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Chapter Seven


It killed me that I wasn’t there in the room with her, that I was allowing three other men to take her before I could even attempt to get my hands on her, but it was probably for the best. She didn’t trust me, and it was clear she had an aversion to betas. Whether it was just a natural reaction or from her treatment in the city, I didn’t know. I wouldn’t force the issue. Yet.

It would depend how this experience would humble her, if it would allow her to relax enough around me in order for us to work together as colleagues and most important, as allies.

I leaned against the wall outside the door of her office, listening as sounds of spanking and her cries of pain echoed loudly inside. Not long after, the men changed tactics and soon, she was moaning with pleasure instead. I finally had to walk away from the small room in order to calm my racing heart and the rampant hardness in my throbbing cock.

There was something about her that called to me, that made me want to punish, master, and subdue her so that she knew that not only was she theirs, but mine too. I wanted her to scream my name, to ask for mercy and to beg for more. I wanted to see the pinkness in her cheeks when I made her blush with shame from wanting me too.

But I was a beta. Nothing could ever change that.

I’d never heard of a beta claiming an omega. It was almost an unwritten rule. An alpha had primary claim to any omega, regardless of anything else. Even if she didn’t want an alpha, she would undoubtedly be claimed by one. Some were even bonded against their will, but eventually, they accepted their role as an omega and bowed before their alpha. Never before a beta.

A beta didn’t have the same rights. A beta was expected to leave an omega to the more worthy. An alpha.

But fuck, if this girl didn’t make my cock hard. Fuck if I didn’t want to slam her up against the wall, snake my fingers around her throat, and make her beg before me. Beg me to punish her. Beg me to fuck her.

I growled, the sound low in my throat. I don’t know if she would ever want me in the same way, but ultimately, I wasn’t going to give her that choice.

It was clear she’d experienced some terrible things throughout the course of her life. I’d seen some of the scars on her skin, each mark telling the story of the horrific life she’d led down here in the omega sanctuary. Before arriving here, I had looked in the public records. I’d done my research. I found her history, had seen how her friend had exposed her for what she was and ultimately resulted in her being imprisoned here in the sanctuary.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out why. The boy’s father was Philip Savile, a man who had presented some of the most vicious legislature on record against alphas and omegas, some bills even calling for their citywide extermination. The father and the boy were likely betas, with some deep-seated animosity against anyone from any other natural faction.

Nikki was taught from a very young age to distrust betas.

She was a strong woman though, who’d need an even stronger hand to keep her satisfied and content. Without that, she’d grow unhappy. Her nature demanded it, and should she press me further, I would give it to her. I wanted to give her the chance to accept me as a beta who had earned her respect, but time was of the essence. She had to trust me, and soon. Once the omegas were prepared for battle, we’d have to coordinate our attack with the alphas and betas outside the city walls, and then working together to protect each other’s lives would not only be important, but vital to our survival and hopeful success.

If she didn’t trust me to help lead her people, they never would and then our chances of winning against the betas of Tharia would be almost impossible. Teamwork would be key to our victory.

I’d give her a chance first though. I’d allow her the opportunity to open to me more slowly and gradually show her the kind of man I was, but if she forced my hand, I would show her that betas could dominate her too, in a very different and very memorable way. In a way that her alphas never could.

I grinned darkly, rubbing my palm up and down the length of my cock.

I almost wished she would be defiant. I wanted to teach her a lesson that she’d never forget. With a grunt, I forced myself away from the hallway where her office was. Instead, I focused on traveling out of the omega sanctuary and contacting some of my connections that helped me to smuggle many different products through the underground.

I met with my second in command, Darius and ensured that more weapons were due to arrive over the course of the next week, including various bombs and grenades that would ultimately help to topple a portion of the walls and the dome to allow the army from the wilds to break into the city and fight to take back the omegas. I also ensured that along with explosives, there were ample number of swords, knives, and even bows and arrows that would arrive too. I knew that in battle, loading a gun could prove difficult, even impossible and one thing that would never fail would be the cold hard steel of a sword slicing through an enemy’s throat.

I would leave no stone unturned when it came to our chances at victory.

After I was finished and had said my goodbyes, I returned to my own home and took out some more money from my safe. I packed another bag of my things, more clothes and supplies for the coming days. I also packed both a dagger and tucked a small gun into the waistband of my slacks.

I traveled back to the omega sanctuary with my belongings and left most of them in the underground bunker the omegas had set up as a bedroom for me and the alphas. Nikki and her alphas hadn’t returned yet and I imagined they wouldn’t for quite some time. I likely wouldn’t see the four of them until morning.

I busied myself by visiting the pit and purchasing some food for myself and a number of other omegas there. I chatted with them, got to know their stories and the more I talked with them, the more dedicated I felt to furthering their cause and freeing them from their captivity once and for all.

I shared a few drinks with Ellie and her alpha. I deferred to him many times instead of her, respecting the natural order of their relationship and he smiled at my show of respect. Ellie frowned and almost said something at one point though and Ehsan proceeded to squeeze her thigh. She quickly looked away and clamped her lips shut.

I smiled in Ehsan’s direction knowingly.

“She’s a good little omega, just needs some reminders sometimes,” he said, and I chuckled.

“Indeed,” I answered, and Ellie narrowed her eyes in my direction. Her tongue poked out through her lips and Ehsan growled, just under his breath. Ellie doubled over, clutching at her abdomen and moaning, the sounds quiet and low in her throat.

I could smell the scent of her slick on the air.

It was sweet, but not like Nikki’s was. Nikki was a special omega, one who needed more than just the hand of her alphas.

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