Page 21 of Summer Magic
So, he had my address and my arrest record, but he didn’t dig deep enough to figure out what I actually did for a living. Interesting.
“I’m a courier.”
“A… courier,” Miko repeated, tone as dubious as the look he was shooting me.
“And you’re that busy?”
“Yes,” I said, moving out onto the street.
“What do you deliver?”
“Oh, this and that,” I said, heading off in the direction of Lil’s place, since I didn’t see that car he had the night before.
“You’re being deliberately vague.”
“I am.”
To his credit, he didn’t press. But I got the sense that he was not the sort to give up so easily. He was probably just biding his time until after we spoke to Lil.
“Is there anything I should know about Lil before we get there?” he asked when I mentioned it was one street away.
“She’s probably going to flirt heavily and relentlessly with you. It’s just how she is. I don’t think she can turn it off.”
With that, I made it to Lil’s door, knocking until I heard her shuffling around inside.
The door slid open, with Lil standing oddly half behind the door. It wasn’t until both Miko and I stepped inside that I understood why.
Because her arm lifted.
And then there was a gun pointed at Miko.
It wasn’t some small, girl gun, either. It was a damn cannon.
To his credit, Miko didn’t cower or back up. Hell, I didn’t even see him jerk or tense. If anything, he almost looked a little… impressed.
With her free hand, Lil reached out, grabbing me, and yanking me away from Miko’s side.
“Whoa, wait, Lil,” I said as she glared at Miko.
“You’re going to wish you didn’t put your hands on her, fuckface.”
“Is this the flirting you mentioned?” Miko asked, looking over at me, lips actually curving up. Completely unbothered by someone holding a gun on him.
Just how crazy was his work that he didn’t flinch when staring down the barrel like that?
“Because I’m worried about your past interactions with men, if that’s the case,” Miko went on.
“What is happening here?” Lil asked, not taking her gaze off of Miko. Hell, I didn’t even think she blinked.
“Lil, this is Miko. Miko, Lil.”
“I don’t want to meet the asshole who beat in your face.”
“It’s not that bad,” I grumbled, my hand instinctively going to my cheek.
“It is,” the two of them said in unison.