Page 33 of Pursued

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“I know you don’t know me well, Sophia, but I am a vault. Sure, I love to gossip about silly things and I am a bit of a chatterbox but you can trust me with the big things. I don’t know what has you running, but if you need to share something, please know I am here for you.”

“Thank you. I’m not sure that’s a good idea but I do appreciate the offer.”

“Of course. Now, when are you going to leave my property and venture out a bit?”

Her question is one I’ve asked myself dozens of times over the last few days. I spent a lot of time alone at home but at least I had work to break up the monotony. Plus, Morgan was there with me. Joan’s home and land are beautiful and serene but other than the pair of deer that visit each morning, it’s just been me here.

I thought since Starlight Ridge had its own bed and breakfast there would be tourism here and other guests would filter in and out. I learned the bed and breakfast is more for Joan than guests and the only people who come to town are fishermen and hunters. If they don’t have their own campers or rough it in tents, they opt for some cabins further on the outskirts of town.

“What would I venture out to do? Meet a grizzly bear for a meal?” I tease.

“Don’t be silly. There hasn’t been a grizzly around here in at least a decade.”

My eyes widen at her flippant comment. I was being facetious and she appears to be serious. Yep. No more walks for me.

“I’m kidding, Sophia. Of course, it’s a possibility but we are grizzly free these days. Why don’t you join me for lunch one day at the diner or we could grab a drink at Rod & Reel. Something other than you sitting around here.”

I quirk a smile. “Rod & Reel?”

“It’s not the most creative name but Neil Grossman still has four walls with bar stools, a pool table, a jukebox, and full bar where we can go for a drink.”

“Well, with a description like that, how could I say no?”

“Fantastic, let’s get changed.” Joan pushes off the couch and claps her hands.

I jump back a little, a smirk on my face. “Tonight? You want to go somewhere tonight? I’m not sure I’m—”

“Nope. You said you can’t say no. I’ll call Bobbi and have her meet us there...”

Her words taper off as she moves through the house to her room. It’s just a night out for Joan. Unlike me, this isn’t a big deal to her. I haven’t stepped foot in a bar or any other place like that in years. The unknown is hard for me. Who will be there? How many entrances are there? How far away are the police if something happens?

So many thoughts run through my mind as my heart races and my palms sweat. I need to calm down before an attack rears its ugly head. Closing my eyes, I slowly breathe in and count to three on the exhale. I visualize calm waters and ocean breezes, the rustling of the leaves in the breeze as I watch the deer in the morning.

Like she’s sitting next to me, I can hear Morgan’s voice saying,“Don’t let the bastard win. He doesn’t know where you are.”

With those words in my head, I slowly make my way to my room to freshen up and swap my pajamas for a pair of jeans. Hopefully this place is as casual as its name. I don’t think I have anything but T-shirts and sneakers to dress up this outfit.

• • •

“Any requests, Sophia? I have to warn you the jukebox is mostly country with a little classic rock thrown in.”

Finishing my sip from the frosty pint glass, I smile at Bobbi. Like she has off and on the last two hours, she’s standing next to our table, swaying her hips like she’s some middle-aged exotic dancer without a pole. As much as she has denied it,Pour Some Sugar on Meis her inner stripper song.

“Why don’t I take a turn at the playlist?” I ask, standing and pulling a five-dollar bill from my back pocket. Thankfully the jukebox is modern enough that there are hundreds of songs to choose from. Although most of the songs are from decades before I was born, they are still some of my favorites.

As I make my way across the room, I scan my surroundings. Although there are only three other customers here plus the bartender and owner, Neil, I can’t help but be a little on edge. Neither Bobbi nor Joan have commented on my nervousness or how many times I’ve gazed off, looking at the door. I assume that, in the time I’ve been here, my ability is back to put on a smile and act in a way that others wouldn’t know how much of a mess I am inside.

Standing before the machine, I insert my money and begin scrolling through the song options and choose a few classics I know everyone will like. A song I’m unfamiliar with begins to play and I’m bobbing my head to the beat. With my last song chosen I turn on my heel and stumble, my back hitting the jukebox.

“Girlie, you didn’t play that song that has Bobbi shaking all over the place did you?”

My back is stiff against the glass and I shake my head. It only takes a few seconds for me to process it is Neil, who has come from behind the bar. He’s holding a crate in his hand with a towel slung over his shoulder. While my brain processes there is no danger in this moment, he continues to chatter on. Whether he realizes the conversation is one-sided or not doesn’t seem to bother him.

Midway through a story about the time the jukebox was stuck onCrazyby Patsy Cline, his eyes glance behind me and he lifts his chin in greeting. I peer over my shoulder and relief washes over me.

“Neil, are you bothering this woman?”

Scoffing, Neil turns his attention back to me. “Am I bothering you, Sophia?”

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