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Outside my cell, there was a scuffing sound; the flap in the door swung open and someone pushed a tray inside. The flap closed quickly, sealing me inside once more. I stared at it for a while, seeing a glass of water and a bowl of what looked like oatmeal of some kind. There was toast on the side and one small apple.

My stomach growled. Again, I wondered how long I’d been out because it felt like I hadn’t eaten in days. My mouth salivated as the aromas of the warm food met my nose and I crawled closer to it, studying it.

Whoever had taken me would have killed me when they’d found me in the hot spring.

Maybe this was some sort of bounty hunter, who would have been hired by Genwell to return me when I hadn’t come back on the forecasted date. I tried to be hopeful, as my stomach rumbled angrily. I was ravenous.

I picked up the slice of toast and took a hesitant bite. It was perfectly toasted, with a hefty smear of butter. I chewed it, trying to assess for any signs of poison or drug, but found none. Swallowing, I waited a good long minute and nothing happened. So, I took another nibble, and then another, until I’d eaten all the toast. Next, I investigated the apple, looking for any strange signs of tampering, but found nothing so I took a solid mouthful.

In no time at all, I finished the fruit and felt no strange aftereffects, so I moved onto the oatmeal. It tasted sweet, like it had some sort of honey and brown sugar drizzle to complement the taste of apples. It was delicious and after a few hesitant tastes, I ate it all and the furious hunger in my belly began to subside. I moved back over to the bench and sat on the slightly cushy surface of the mattress.

Over the course of the next two days, I searched high and low for any signs of weakness in the cell but found none. Meals were delivered to me three times a day and they were always the same. Oatmeal, toast, and an apple. I slept when I could, keeping up my energy in preparation for whatever was to come.

Sometimes I stood and watched the trees fly by just a few dozen feet below the ship. The dome grew closer and closer, and with it my hopes that Genwell would be at the gates to rescue me did too.

It soon became clear that my alphas were not in the airship with me. The link between us felt strained and the further I traveled away, the more it hurt. It soon became painful and the more time I spent awake, the more powerful the agony that tore me apart. Every time I lay awake, the more sorrowful I felt and the more my bond twisted into torment and suffering. Soon it became easier to sleep it away and I hoped that once I returned to the dome, the suppressant would alleviate this terrible anguish I felt.

Finally, the sounds of the gates opening woke me and I opened my eyes. My body felt hot, like I’d contracted some sort of fever. Groaning, I pushed myself up and struggled against the sluggish wave that washed over my body. I pulled myself up to look out the window and a felt a strong sense of relief at finally arriving back home in the city. I breathed in deep as our ship moved forward and the gates slid closed behind us.

The airship powered down and I sat back down, waiting to see whoever was going to come for me. I hope it was someone from Genwell. That would make my day.

I fanned my face. God. I felt so hot. I could use some water.

An hour passed before I heard any signs of life outside my door. When it finally swung open, I blinked several times before a small woman came into focus.

It was Triss.

I looked at her in confusion. What was she doing here?

Triss was another coworker of mine, a colleague I worked with on occasion in order to develop the protocol for the more stable version of the suppressant. She worked for another company, a smaller firm that had been bought out by Genwell only a short time ago. It had been quite some time since I’d seen her.

She glared at me, her expression annoyed.

What the hell?

“Hey there,” I began hesitantly, and she sneered in my direction. Well, that was strange. She’d always been perfectly nice to me before. Maybe too nice...

We’d collaborated on a few projects and she’d given me some crucial recommendations on how I could move forward on the development of my improved drug. My experience working with her had been minimal, mostly based off of a few radio communications and in-person conference meetings.

Spirits, it was hot. Sweat beaded on my temple and I hastily whipped it away with my sleeve. I panted and then felt something familiar deep in my core. I stilled. It was just a ghost of what I’d experienced when I’d gone into heat for the first time.

I swallowed my panic.

It was far too soon. I wasn’t meant to go back into estrous for months. In the lab, the silver-haired omega went into heat once during each season. I should be safe from it for a good amount of time. I panted, breathing in as much air as I could, hoping to dose myself with enough airborne suppressant in time. My finger curled around my stomach and I groaned, the sound just loud enough for myself to hear.

Triss began to laugh, the sound evil and maniacal.

“What’s wrong with me?” I finally asked, more to myself than to her.

“You’re not the only genius working at Genwell, you know,” she retorted, and I doubled over as a brutally strong cramp wasted my core.

“Right now, you’re wondering what’s happening to you. Why would I target you?” she began as she scowled in my direction.

I choked, trying to answer her, but she continued speaking anyway.

“When I first came to Genwell, you and I were up for the same position. We had the similar experience, the same background, only I had one leg up on you. My test scores were higher. I’d studied the suppressant and already had a prototype in development even before you started working on it, but they chose you instead. I don’t know why. Maybe Alix pulled some strings, or you did something to warrant the promotion, but they fucking chose you instead of me. So, when they picked you, I started doing my research. I started looking into you. I broke into the genetics department and found your files and dismantled the codes hiding your data. I found out you were an omega. So, I began a side project of my own, only it wasn’t working on a better version of the suppressant; it was quite the opposite, in fact,” she added, smirking cruelly in my direction.

“What have you done?” I asked, curling my arms around my waist.

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