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I twisted in his grasp and brought my knee up hard between his legs. He gasped loudly but didn’t falter, which left me feeling more uneasy than ever. Squirming, I bent and tried to slip out of his grasp once more, but he proved to be too strong for my smaller size.

I tried to kick him in the shins and punch him in the nose, but he caught my wrists in his palms with ease, blocking my leg with his thick thigh. He held me, his grip strong and not too tight. His black eyes stared into mine, furious at my disobedience.

“How dare you run from me, omega? Even now, I can smell your slick. You deny me my right to claim you as an alpha, but even your body knows your true master,” he said, his voice low and dangerous, and I trembled before him. “You will give yourself to me.”

I couldn’t give up though and I spit in his face. I would struggle until the very end.

Alix’s upper lip raised, and his entire face contorted into a furious sneer.

“You forget your place,” he growled quietly. His eyes grew impossibly darker, his expression wilder, and I knew then that I wasn’t ever going to escape him. The ball of arousal in my belly twisted and turned, morphing into something bigger and more consuming than I could ever have imagined.

I hadn’t known it would be this hard. I whimpered low in my throat.

His scowl intensified and his grip tightened. He held my wrist in one hand and his other palm grazed across my belly, then my breasts, and finally came to rest on my throat.

“I won’t give you what you want,” I retorted. “Not willingly.”

He smirked and his eyes grew even darker still.

“You’re not going to have a choice,” he retorted.

His fingers tightened around my throat and I grimaced under his strength. He released my wrist and I tried to grab his arm and pull his fingers from my neck, but it was useless. He was too strong, fueled by the strength of an alpha about to claim his omega. Slowly, he pressed me down to the ground and I couldn’t do anything to stop him. Finally, I released my hold on his arms and pressed my palms against his face, trying to push him away, and he growled dangerously in warning.

But I didn’t stop.

“Please. Stop, Alix. It’s me, Raven,” I pleaded.

He didn’t answer, only continuing to force me down to the ground. Soon, I felt the softness of a mound of moss at my back and I tried to wriggle away, but it didn’t matter. He was too big and too powerful. It was as though I was pushing against a wall of solid rock.

“Get off,” I yelled.

He knelt over me, using his body weight to hold me in place and grasp at my shirt. Taking the collar, he stared into my eyes and pulled. Next, a terrible ripping sound rang through the air and I struggled against him. I could feel the air caressing my bare skin beneath and I growled, low in my throat. He snarled in return and tore my shirt strip by strip from my body, delighting in my sounds of protest. Soon, there was nothing left except a few measly scraps and the thin material of my bra.

My nipples stood out like tight little peaks, a clear sign of my traitorous body.

He wrapped his fingers around the material in between my breasts and pulled hard, tearing it in two as easily as if it were a piece of paper. The fabric tore away from my skin, pinching me slightly in the process, and I cried out at the pain. My breasts bounced slightly, feeling the slight breeze in the air. I tried to kick at him, and he snarled.

Lowering his massive frame, he grabbed the waistline of my pants and tore upward. The buttons popped off and he continued to rip at them, shredding my slacks until they no longer resembled their original form.

My naked skin felt the chill of the night and I shivered, but it wasn’t from the cold. It was from the ravenous, feral eyes staring down at me. My shirt torn to tatters and my pants hardly even resembling clothing anymore, I lay there bare and at his mercy. The only piece of my clothing still intact was my panties, thin white cotton underwear that felt more like gauze at this point than any form of protection.

I wasn’t done fighting though.

I brought my knee up once more between his legs, trying to jostle his massive form off of me, but it only seemed to fuel his anger. In seconds, he grasped my panties and ripped them, the fabric catching my sensitive folds and pinching them in his anger.

I cried out, but that didn’t stop him.

He grabbed my waist and lifted me off the ground as though I was as light as a feather. He didn’t even grunt at the effort. He sat down on a fallen tree and threw me over his lap. I lay with my belly on his thighs, facing the ground, and at once I began to grow nervous of his intentions.

What the hell?

His forearm pinned me down, his fingers curling around my hip, and then I knew that there was no escape. There was nothing I could do to stop whatever was about to happen.

“You will submit, omega. In time, you will learn,” he snarled, his voice even wilder than before. “Until then, you’ll be punished.”

Punished? What did that mean?

I snarled right back at him, trying to squirm out of his grasp, but I was pinned. He growled loudly in return and in that moment, I felt incredibly small. My hips rose high in the air and at once, I began to feel entirely vulnerable. His fingers drifted across the gentle curves of my ass and I whined low in my throat.

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