave Neil but a full-on laugh from deep in my belly. This seems to be a thing when I’m around Gage. There is no stress in my muscles or worry deep in my soul. I’m in the moment and damn, that feels good.

Chapter 23


Iwasn’t expecting to find Sophia at Rod & Reel when I ventured out for a bite to eat and a beer. There are plenty in the small fridge in my cabin but nothing beats a cold one from the tap. When I first arrived in Starlight Ridge, I was happy to see a small bar for nights like this.

When I entered through the back door and turned into the main area, I spotted Neil talking to someone but didn’t notice who it was at first. Once I processed that it was Sophia, I allowed myself a few seconds to take her in from head to toe. More like toe to head. There isn’t anything special about her outfit. It’s a simple pair of jeans and plain black T-shirt but she looks beautiful.

Once my selfish perusal was complete, I took in the scene for what it was. From the outside anyone else would think she was listening intently to whatever Neil was saying. But I could see the difference. The way her back was rigid and her lips in a fine line. Her hands were gripping the bottom hem of her T-shirt and twisting.

My instinct was to pull her aside and get between her and Neil. I know there is no danger to her when it comes to the old guy or anyone else currently in Rod & Reel but my need to protect her is real. Instead, I approached quietly so not to add to her anxiety.

Now, as she stands before me with a huge smile on her face and a laughter freely flowing from her, I feel something other than protective. I imagine her like this all the time. How different her life must have been before the stalking began. Before the first time I met her. It’s taken some time but memories of finding her that night have come back in pieces.

She looks much the same now as then. Exhausted. Worried. Anxious.

“I’ve never heard someone call a bunny vicious.” Her smile is wide as she wipes under her eyes.

“Not bunnies.Rabbits.People underestimate them but I’m telling you—ferocious.”

She snickers and rolls her eyes. “Got it. I will keep an eye out for the big scary bunnies. It was nice to see you but I should get back...”

I follow her gaze and spot Joan and Bobbi sitting at a table watching us. Both wiggle their fingers my way and I lift my head in acknowledgment. With my attention back on Sophia, I slip my hands in my pockets. With such a difference in our height, I bend my knees slightly so our eye contact is closer. “Are you doing okay?”

Sighing, she closes her eyes and when they open and lift to look at me, there isn’t a hint of humor or laughter in them. I much prefer how she looked minutes ago. Instead, she slips a piece of hair behind her ear. If I had to guess, I would say this move is Sophia’s nervous tell. We all have them and while I was undercover it was something I picked up quickly.

“I don’t really know. Coming out tonight was a huge thing for me, and I’m trying to push aside my usual thoughts and enjoy the night. Who knows when I’ll be able to do this again?”

“Hopefully all the time. Keep a positive attitude and enjoy this break.” Sophia’s smile is a bit wider this time and the space around us feels lighter with that simple change. “I should let you get back to the ladies. Have a good night.”

Sophia nods and returns to her table as I make my way to the bar. Taking my usual spot, I wait for Neil to return from whatever he’s doing in the back and lean back in my seat watching the sports highlights on the television. Soon, a cold beer appears in front of me and the fry sauce and napkins for my food are placed on the bar.

“She sure is pretty.”

His statement is inaccurate. Sophia is beautiful.


“Don’t play dumb, kid. You know who. Watch the bar for me while I go finish your burger.”

Just after the first taste of my beer, someone sidles up next to me. “Gage why are you sittin’ over here? Come join us.”

“I’m good, Bobbi.”

“Come on. There’s no reason to fight me, darlin’. I’m not going to let you be. Grab your beer and come join us. Neil will bring your food to the table along with our nachos.” I take another pull from my beer as she continues. “Sophia would probably love to have conversation with someone her own age.”

Begrudgingly, I take my glass and follow Bobbi to their table. Between her and Joan, the move is inevitable. When we take the empty seats, Joan is telling a story that appears to be either scary or disgusting by the look on Sophia’s face.

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