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Chapter Four


It was hard to focus on anything but the tightness in my belly, a curling ball of arousal that had taken root and refused to let go. It was starting to become slightly painful and my breath quickened in response.

Dinner was peaceful, but it felt strained. I couldn’t stop thinking about what was going to happen and what kind of shameful things I would do in the throes of estrous. Would Alix force me on my hands and knees, taking me from behind like a wild animal? Would he do something even more shameful and humiliating, like use my ass as I’d seen the alpha male do in my lab? Would he put his mouth to my pussy and make me scream with both pleasure and pain? Would I like it?

I shuddered and I knew his eyes were watching me, observing me for signs of what was to come. My core twisted painfully, and I did my best to hide it, but he’d seen it anyway.

The suppression was getting weaker and weaker with each passing minute.

We’d talked for a short bit, but then he pulled me into his arms. His warmth surrounding my body calmed the insanity that was my beating heart, at least for a little while. The sun set upon our last few moments of tranquility, and now I knew it was only a matter of time before one of us fell prey to the beast within. There was nothing we could do about it.

My core clenched hard and I moaned low in my throat. Alix stiffened behind me for a long few minutes, until he finally settled once more. It was as if he was fighting a battle within himself, and for now, he had won the battle. A breathy sigh of relief escaped my lips.

I could feel the beginnings of a simmering heat beneath my skin. My nipples were hard and had been incredibly tender for some time. Even if I brushed a stray hand over top of one, it hurt, but at the same time it felt good. I’d never felt anything like it before.

My thighs trembled slightly, and my pussy quivered just the slightest bit, as the ball deep in my belly tightened once more. I tried to fight the rising tide of arousal, but as more time passed, I began to realize that my efforts were quickly becoming fruitless. It didn’t matter how hard I fought, my desire was going to take over every single one of my senses soon enough. I pulled away from him and stood in front of him, desperate to put some distance between us in the hopes that it might help me delay the inevitable.

He let me go and I turned back to him. What I saw then terrified me.

His gaze was dark, his eyes wild. He looked hungry, ravenous even, and I didn’t know what to do, tensing with anxiety. He sat there, his chest heaving up and down in an effort to contain himself.

I knew the signs. I’d seen them many times behind the safety of a clear glass viewing window. He was an alpha who had found an omega to claim, to fuck and breed until her resulting heat came to an end. He was ready to mate, and he was staring at me, his eyes dark and fully dilated. His gaze was wild and dangerous and worst of all, I found it entirely seductive. My mouth went dry as he pulled me back onto his lap. I tried to wrench myself away, but he wouldn’t let me.

It had begun.

I struggled harder but his arms around me were too tight.

His fingers trailed down my skin and my flesh tingled with fire. His touch alone felt like a beautiful sin. But it was wrong. I didn’t want this. I couldn’t.

Civilized people didn’t do this.

His hold lessened then, and I acted with everything I had within me. I fought against him, using my smaller size to my advantage. His strength was vast, but he was no match for my swiftness. I wriggled quickly out of his grip and he grasped for me, but it was already too late. I was too fast for him.

I started to run, sprinting away despite the constant cramping in my belly. I gave it everything I had. My thighs burned from the exertion, but I couldn’t stop. I had to get away.

His footsteps crashed through the underbrush behind me, not far from me. His nearness terrified me, and I sprinted even harder.

“You can run, but you’ll never be able to hide, little omega. I can smell your arousal. I know you’re wet with slick,” he growled behind me and I couldn’t help but whimper. My stomach cramped hard and I felt wetness begin to accumulate in the seat of my panties. The more I ran, the wetter it felt.

My nipples became impossibly tighter and I felt myself falter for a fraction of a second. My boots found purchase on the dirt and rocks beneath me, propelling myself further, but still I feared it wouldn’t be enough. I could hear him getting closer and closer with every step, and I cried softly in fear. I was small and fast, but he was so much bigger, his legs longer, his stride at least double mine.

Just run. Focus.

My body hurtled through the trees and the brush. I could feel branches scratching against my sides, but I ignored them the best that I could. I ran through a rose bush and I cried out as the thorns sliced right through my shirt and grazed my skin. I pulled my arms in closer to my sides in an effort to protect myself and move even faster, but still I could hear him gaining on me. I was beginning to fear the inevitability of his capture.

The hair on the back of my neck stiffened as though I could feel his heated breath on my skin, and I choked back a frightened sob. He growled, the sound low and furious and the cramp in my belly intensified, responding to his nearness despite my reluctance.

My own body was in the throes of betrayal, ready to give me up at any moment.

I fought it. I ran. I tried to escape, but it wasn’t enough.

He ran harder, faster. He was stronger, and soon I felt his fingers brush against me, heard his snarl of disapproval. Then he grabbed me around the waist. He stopped me in my tracks, and still I struggled against him. I couldn’t give in.

He growled with his displeasure.

“Know your place, omega,” he snarled, and his voice made my entire body tingle. It was as though just his presence demanded my obedience, but I wasn’t ready to give it to him.

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