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o him and him alone. I knew enough to recognize that traitorous reaction and it didn’t end there.

He had yet to remove my panties, but I knew what he would find. My pussy was undeniably wet and when he took them off, I had zero doubt in my mind that the pale lavender would be much darker where my arousal had seeped through the fabric. There would be a wet spot left behind for him to discover. It was inevitable that he would see it.

I shuddered with shame. I knew that I was programmed to react this way to an alpha, but it was still difficult all the same. I thought I knew how to handle an alpha, but he was different.

I was lost in my thoughts when he carefully took my hand within his and guided me over his thighs. I stiffened once he’d already put me in place and tried to push myself back up, but this position put me at a distinct disadvantage. He’d put his wide palm against my lower back, holding me against his thighs even when I started to squirm and try to escape whatever was to come next. He traced his fingers over the curves of my bottom, and I shivered as gooseflesh emerged across my skin. His touch was tender for a while still, just exploring me as he saw fit and for a short time, I began to relax and enjoy myself at least a little bit.

His fingertips caressed the skin at the hem of my lacy panties. Casually, he slipped those fingers under the fabric before he gripped them more tightly and began to pull them down. I squeaked in surprise and tried to reach back in order to bring them back up, but his arm blocked my attempt.

“You have no right to do this,” I whispered anxiously.

“I’m baring you completely, little omega. After I’ve examined all of this beautiful body, I’m going to begin your punishment,” he explained. His voice was firm, and I knew there would be little I could do to stop him from stripping me. I whined softly as he continued to pull down my panties, revealing my bottom cheeks and everything else I didn’t want him to see. When the cool air caressed the wet folds of my pussy, I felt myself blushing furiously even though he couldn’t see my face.

He purred softly. My core clenched down hard and I squeezed my eyes shut when I felt a single droplet of wetness drip down my thigh.

“Little omega, you’re very wet for me. You’ve left quite the wet spot for me to find in your panties, haven’t you?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered evasively, trying to hide that I had any knowledge of just how much my body was reacting to his bold dominance right now. His fingers slipped along my inner thigh, sliding along the trail of wetness and stopping just before he touched my wet folds, leaving me desperately waiting for his soft caress.

“You do know, don’t you, little omega? Answer me correctly this time or this pretty and very wet little pussy is going to be punished just as firmly as this beautiful bottom of yours is about to be,” he warned, and I whimpered softly. His hand didn’t move. He simply kept it there as a silent threat against my tender flesh.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whispered, horrified at the words escaping my lips.

“Good girl,” he murmured, yet still he never touched the place where I needed him the most. I closed my eyes, imagining the view he had of my very bare and vulnerable backside, of the wetness on my legs and my naked pussy in between my thighs.

“Are you feeling defiant right now, little omega?” he asked.

“No, Alpha,” I mumbled.

He finally moved his palm and settled it ominously on my backside.

“Such a beautiful bottom. I’m going to very much enjoy watching it turn pink and then bright red over my knee,” he said sternly, and I stiffened.

He didn’t just mean to look at me. He meant to spank me.

I renewed my efforts to push myself off his knee and get away. I kicked and squirmed, yet it didn’t seem to matter. He was so much bigger than I was. He was stronger and I seemed to fit perfectly over his lap as if it was made for me, which was making it terribly hard to break free of him.

“Settle down, my sweet omega. This spanking is going to happen whether you like it or not. Before I’m through punishing this bare little bottom, you will learn that when I give you a command, you will follow it. The next time you decide to ignore an instruction, I will not give you so many chances to obey. Do you understand me?” he continued.

“Yes, Alpha,” I answered angrily.

“I hadn’t intended to be quite so harsh with you so soon, little one, but you will learn that defiance with me will be dealt with quickly and efficiently,” he warned.

“You’re a brute,” I protested.

He slipped his fingers between my thighs, caressing my clit so lightly that I couldn’t help but moan in response.

“Little one, your pussy is soaking wet for me. You’d be lying if you told me that being properly taken in hand for the first time in your life wasn’t turning you on,” he murmured, and I hummed quietly with shame. He was right and I hated the fact that he was. I was terribly aroused lying over his knees about to be spanked. No one had ever punished me this way and even though I was nervous, it was making my core twist with need that was more savage than anything I’d ever felt before.

“I need...” I began.

“I know what you need, little omega, but there is a price that you must pay for your defiance first. After you are very sore and sobbing over my knees, you will beg for the privilege to come for me. If I’m impressed with the way you beg for me, you will be allowed to come all over my fingers with your bright red bottom still on display. However, if I’m not impressed by your pleading for release, you will spread your legs and your naughty little pussy will be spanked just as hard as your backside is about to be. Then you will be given another chance to beg for me and if you’re very good, I will let you come for me after that,” he demanded boldly.

I wanted to protest. I wanted to fight back against him, but I was so very aroused by his threats. I’d never had my bottom or my pussy smacked before.

“I don’t want this,” I exclaimed, feeling as if I had to protest even though my body was begging for his punishing hand. I yearned to know what it felt like and it scared me. I couldn’t tell if it was instinct or something else. I didn’t know if I was broken for wanting such things and I couldn’t admit it, especially not to him.

“It’s no longer up to you, little omega. Your bare little bottom is about to be punished and you don’t have the slightest choice about it. You were defiant and it’s time I taught you what happens to naughty little omegas who defy their alphas,” he chided.
