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I wasn't evennervous when I walked into Gabe’s office.

He glanced up with a scowl that smoothed out when he saw it was me. “King, did we have an appointment?”

I shook my head. “No. But this is urgent and pressing.”

He sat back at his desk, his brows furrowed and hands steepled. “What is it?”

Right to it then. “A while ago, you offered me something. A chance to be more. You were right. My life lacked meaning. Direction. And much to my chagrin, my grandfather was right. I was aimless. Hearing about Charlie, that I wasn't responsible, changed everything for me.”

“Oh, yeah? How's that?”

“Part of me felt like I deserved my families disdain. That I needed to lean into that bullshit stereotype. And you were right about something else. I have been an island all on my own. But the Rogues Division has taught me about teamwork. The value in trusting one another.”

He watched me intently but said nothing.

“In addition, Saff taught me how to open up again.” Here went nothing. “I understand the rules of Rogues Division. No fraternization. But consider that she's the actual heir, and she brought in the man responsible for the death of two agents. And she also brought in Graciella Natanya, so now you have a path to get to Antonio Igno.”

Gabe pressed his lips together. “We're not changing the rules just for Saff. I love my sister, but we're not making special concessions.”

And there it was. I wasn't usually a gambling man. But there were some moments in time when you had the perfect hand.

“I understand. Obviously, you want to know what you get out of it. And the answer is me. Even if I’m not allowed to date her officially, you have to know I intend to break that rule as often as possible. I will bide my time until my year is over and then I’ll walk away from Rogues and she’ll be mine. Or…” I continued, knowing I had his attention now, “I stay. Complete my training, and when I graduate, I’ll become the billionaire Rogue you’ve been looking for. Call sign The King. I think it has a nice ring to it.”

Gabe lifted a brow and watched me like a hawk. “You would give up what you call your freedom for my sister?”

“Every single day. Without question, without hesitation. I fell in love with her before I knew this place existed.”

Gabe sat forward then and shoved a slip of paper toward me. “It's already done, but something tells me you're going to need a whole hell of a lot more than a slip of paper to ride off into the sunset with my sister.”

I frowned at him. What the hell was he talking about? Curious, I picked up the slip of paper from his desk. It was a communique from Oversight. I scanned the document quickly, and then my gaze flickered up to stare at him over the paper. “Were you ever going to tell us?”

“Did you deserve to be told if you couldn't sack up and fight for my bloody sister?”

The sheet of paper outlined that Oversight was going to lift the restrictions on fraternization between agents, as studies had now shown that close interpersonal relationships led to healthier agents.

Now all I had to do was convince Saff to take a chance on me again.

Still, easier said than done.

Gabe's eyes met mine and he chuckled. “It seems you still have your work cut out for you.”

* * *


There wasa knock at Tabatha’s door while she was in the shower. When she got out, we were going to order food, and she was going to indulge my need for grease and wine and bad movies. One rule, no romcoms.

When I checked the security monitor, I frowned. How the hell did Gabe know where Tabatha lived?

He's ops lead. He knows everything.

I tugged open the door with an attitude and was surprised to find my brother with bags of groceries.

“Do you have plans on ruining my off time too?”

He ignored me and pushed past, heading straight into the kitchen as if he owned the place. “You know this place better than I do. Show me where her wok is.”

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