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Chapter Nine


The next several days passed by in a blur. My days were consumed with the mandatory daily counts in the sanctuary and then hours deep down in the caverns, practicing and learning for what was destined to be the biggest battle of our lives. Being together with Damiyen felt natural and the two of us became more of a united front before our soldiers now that we’d bonded in the purest sense. At first, my alphas were surprised that he’d been the first one I’d claimed for myself, but it didn’t seem to bother any of them. In fact, Viktor had looked down at me with pride. Ethan had too. Alaric was indifferent as always, but I saw him watching me from time to time, with a small smile of admiration on his face.

The five of us became our own pack. The bond fueled us, made us one in a way that I never could have imagined it would feel. I could feel their happiness, their sadness, and their motivation to free the omegas from beta rule. Even when we were apart, I could still feel them in my heart.

Together, we led the Omegaborn and they flourished under our lead.

Damiyen supplied a massive number of weapons and artillery, from guns to grenades to swords and knives and he trained us with them all. Between him and my three alphas, all of them knew how to use every weapon thrown at us and we all trained hard. We learned, we progressed and before long, the Omegaborn were beginning to look like a real hardened army.

We were almost ready for war.

A few more days passed and several more crates of supplies arrived, but Damiyen was very careful to keep them undisturbed and under guard. He stored them in a cavern some distance away from all the gunfire and demanded that under no circumstance was anyone allowed to open or move them. I didn’t know what he was up to, but I trusted him. I let him go about his days without protest.

I knew whatever it was, he had a reason for acquiring such a thing.

One week melded into the next, our days filled with preparations until finally Ethan, Viktor, Alaric, and Damiyen decided that we were ready. The Omegaborn were ready for war.

That night, the five of us met with Ellie and her alpha Ehsan. Damiyen stared at the blueprints of the city for a long time, ensuring to study the inner workings of both the wall and the dome, as well as the city’s drainage system. Most of our water was extensively filtered and reused, but some waste was deemed non-consumable, so it was drained out in a few key spots in the wall out into the wilds.

Ethan and Damiyen talked at length about various positions that would be weak in the wall, debating one over the other while Viktor and Alaric discussed the best formations that would benefit the Omegaborn army. I spent my time adding in my thoughts to both conversations all while Ellie sat on her alpha’s knee, just watching.

“Timing will be critical,” Damiyen said.

“The wild alpha horde must attack at the right time, in combination with the Omegaborn. That will be our only chance at victory,” Ethan replied, while pointing. “We have to take them like a vise. The Omegaborn from the inside, the wild alphas from the outside.”

“Someone will have to communicate with them. Ravick and Alix will be waiting for our word. They’ve been preparing just the same as we have,” Viktor said.

“One of us will have to go,” Alaric answered.

“Damiyen and Ethan need to stay here to direct the battle,” Viktor added, chewing his lip. “I can go. I know the way out.”

“All I need is a map and I can find the way. It’s simple once I can get out into the wilds,” Alaric replied, his voice confident and strong.

“I know the underground. I can find my way easily without a map,” Viktor argued.

The two of them broke into a heated debate about who was the better choice, and then Ellie cleared her throat.

“I’ll go. I can deliver the message,” she said softly, and the entire room hushed in order to hear her sweet voice. Ehsan held her tightly, rubbing his palm up and down her bare arm, but he made no move to quiet her. He let her be, allowing her to speak up for herself despite the danger she was putting herself in.

My three alphas and Damiyen turned toward her and the room went silent.

“I know the way. I’m small and I can move quickly. I know where they’re camped, and Ehsan can come with me to protect me along the way. The five of you are needed to lead the Omegaborn. You don’t need me here,” she argued calmly. My gaze flitted back and forth from her to my men and I could see the gravity of her words fall upon them.

She was right and they knew it.

“Write out your message and I’ll take it. I’ll take it to the wilds,” she said, and I smiled. She was so different than she used to be. I’d known her for so long, a quiet, far too skinny woman who suffered under the oppression of beta rule. Since discovering her omega nature, she’d blossomed into a strong, fierce little thing and I couldn’t be prouder. With nothing but confidence, she rose from her alpha’s lap and stood her ground, her tiny fists tight by her sides. Her jaw tensed and she waited.

Damiyen watched her and cocked his head to the side.

“It’s a very important job, Ellie. It’s critical that the wild alphas attack in concert with us. If not, we could lose the war entirely,” he replied, his voice just the slightest bit wary. His hazel eyes studied her, analyzing her for signs of weakness.

“I know. You can count on me,” she said firmly. Her small chin lifted just a bit and she brought her shoulders back. She may be an omega, but she wasn’t one to be trifled with. Not anymore.

“I know I can,” Damiyen replied, allowing his lips to curve up in the smallest of smiles. “We’ll work on putting together a written message for you. You’ll leave tonight,” he commanded, and Ellie grinned in excitement.

“Thank you,” she replied. I could see her confidence grow by the second. She was stronger than I realized, and I loved her for it.

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