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After a short while longer, I excused myself and returned back to my bedroom. I took out a bound journal with my accounts and I balanced my accounts, looked into who owed me favors and other allies of mine who could help the omega cause. I sat on the soft bed and leaned against the wall. I poured myself a glass of whiskey, swirled it and listened to the ice clink against the walls of the cup.

I wondered how Nikki and the alphas were faring. I wondered exactly what they were doing now. I took a drink of whiskey, sighing as the liquid burned down the back of my throat. I imagined how it would feel to have her moaning beneath me, to feel her little cunt tightening around my cock, to feel her flower-soft skin tense beneath my kisses.

I groaned and downed the rest of my glass. I quickly poured myself another, this time a double. I huffed and added some more to make it a triple. The liquid burned down my throat, searing my insides but it did nothing to dampen the rampant need I felt to fuck her senseless while I pinned her hands above her head.


I tried to distract myself by thinking of what more I could do to help further our cause. What additional weapons that might tip the balance of battle, give us the extra edge we needed when things grew dire.

I dabbled in many things over the course of my life. I was a smuggler. A kingpin in an underground network that moved supplies based on demand. Sometimes that included weapons, drugs, money.

One thing I never moved though was people. Never women or children.

I’d built this world for myself, had made allies across the city and a number of enemies that I had to constantly be wary of. I surrounded myself with people I could trust and along the way, I had met Viktor. He’d saved my life more than once when I ventured out into the wilds and then back into the city. Whenever I needed a man to watch my back, he was the man I chose to be there.

I took another sip of my drink. Then another.

Fucking hell. I just wanted to be in there with them.

I wanted to hear Nikki moan. I wanted to make her scream my name as I tortured her soft skin, make her beg when I touched her pussy, and hear her shudder with pleasure as she came all over my cock.

I downed another large gulp of whiskey.

I tossed my accounting book to the side, unable to focus on the numbers any longer. I couldn’t stop the thoughts of Nikki from plaguing my mind, so I downed one glass after another, enjoying the delicious burn as my worries gradually faded away.

The alphas didn’t return at all that night. They spent the night with her. The whole fucking night.

Fucking lucky bastards.

My thoughts raced, wondering what it would feel like to take her for myself. I couldn’t stop myself and even as I fought it, images of her face, of what her delightful little body would look like with her pouting on her knees, searing my vision as though she was right there in front of me. Eventually, I passed out in my bed and dreamt of her icy blue eyes and silver hair instead.

* * *

The next morning, Iwoke up with a pounding head. I was at least thankful for the fact that there weren’t any windows in this underground room and there wasn’t any reason for me to turn on the lights. Shortly thereafter though, the door handle squeaked, and the door opened inward. The three alphas returned.

Viktor entered the room first. He heard me groan and sighed, grabbing my bottle of whiskey and pouring me a shot for the headache beating into my skull. I reached for it and tossed it down, grumbling as I pushed myself up, propping the pillows behind my back as I glared back at the three of them.

“What fucking time is it?” I asked begrudgingly, my voice too loud to my own ears.

“Early enough. Nikki had to go off to counts so she wasn’t missed,” Viktor answered, carefully keeping his voice low enough. He knew me well.

“She’ll be back soon,” Ethan offered.

“We can go back to the training cavern after she comes back. I want to shoot some more guns,” Alaric said with a grin and I couldn’t help but snort with amusement. That guy was just hankering for a fight.

“Damiyen,” Viktor began, his tone hesitant and I lifted my gaze to meet his.

“What is it?” I asked rather reluctantly. I knew what they were going to say, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to hear it.

“The three of us claimed her together,” he ventured, and I growled low in response. After a few very poignantly silent moments, I finally answered.

“That’s good then, I suppose. Keep her occupied,” I retorted, and he smiled hesitantly in response, his eyes searching mine for clues to my true feelings. I showed him nothing though, like I always did with him. He squirmed just a little bit under the strength of my ire. I never revealed myself to my colleagues, even if we were allies.

“Our deal still stands, Damiyen. We won’t keep you from her. Even though you’re not an alpha, the three of us agreed that you have a claim to her too. We can feel her, in here,” he paused before pressing his palm over his heart. “The bond is incomplete, even with the three of us. She needs another. She needs you as her fourth. If you need to teach her that you deserve her respect, none of us will stand in your way. Remember that,” Viktor continued, his tone honest and sincere. I knew he spoke true, that I could trust everything he told me, every single word he said.

“Thank you. All of you,” I replied. And I meant it.

“We’re with you. The four of us have to be united. Nikki will understand. Eventually,” Ethan added.

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