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“We must prepare ourselves out here beyond the walls for what is to be the biggest battle any of us have ever seen. All of us must gather every man at our disposal, from the very farthest reaches of the wilds. Use any and all allies that you can scrape up. We must take back what is ours. We must free the omegas and take them back,” Ravick said, his voice growing stronger and much bolder now.

The alphas of the gathering roared in approval.

“But at the same time, I need a small convoy of men to break into the city and begin to prepare the omegas for that battle. They’ll need weapons, training, and guidance on how to best work with our forces to ensure our victory,” Ravick explained. “It would need to be a small group, no larger than three to ensure complete secrecy and stealth.”

Viktor cleared his throat.

“I’ll volunteer. I’ll make contact with Damiyen and between the two of us, we’ll ensure a healthy supply of weapons for those on the inside,” he offered.

“Good. Then I’ll need two more,” Ravick replied, his gaze searching the room.

I stood up.

“I offer my sword for the protection of the omegas,” I declared firmly, and a small grin turned up the corner of Ravick’s mouth. There was no doubt in my mind that he had expected I would volunteer. He’d know that I would want to ensure the safety and well-being of the omegas. It was just a part of who I was.

“Very good. We have Ethan and Viktor. Who else will stand with them to help lead the omegas into battle?” Ravick asked.

The alpha sitting next to me sighed heavily and then stood. I knew little about him other than his name, Alaric, and the fact that he never, ever backed down from a fight, which explained the number of scars all over his face and arms.

“Things aren’t too exciting here outside the walls for me, so I volunteer,” he replied, and then an excited expression crossed over his features. I snorted. An adventure seeker then, probably agreeing to come along just for the thrill of it.

“Good. Ellie and her alpha Ehsan will accompany you into the city. She’ll be your inside girl who will get you an audience with the omega leader, Nikki. Once you’re in there, she’ll function as our informational liaison, funneling key intel to our forces here on the outside,” Ravick added.

I nodded curtly.

“When will you have us leave on our journey?” I asked briskly, eager to begin preparations as soon as possible.

“Tonight. The sooner we breach the city walls, the better. We’re counting on you three,” he answered.

“I will protect the omegas with my life. In addition, I offer my knowledge of the city to our mission,” I replied.

“I give you my ax,” Viktor said proudly, hefting a rather heavy-looking two-handed battle ax over his shoulder.

“You’ve got all of my various weapons then too, I guess,” Alaric offered, his expression one of calm complacency. It was obvious he was now bored and wanted to get moving already.

“The three of you are crucial to the fate of us all,” Ravick responded proudly, his tone strong and true.

The crowd of men exploded into shouts and applause. The sound was deafening, but it set the blood rushing through my veins on fire with anticipation. Once, I had been a trained soldier, an elite among the masses, and my heart pounded in excitement to have the opportunity to partake in such an important mission for the first time in years. Not only would I have the opportunity to free all of the omegas who were forced to live within the confines of the sanctuary, but maybe, just maybe I would be able to claim one of my very own.

Perhaps I’d be lucky enough for one to claim me.

I grinned.

“Let’s fucking do this,” I smirked, and the gathering roared all around me.

We were all prepared to go to war.

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