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“Triss,” Alix whispered, horrified.

“You know her?” Ivan snarled and Alix nodded.

“She works at Genwell with the two of us. I’d always thought she was the jealous type, but I’d never expected something like this,” he answered, his jaw ticking with restrained fury.

I edged forward, slinking between men and women in the crowd. Alix and Ivan did the same. As we moved steadily toward the stage, I assessed the small woman. Her hair was thick, wavy, and scarlet like the setting sun. Her body was small and slender. Green, judgmental eyes looked Raven up and down. I studied her more closely and realized that she had a similar body type to Raven and I started to wonder about what that meant. Was she just another beta?

Or was this something else? Maybe this went deeper than jealousy between two women. Maybe this was two omegas going to battle in order to determine who took possession of one specific alpha.

Triss moved her gaze to Alix and her eyes opened wide with excitement. She licked her lips and smiled softly toward him. Raven watched her and rolled her lips, in full omega heat. She struggled in the men’s grip, her fingers curling with anger and I began to move faster.

Omegas were possessive of their mates, especially in the presence of another omega.

If Raven was freed, she’d kill Triss.

I bumped into a few people and pushed others to the side. Beside me, the others followed, circling around the stage like predators about to ambush their prey.

The three of us glanced at each other one last time, and then surged forward. I bent low and hit the man holding Raven’s left arm hard. Ivan took down the man on the right. Both men stumbled backwards, dragging my mate with them and I snarled with fury.

I slammed forward again, gnashing my teeth against the flesh of his arm and he screamed with pain. I swung my arm around, catching him in the side of the head with my fist and he swayed side to side.

Blinking, he tried to fight back but I was too strong for him. I was so much stronger, an alpha in full fury determined to protect my woman. He was a beta at best. He glanced toward Triss, but I used his distraction to clock him in the head once more.

This time, I watched his eyes roll back in his head as he slumped to the floor. More men ascended onto the stage, but Ivan and I were ready for them. Alix fought just as hard, his movements more precise and graceful than ours, but together, the three of us were unstoppable.

One man hurtled toward me, but I popped him in the jaw with my fist, before grasping him arm and lurching him forward into my grasp, my chest to his back. I wrapped my arm around his throat, squeezing tighter and tighter as he thrashed against me, but he was no match for me. In no time at all, he was pulling at my wrist, his movements weaker with every passing moment until he slumped in my arms. He crashed down to the floor, cleanly knocked out.

The crowd around us surged with excitement. Apparently, we were putting on a good show, but I didn’t allow it to distract me. Instead, I fought one man after the next, sometimes working with my brother in order to accomplish it as quickly as possible.

Our movements were savage, much more feral than these city fighters. We fought hard in ways they didn’t expect, and I used it to my advantage each and every time. In no time at all, there was a pile of passed-out bodies at our feet, but still more men came.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Triss slinking off the stage and I roared with fury. I shifted in her direction and bounded toward her, too quick for her to get away and escape my ire. I grasped her around the waist and tossed her over my shoulder.

She was going to pay for what she had done, omega or not.

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