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Chapter Seven


Curled up in a mass of arms and legs, I opened my eyes just as my knot began to abate inside my omega’s backside. She’d felt so good, so tight and perfect as I had taken her and I couldn’t wait to have her again, soon.

When I’d first saw her, I’d known that she was meant to be ours. Her long brunette hair, dark as night had shone under the light of the sun. Her skin was pink, as though she had been freshly fucked, but still I sensed that she was incomplete. Her scent wasn’t yet fully developed, indicating her pair bond was incomplete, that she’d needed more than just one alpha to be whole.

Alix, the man from the city, hadn’t been enough for her.

She was an exceedingly rare omega and we were lucky that we had come across her scent before anyone else had. Most omegas were matched to a single alpha, but an even smaller pool needed more than one alpha to claim them. This woman was one of them.

Her eyes blinked open and she turned her head to look into mine. Her eyes sparkled, a brilliant icy blue that reminded me of melting ice in the thawing of winter. It was almost silver in color but shimmered with a blue as rich as a cloudless sky. They were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Her hair shone, a dark rich chocolate that begged me to run my fingers through it, so I did. Soft and silky, brought to life by alpha seed.

Radiant perfection, my omega.

“What’s your name, omega?” I whispered and her pretty pink tongue escaped her mouth and licked her lips. I groaned low in my throat and a rosy blush grew over her cheeks in response to my sounds of pleasure.

“Raven,” she whispered, her voice dropping demurely, and my cock twitched inside her ass. She purred happily. When my knot fully deflated, I pulled free from her and she whined pitifully.

“Already want more, little one?” I asked her and she mewled happily in return.

Carefully, Wolfe pulled free from her body as well and I watched adoringly as our seed seeped down her legs, coating her skin so much that it shone. She was so small compared to us, but her lean, curvy form had taken everything we’d given her and then some. She was a true omega and the alpha within me purred in approval.

I pressed a soft kiss to the claiming mark on her shoulder. Already, it had begun to heal and was quickly forming into a beautiful pale white scar. Three bites, three mates.

I could feel the link pulling at my heart and it pulsed between us. I could feel her happiness and satisfaction. I also knew that her heat was at an end. Now she would be ours, forever. Catching my brother’s eyes, I smiled, and he grinned right back.

We’d found our mate.

Over the next several hours, my brother, the city alpha, and I doted on our omega. I fed her with my fingers and purred contentedly when her tiny lips closed over my flesh. She caught my eyes and I groaned, imagining those pretty pink lips closing over my cock instead.

Wolfe poured her some water and helped her drink. Alix curled a soft blanket around her, and she pulled it tight to cover her body.

The more time passed, the surer I was that her estrous had passed. Her scent had begun to change into a duller, honeyed sugary aroma. I sniffed the air, still smelling the remains of her slick, but to a much lesser extent.

The three of us had pulled her from the throes of heat.

I glared at the strange alpha Alix. He was obviously city born, but strong. He wasn’t soft, like rumors foretold but he was fiercely protective of our mate and that I could approve of.

I’d never been to the city and I never wanted to go. The people there were different, focused on doing everything in their power to avoid their true nature and every last bit of their instincts. I knew they didn’t even engage in sex anymore and that the process of breeding their women had gone extinct. They’d medicated it out of their system so much so that they blocked the rightful natures of alphas and omegas. They denied alphas their rights to take an omega as theirs and I couldn’t abide by that.

It wasn’t right.

I wondered how Raven had come to be out here.

Her exhaustion was obvious. Her body wasn’t used to the demands that an estrous took so she was partially dehydrated and hungry. When she turned away food, we made her eat more. Same with water. As her alphas, we knew what she needed, and she’d take what she was given, if she knew what was good for her anyway.

After some time, she began to grow restless.

“Why don’t I take you a nearby spring and you can wash up?” I suggested. Alix tensed beside me and I shot him a look. “We’re all her alphas now, so you better get used to it,” I warned.

Once an omega was pair bonded to her alpha, that link could not be broken. Now we were paired for life. Should an alpha and omega be torn apart by death, they would never be the same again. The link would decay both the mind and soul until there was nothing left in the surviving mate.

There were tales of what would happen should a pair-bonded alpha and omega be severed.

Long ago, King Renair had taken an omega as his, claimed it as his right as supreme ruler over the land of Ubren, the land outside the city of Tharia. He’d ruled alone for a long time, coveting his own omega and soon, he became desperate for one. He had passed laws, demanding all omegas bow down to him, trying to ferret out one for himself. There was one, but she was clever. Somehow, she’d convinced an entire village to hide her presence and she’d hidden deep underground in order to cover up all traces of her bouts of estrous, but her friend, a beta trying to earn favor with the king ultimately betrayed her. The king had killed the rest of the village in the name of vengeance, while sending a horde of betas to capture her. Renair had taken her and she’d fought hard against him, never truly accepting her place by his side. She was an omega though. He was an alpha and thus claimed her by forcing the pair bond upon her.

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