Page 73 of Hula

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“Why are you saying that?”

“Maybe because I’ve made mistakes that couldn’t be undone. Sometimes second chances don’t happen.”

That’s about the only time I have heard Noa refer to his past so clearly. It is surprising.

“Shit. I hope that isn’t our story.”

“Also, I talked to Mom an hour ago, and Mac has been blowing up my phone for two days.”

My lunch is delivered, which gives me a few moments.

“About what?”

“Mom told me about the fight with Alana. Mac said things are complicated for him now. Did he tell you the deal fell through with the lease?”

“What? No!”

“He’s pretty down.”

“What happened?”

“Another interested party was able to buy the property outright. He couldn’t compete. No way.”


“He understands why it played out that way. But yeah, he was sure it was going to be his.”

“Does he know who got it?”

“The Santini’s. They have the property across the street. You know, the deli. They’re planning on expanding to include a restaurant.”

“Another one?”

“Yep. That family knows how to work together to make things happen.”

“I was talking to Nash a couple of months ago. He said they were shopping for a new place, but he wasn’t sure where.”

“Well, they decided. Mak said he knew they had considered it, but he thought they had found a place closer to San Francisco.”

“Shit. If he knew they had their eyes on it, he never should have built up hope. They have an established track record, and between the siblings and the parents, have equity to get whatever loan they go for. Damn.”

“It especially stings that he knows them. Unfortunately they are nice people.”

“It would be much easier to take if they were dicks.”

“I think he’s hesitant to talk with you until you get back.”

“I’ll call him today.”

“But getting back toyourmess, what about Leilani? Are you two together? For real?”

“Yes. For real real.”

“Have you ever considered moving back here?”

“No. I never did. Until recently. But it’s just a dream, Noa.”

“No harm in dreaming. That’s how things start. Maybe in a few years.”

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