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“They didn’t die out, but their race was almost decimated to nothing by the fallback from the war. It’s rumored they descended into the caves and hid from humans for some time in order to recover. A small gathering of them took up residence here in the mountains. It took us years for our tribe to make contact but over the centuries, our pack and theirs have developed an alliance of sorts. We’ve protected them from predators, as well as other humans and in exchange, occasionally they allow some of us to soar with them,” he answered.

I looked at him in disbelief.

“Yup. We’re going to fly,” Ivan added, his voice light with excitement.

Wolfe and Ivan began to climb the winding path up to the mouth of the cave, and I followed. The three of us were strong and moved quickly. The slight burn in my muscles felt good and I pushed harder. Even still, it took us quite a while to make it to the top, but when we did, I lifted my shoulders and searched the surrounding area.

Up here, the air was fresh and cold. When I turned and looked, I could see for miles. The trees were extensive, thick, and beautiful. Far in the distance, I could see the airship hurtling toward the city and my heart wrenched with pain.

I’d get her back. I had to. I wouldn’t survive without her.

Wolfe whistled three times, the sound low like a soft, gusty breeze.

Inside, a quiet chirp responded, followed by a gentle warble. After a moment, a gray beak poked out from the darkness and a giant bird stepped out onto the ledge. I was speechless at the sight. From what I had read, albatrosses used to be the size of a large eagle, but this one was much bigger than that. This one had to be at least eight feet tall. The size of its wings was vast, and I assumed that the wingspan would be equally impressive.

Beautiful silver-gray feathers adorned its head and torso, gradually darkening to black on the backs of its wings. The great animal ruffled its wings and I saw a brilliant soft white beneath. The bird’s feet were light gray and sharp black claws curled on each toe.

Inquisitive black beady eyes stared down at us, searching for evidence of a threat. Finding none, it chirped quietly, and I heard a quiet rustling behind it. Then, several more heads popped out of the dark and they trilled with excitement.

“This is Thornclaw,” Wolfe said as he gestured to the bird that had greeted us. “He is the leader of this particular flock. He protects the others inside and has done well for a very long time, allowing them to grow and even thrive out here in the forest. A few times that my own pack has suffered from lack of food, he’s helped us to find new sources of wild berries and prey.”

I bowed my head in respect to the great bird and he trilled happily in return. Feeling the bond between Raven and me pulse, I gritted my teeth, turning and pointing to the airship moving off in the distance.

“Thornclaw,” I began. “Do you see that vessel out there? Someone has stolen our mate and we must get her back. Will you help us?”

The bird cocked his head and turned toward Wolfe and Ivan, almost like he was looking for confirmation from the two of them. I could tell then that he was highly intelligent, and that fact comforted me.

“It’s true. The three of us have bonded to an omega female and then she was stolen from us, breaking the law of the Central Gathering. It’s a grave and serious crime and we need your help,” Ivan added, petting the bird’s massive neck with his palm.

“Would you take us? Help us get our mate back, Thornclaw?” Wolfe asked, his tone one of quiet desperation and restraint as well as mutual respect.

Thornclaw nodded and chirped loudly. Two large males emerged behind him and the rest of the birds retreated back into the cave. Thornclaw gestured to me and I took a step forward.

“He wants you to touch him. It will help you to communicate with him,” Ivan explained. I lifted my palm and Thornclaw dropped his head. Gently, I place my hand on the side of his face and my skin vibrated with a quiet but powerful rumble of magic.

“It is nice to meet you, Alix of Tharia,”Thornclaw said and I lifted my eyes toward his with wonder.

“Incredible,” I whispered.

“These are my sons, Razorbeak and Stormwing. They are young and strong,”he replied, and I nodded my head in thanks.

“Climb up on my back, Alix of Tharia and I will take you to your mate.”

“He must like you. Took me years to gain that level of trust with him.” Wolfe’s eyebrow rose as he studied me. I shrugged.

“Maybe I’m just a stronger alpha,” I smirked.

“Bullshit,” Wolfe grinned, his tone light and amused.

“Now let’s go get our omega,” Ivan said and the rest of us grunted in agreement.

I climbed up on Thornclaw. Ivan and Wolfe did the same with Razorbeak and Stormwing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and Thornclaw spread his wings. He flapped them hard, once then twice and then we were airborne.

I gritted my teeth.

We’re coming for you, Raven. We’ll save you.

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