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Chapter Fourteen


They were here.

My alphas had come for me. Their delectable scents assaulted my nose and I breathed in deep, their aroma addictive and incredibly comforting. My core squeezed tight with both excitement and arousal, as did my heart. I bit my lip and caught Wolfe’s dark eyes.

The pair bonds in my chest throbbed with their presence. I felt their fury and their protectiveness over me, stronger than ever and I sighed with relief.

They fought hard. Ivan and Wolfe were ferocious and ruthless. Every city man who approached them was taken down in a matter of seconds. Their movements were swift and fluid, but entirely brutal and soon, the men guarding me on the platform began to hesitate. My alphas were going to destroy them all.

Wolfe shifted to the right and I took a step back, watching as he sprinted in Triss’ direction.

She’d hated me for my success, but I had come to realize that wasn’t the only reason. I’d seen the way she’d looked at Alix and it had sparked something inside me that made my blood boil. I wanted to hurt her, to teach her that he was my mate and she would never have her hands on him, not even once.

Wolfe lunged and grabbed her around the waist, tossing her over his shoulder with ease. Alix and Ivan surrounded me, waiting for more challengers, but they had dwindled down to a small number of terrified-looking teenagers.

No one was a match for my alphas.

Alix wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, pressing his lips to the top of my head. His touch caused my thighs to tremble, as another stream of slick rolled down my legs.

He growled possessively and I mewled softly with happiness, my omega preening before him.

“You smell so good, omega. If we weren’t here in the city, I’d throw you on your back and fuck you so hard that you’d scream until your voice grew hoarse and still, I wouldn’t stop,” he whispered, his voice tight with restraint, and my thighs buckled at his heated words.

“Please,” I begged, pressing my legs together in hopes to alleviate my suffering.

“Soon,” he promised.

He knelt down and swung me up into his arms. My wrists snaked around his neck as he lifted me from the stage. He surged forward, while the brothers followed. Wolfe took Triss with him and the five of us hurried through the market. The crowds parted, fearful of my alphas. No one tried to stop us. They didn’t even step in our way.

I curled up in Alix’s arms, pressing my body to his and focused on drawing in one long, deep lungful of air after another. The scent of my alphas calmed me some, keeping the ravenous desire raging throughout my body barely at bay.

We rushed through the walkways of Tharia, closing in on the gates and no one followed. No one even dared. I felt the power of their growls and snarls and everything in me urged me to submit, even though the brunt of their anger wasn’t directed at me.

It was focused on Triss and what she had done.

I wanted to hurt her for kidnapping me and forcing me away from my mates. The pain of separation had been utter agony, especially combined with the intensity of estrous, but most of all I wanted her to suffer for thinking that she could take Alix for herself.

My men ran fast, sprinting for the gates as swiftly as possible. Triss cussed and fought on Wolfe’s shoulder, but she was no match for him. I watched as his hand drew back, smacking the flesh of her covered ass hard, causing her to still and cry out in shock.

I snickered. Served her right.

I closed my eyes and licked my lips. I heard the gates slide open and once the fragrant natural scent of the forest hit my nose, I sighed with relief. We were free. Soon, I’d be riding the cocks of my mates and begging for their cum. They would help me fight through this heat and then all would be right once again.

The city had betrayed me, had abandoned me because I was an omega. I no longer wanted any part of it.

Alix reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, gun-shaped cartridge, firing off a bright purple flare into the sky.

A short while later, three ginormous birds circled around us and dove toward the ground, landing beside us and chirping quietly.

“Albatrosses,” I whispered in wonder. According to the scientific literature it was thought that they had gone extinct, but here they were in the flesh and they were quite a bit larger than they used to be.

Alix gently tossed me on the back of the biggest one and climbed up beside me, curling his body around mine. I turned to see Wolfe dealing with a struggling Triss. He snarled in warning, taking a bundle of rope from his belt and tying her wrists together, then he wrapped it around her legs, effectively binding her completely.

He pushed her up and over the bird’s back, facedown so that her ass was up in the air.

“That’s not how I’d suggest taking care of your mate, Wolfe,”the bird beneath me observed and Alix chuckled beside me.

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