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“I trust you. You’ll be instrumental in helping us achieve victory,” I replied, my grin growing wider when her warm confident gaze met mine.

Damiyen’s eyes moved to Ehsan.

“You keep her safe, no matter the cost,” Damiyen growled and Ehsan nodded.

“I will. Even if it means my life,” he answered, pounding his fist on his chest, just over his heart.

“Good. Let’s get to work then,” Ethan added.

* * *

Several days later, all preparations were in place. Ellie and Ehsan had left with detailed plans, some written on paper and others by word of mouth. It was decided that the battle would occur on the next day free from work for the omegas, just before dawn. The first rays of the rising sun would signify it was time for war.

The mood was grim. The night before the battle was to take place, it became very clear that some people would survive the next day and some would not. Many omegas spent their time with their friends and those they considered family. Some drank and some ate their favorite foods, while others partied the night away in the underground. Some practiced fighting with a sword and knife; others practiced shooting blanks in the training cavern some ways away.

No one spent any time aboveground in the omega sanctuary. None of us wanted to see the guards who had made our lives miserable for so long. We didn’t want to spend our last nights holed up in shoddy apartments or bent over sewing machines in the textile factories. We’d had enough.

None of us wanted to see that prison ever again. We were fighting to break free from our shackles and the stigma associated with being an omega in the city of Tharia. We wanted our freedom from it all.

I spent my last night with my men. I craved every last moment of their touch, knowing it might be our last. All four of them used me with such savagery that I knew I’d be sore for days. Again and again they fucked me, filling my holes with alpha seed until I was sure I couldn’t take any more. Then Damiyen took me viciously, filling my mouth and then my ass with his own cum until I was sure I would burst. Before the night was through, I had bitten and claimed all of them as my own, completing the bond and cementing it in place between us.

I was an omega with four mates. Unique in that one of those four was a beta. The five of us were connected on all levels and it made it more powerful than I could have ever even remotely realized.

Alpha. Beta. Omega. United as one, together for the rest of our lives.

The bond pulsed in my chest. Powerful. Consuming. Like wildfire.

That morning I escaped into my office for a moment alone in order to prepare myself for battle. Our connection beat heavy in my chest, with me constantly as I pulled on each piece of my leather armor. First was a pair of dark red leather pants, thicker than my usual black pair for protection but thin enough for maneuverability. Next I pulled on a blood-red leather vest that conformed to my torso and supported my breasts, almost like a corset, but far more flexible. It covered my shoulders and had a high neck that would protect my throat but left my arms bare so that I would be able to fight in battle with ease.

Next I put on my boots and a pair of matching gloves. Lastly, I clasped a thick red leather belt around my waist, pulling it just tight enough so that it would sit just above my hips. It had several hip guards made of thick leather, as well as holsters for guns, knives, and even a sword along its length.

The entire outfit was an exquisite piece of art, carved with intricate tribal designs that signified my roles as both a leader and an omega. Damiyen and my alphas had it specially commissioned for me so that I’d be both visible and powerful to my Omegaborn army on the battlefield. It would make me an icon, at least that’s what they told me anyway. When I gazed at myself in the mirror, I saw that they were right.

When I was ready, I emerged from my office to meet them. My men led me into the central underground, where I could hear large numbers of people talking. I walked down the gangway and stopped, standing at the top of the pit. Then I looked down to see the entirety of the Omegaborn lingering below.

They were waiting for me. For their leader. The expressions on their faces were tense. They looked afraid of what was to come. The battle was going to be hard. It was going to be dangerous. Not everyone was going to survive, and they knew it. I knew it. I took a deep breath and lifted my gaze to look out over them all.

I cleared my throat. It was time for me to lead.

“My fellow omegas, my soldiers at arms. Women of the Omegaborn,” I began, and the room fell silent, all faces upturned toward me.

“Long have we suffered under beta rule. Tharia and its leaders have kept us imprisoned here in the sanctuary, forced us into slavery and ignored us even when we were sick and dying. At every turn, they’ve used us simply for what we were born as. Hurt us because we were smaller than they were, weaker than they are, but no longer. We’re going to change that.”

The Omegaborn rose up in a cheer. I paused until they quieted once more.

“Today, we rise up as one. Today, we fight for our freedom, for the freedom to be who we were born to be and for the freedom of those that have yet to come into this world.”

They remained silent then, hanging onto my every word.

“My Omegaborn! In this moment, I see fear in your eyes, but I also see courage. I see the will of an omega burning strong. In all of you, I see the will to fight for what’s right. I see the will to fight for your own life, for the lives of your comrades and for everything the Omegaborn stands for,” I continued, and the crowd roared once more.

“Today, my omegas, we stand together and fight,” I said, my voice raising even louder. “Today we take back our freedom and today, we take back the rest of our lives!”

For a moment, I paused.

“Will you stand with me, omegas? Will you fight by my side?” I asked.

All around me, the room roared with approval. Boots stomped on the ground. Women applauded and the looks of fear I had seen initially on their face disappeared entirely. They were ready to fight, and I was ready to fight with them.

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