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“Your first mistake is assuming that she owns one.”

His brows lifted. “Honestly, what grown adult doesn't have a wok?”

“Stop it, Gabe. What are you doing here? I promise you, Tabatha doesn't want to see you. And I certainly don't want to see you. And why did you bring groceries?”

“Because I intend to cook for my sister. And her... friend. If she can be called that.”

“Don't let her catch you insulting her in her own kitchen. It won't end well for you.”

My brother sighed and leaned against the counter. “I can use a regular frying pan, but I intend to still cook for you.”

I stared at him, unable to believe that this was my brother. “Are you sick or something?”

He shook his head. “No, but I probably have been acting that way for far too long. I know it's not much, but I would like us to start repairing our relationship. I've made a lot of mistakes. None that can be fixed with a simple dinner, but it's a start. It's something I can do. A small part of something that I can use to say I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you.”

I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. “What brought this on?”

“Someone reminded me that when you love someone, even if it doesn't get you what you want, you still do the best thing for them. And while I did think I was doing that, I was smothering you. You, little sister, are one hell of a field agent. And I owe you for catching Webster. Something I had been unable to do on my own.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “And instead of saying thank you, I berated you. You are 100% correct. I am not your father. I'm your big brother who loves you, but I need to give you space.”

This was all I had wanted to hear the for last two years of my life, but now that I was finally getting it, it felt surreal. I didn't even realize I was crying until a hot tear hit my hand when I swiped at my nose.

“I don't know what to say, Gabe.”

He shrugged as he pulled open several doors until he found what he was looking for. As it turned out, Tabatha did in fact have a wok. He found the oil and then made quick work of putting on rice and cutting up vegetables and chicken. “I have something else for you too. The envelope in the bag, pull it out.”

I did so and pulled out the contents. “What am I looking at here?”

“Just read it.”

My eyes quickly scanned the document, and as I read, the bottom fell out of my belly. The fraternization restriction had been lifted. And when I looked at the date stamp, I noticed it was four weeks ago. “What did you do, Gabe?”

“When I saw how happy he made you, how much confidence he gave you, I realized I needed to give you some freedom and control. So, I put in the petition. I know it's only a small part of an apology, but it's a start.”

Right at that moment, Tabs came around the corner and stopped short. “What in the home cooked meal is happening here?”

I smiled at my brother. “He came to cook us dinner. Oh, and agents can date now, so you and I no longer have to hide our affair.”

Tab whooped and gave me a squeeze. “Finally. Are you ok that I still desperately crave the devil's eggplant though?”

I snorted a laugh as a reply. “Alas, me too. Two smart women like us, you would think we would make better choices.”

When she released me, I hesitated as I approached Gabe. He was sautéing vegetables in the wok. I didn't want to burn myself or interrupt, but if we were going to get back to where we'd been before, it had to start somewhere. So for the first time in over a year, I hugged my brother. Just wrapped my arms around him and held on tight.

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