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“If you say so. I'm just pointing out that it could be fun."

I shook my head. “You are deliberately trying to make me crazy."

"Maybe a little. But come on, are you going to run? He doesn't remember. So what? It’s fine. You’re Saff Abbot and you don’t need him, but you can work with him. For whatever reason, you unsettle him. And that's good.” She winked. “Bring out your inner sex goddess."

I laughed. “If she still exists.."

"Oh she’s in there. Now pay attention to your damn cookies because I want to do a taste test. Also, hand me the rest of the cookie dough."

I shook my head. "Ugh, raw eggs."

"Live a little, Saff. Remember, when you're on this mission, I know the version of you that you want to be. Outgoing and bubbly and fun, and all those things I know you can be. You just get caught up in the rules a little."

"The rules are there to protect us."

“Yeah. But you will be undercover, so you get to be whoever you want. And you get to show Lachlan King what he is missing. If he doesn't remember, that's on him."

* * *


Her scent wrappedaround me like a vine intent on seeing my demise. Roses, vanilla, and God, what was that secret ingredient?

And at night, the dreams… Jesus fucking Christ, the dreams. My hands on her tits, her lips on my chest, kissing down my abs. Her mouth… that full pouty mouth. Jesus. My hands on her braids, fisting in them, tugging on them slightly as I angle her face just the way I like so I can kiss her. I could almost taste her.

Fuck. I'd wanted a woman before, but this was some other level bullshit. When I went to sleep, I dreamed of her. When I was awake, it was maddening to try and get on some kind of even ground with her.I didn't think I’d ever had a thing this bad for someone before, including my horny teenage years.

I watched her across our planning table as she leaned over. There was nothing overtly sexual in her V-neck fitted tee, except it hugged her breasts in a kind of way that gave way to my imagination. And she had joggers on, same as the rest of us. But hers molded to her arse. Fucking hell. This had to stop. I had to find a way for it to stop or I was going to go mad. Because every night, I could almost smell her on my sheets.

Next to me, Tabatha snapped a hand in front of my eyes. "King, are you paying attention?"

I realized then that Gabe had asked me something and I’d missed it. “Yeah, I’m with you."

Gabe raised a brow but continued, nonetheless. It turns out it hadn't been Gabe's question. It had been Saffron's. "What's our position here?"

Gabe pointed at the map. "Here's the palace, here is Massimo's villa, and you'll be located right next door. Our people are already there moving things around. The bedroom where we positioned you is right next to where Massimo's is, so you'll be able to have full access. You'll leave in three days, and we’ll have some help from the Winston Isles royal security team. They're called the Royal Elite."

I nodded at that. "Word is their weapons laws don’t meet our requirements."

"Just like the UK. No concealed carry unless you are armed police or have special dispensation. Luckily, you will have special dispensation. I don't want you going anywhere without being armed."

Gabe turned his gaze to Saffron. "That is an order, even though this is a surveillance op. Your job is to go in, get close, listen, and that's it." He turned his attention to me. "That means no cowboy shit."

I lifted a brow. "Why are you looking at me when you say that?"

Gabe narrowed his gaze. "King, it's no secret you want to fly this coop. You will do this mission and you will stay on the book. If anything happens to her, I come back to you for blood."

Saffron tilted her chin up. “First of all, this is my team, yes?"

Gabe lifted a brow.

“Yes or no?"

He looked like he'd swallowed a lizard. “Yes, Saffron is team lead."

“In that case, I’ll be making the proclamations. We are a team. Everyone comes home, everyone does their job, and everyone keeps their mouth shut."

Gabe glowered at her but muttered, “You'll have some support staff outside of the Royal Elite. So you get to pick who comes with."

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