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Chapter Five


Outside our cave, the fire was flickering with the perfect amount of heat. I turned the skewer of meat, browning the edges just a bit more over the flames. I licked my lips, imagining the taste of some nice juicy venison melting on my tongue combined with a swig of mead. It was beginning to look delicious, just the perfect level of charring to add the right amount of flavor. Just a few more minutes and Ivan and I would have a tasty meal to enjoy.

We’d followed this pack of deer for several hours, finally taking down an older buck that moved slower than the rest. I glanced at my spear at my side, still bloodied from the hunt. I was going to have to clean that. Ivan tossed me a rag and I wiped down my weapon then.

I sniffed the air, expecting the magnificent smell of cooking meat and I found something entirely different and far more appetizing than my upcoming meal.


I groaned when I smelled her. Luxurious, decadent, and utterly addictive, the aroma of omega in the throes of estrous was intoxicating. Beside me, Ivan inhaled deeply and sighed heavily with anticipation. The aroma of her slick carried on the wind, calling all alphas within miles to her presence. I licked my lips again. I wanted a taste of that delicious omega cunt.

With just that single sniff, my dick hardened to iron steel and my knot pulsed, needing to find the source of such a delectable scent. My balls tightened with arousal, rising to her call of need. I ached to fill her with my cum until she begged me to stop.

An omega was out there, and she needed alpha cock. Lucky for her, my brother and I were prepared to give her relief. We knew what she needed.

The only thing that would alleviate an omega’s suffering was several days of a good hard fucking. She needed to be bred. In most scenarios, the more alpha cock she received, the sooner her heat would end. Well, she’d found just the pair to give it to her.

I grinned and scratched the scruff of my beard, turning the piece of meat over the fire once more. I smiled, imagining the taste of omega cum in my mouth.

“You smell that, brother?” Ivan ventured. His golden eyes met mine, hard and steady. His lip curled up, just slightly as he sniffed the air. He felt the call as intensely as I did.

“You’re damn right I do,” I answered.

“She’s due west. Maybe a mile or two,” he answered. “If we run hard, we could reach her in less than twenty minutes. Her cunt smells sweeter than any I’ve ever sensed before.”

He was right. The two of us had come across an omega a time or two, but never one this desperate and in need. Omegas were rare out here in the country. Actually, they were rare everywhere. Once one was found out here, she would be claimed and brought to a distant settlement, guarded and protected by number of betas along with her alpha. We celebrated our omegas, but that didn’t mean that as alphas, we couldn’t subdue her and force her to take what she was bred for.

One occasion, we happened upon one that was just finishing her heat and had already been claimed by another, and by then it was already too late. One other time, we’d come across an omega deep in the forest, long after her heat had passed. She’d been claimed too and had warned us away. We’d left her alone.

But this one smelled different. I sensed that she was incomplete and needed us to alleviate her heat. She needed something more and my brother and I were going to be the ones to give it to her. My dick throbbed heavily with excitement. We were going to find her and then take her, but first we were going to finish our dinner. We’d need the sustenance for all the energy we were going to burn fucking that sweet omega cunt.

I pulled the deer meat off the fire and cut into it with my dagger. I smirked. Fucking perfect. Medium rare, just like I liked it. Quickly, I sliced off pieces for the two of us and handed some to Ivan. He tore into it with his teeth and I followed suit. We’d be stronger with full bellies. We weren’t about to let it go to waste. In no time at all, we’d made quick work of our meal. Once we had finished, the two of us stood up and readied ourselves to leave. I kicked a hefty amount of dirt over the fire, extinguishing it in a cloud of dust. Ivan followed suit and once we were sure the fire was out, we prepared ourselves for conquest.

I took a deep breath, taking in that perfect omega scent and then I took off running at full speed. The two of us moved like panthers, sprinting through the jungle at a furious, but almost silent pace. We were strong from living off the land and our bodies were prepared for the journey. In just a few minutes, we had already traveled one mile and her sweet aroma of copious slick assaulted our senses, growing stronger as we shortened the distance between us.

As we rounded the next bend, her fragrance grew more powerful, her pheromones screaming for us to take her and fuck her hard so that we may breed her. It was a heady mixture of desire, fear, and arousal. I wanted more of it. I needed it.

When we happened upon a small clearing, a strange sight met my eyes and I slowed down. Manufactured crates of supplies were stacked off to the side and that alone would be unusual, but in the middle of the road was a still-smoking chunk of charred metal that looked to be something of the city. Maybe a ship of some kind, something the elites would use to travel into the wilds. My insides roiled with fury. They didn’t belong out here. They hid behind their tall walls and glass dome, avoiding everything that it meant to be human. I heard they didn’t even have sex anymore. It was insulting.

I snarled.

I’d bet that she wasn’t native either, a spoiled little omega unused to the dangers of the wilds. She’d need our protection. Life out here wasn’t as cushy as the city. Out here, you survived and sometimes, you even thrived like we did. Ivan snarled beside me, taking in the same view as I.

“What the hell is that?” he asked, his voice low and suspicious.

“Tech from the city. She’s probably born and bred from there,” I sneered. His look of disgust was obvious. City women relied on drugs to keep their natural instincts at bay. I hated it and found it repulsive. Our species needed to mate, to breed and carry on for future generations. Babies shouldn’t be made in a test tube. It was wrong.

The breeze rose and tousled the tiny hairs on my arms. Another insulting scent met my nose and at once, I was on the defensive.

There was another alpha here. I didn’t recognize his scent. He probably wasn’t from here either. Some city boy trying to claim our omega as his. I wasn’t having it. She was ours. He didn’t know us and what we were capable of.

I growled, the sound low and dangerous and Ivan did as well. My skin bristled with challenge and my alpha rose to the surface, ready to claim the omega that needed us.

There was going to be a fight today. We were going to take her from him.

She was ours.

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