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I choked. My alpha?

His fingers squeezed my right cheek, his touch tender yet menacing at the same time. I could feel the rough calluses on his fingers scratching against my exposed tender skin and a shiver raced down my spine. I bit my lip, nervously awaiting what came next.

His fingers squeezed a bit tighter, hard enough to hurt just the slightest bit. I whimpered softly and he released my bottom. With a sigh of relief, I lay over his lap, feeling the gentle ache blossom over my backside and settle deep in my core. My pussy tightened with need.

“This is going to hurt, little omega. I want you to know that,” he warned, and my pussy tightened anxiously with need.

He patted my bottom gently first, and his palm left my vulnerable flesh. I swallowed apprehensively and his hand connected hard with my bottom for the first time. The sound was loud enough to take my breath away and I was deeply concerned for a moment with how much it echoed through the surrounding trees, but when the terrible sting burst across my skin I no longer cared.

I hadn’t expected it to hurt that much. It was only his palm smacking my bare backside and it was more than clear now that I had underestimated how much it could sting. A second spank fell and then a third before I bit down on my lip in order to keep myself quiet. I wanted to cry out, but I refused to let him know how much effect that just his hand was having on me. I wouldn’t give in. I would remain strong and take whatever he demanded of me.

It would be over soon. I just had to make it through this.

His palm was harsh. Over and over he spanked me, ensuring that he didn’t miss even a single inch of my backside and before long, my entire backside was burning as if a thousand bees had stung me. He was especially thorough with the punishment, making sure he kept a steady cadence that soon had me panting with effort to stay silent.

The spanking hurt more than I expected, but I wasn’t prepared for the moment when his palm strayed to punish the backs of my thighs. I tried to bite my lip even harder although I knew that I couldn’t keep quiet for much longer. He smacked the backs of my legs just as hard as he did my bottom and before long, the first sound of discomfort escaped my throat.

If he had heard it, it didn’t grant me any mercy whatsoever. Instead, it only seemed to spur him to increase the intensity of my punishment. I wondered if anyone nearby knew that I was over his knees with my bottom bared, getting the very first spanking of my life.

“Please! That’s enough!” I cried out once the pain escalated to a level that I wasn’t ready to take. He had to be almost done. He’d made his point and soon he’d let me go. He had to, right?

“This is far from over, little omega. Your little bottom is hardly even pink. It’s going to be bright red and very sore by the time I’m through with your spanking,” he said darkly, and I keened with anxiety. I tried to push against his hard thighs with my hands, but when his arm curled around my hips and restrained me against him, I came to the terrible realization that I wasn’t going anywhere. I kicked and he tipped me forward enough so that he could pin his leg over the backs of mine, thwarting my efforts to escape once more. It also served to ensure that my bottom was much higher, properly presenting my nakedness to be punished by his hand.

I keened, trying to rock back and forth and escape every last spank, but it did nothing. His accuracy was far too good and nothing I did could even remotely deter him from teaching me the lesson he needed to teach me. My hips rolled, trying to arch away from him and protect myself, but it didn’t seem to matter. His fingers dug into my hip, holding me even more firmly.

He spanked me even harder after that and soon, the only thing I could think about was the next fal

l of his palm on my bottom. Over and over he punished me, and the overwhelming burn soon spread from the top of my backside to the middles of my thighs.

“Tell me, little omega. When I give you an order, will you follow it next time?” he asked, his tone scolding in nature and a shiver ran down my spine just as my pussy spasmed with need. I didn’t answer him right away and I quickly realized my mistake when he punished only the backs of my legs especially hard after that.

“Yes!” I cried out, hoping that my acquiescence would pause the punishment for just a moment so that I could gather myself and my wits once more.

“Yes, Alpha,” he corrected, still continuing to punish the backs of my thighs. “When you’re naked and over my thighs for a spanking, you will refer to me with respect. If you don’t, your punishment will only last longer and be that much harder. Do you understand me, little omega?” he asked.

“Yes, Alpha!” I rushed to answer that time, wasting no time and praying that he would relent. Finally, when I feared I could take no more, he returned to spank my bottom once again while my legs burned with fiery pain. I couldn’t stop my breath from catching in the back of my throat.

Fuck, this hurt so much.

“I want you to know that this will be your only warning. You may not believe me now, but this is a gentle punishment. I could whip your bare little bottom with my belt. I could teach you a much more memorable lesson at the end of a switch. I have ways to punish you that will leave you very sore and blushing with shame and you would do well to remember that, omega,” he scolded. He punctuated each word with a heavy slap against my ass, taking care to bring the lesson home with every last one.

“Please,” I begged. “I won’t defy you, Alpha.”

“I think you’re just saying that so your spanking will end, little omega,” he mused. I didn’t want him to know that he was right, and I just wanted the building ache to stop.

My core throbbed heavily, twisting with the pain of my punishment and morphing into an even stronger sensation. I was over his knee getting a spanking and I was ashamed to realize that I was also getting aroused. His fingers pressed between my thighs, discovering the rampant amount of my wetness for himself. My inner thighs were slick with it and now he knew it too.

“Your body knows its master, omega,” he observed, and a shudder of desire made my entire body quake. His fingers continued their explorations, finally settling on the hard and throbbing clit hidden beneath my soaked folds. He teased me for several long moments until I was beginning to lose control of myself. I started to press back against him, wanting and needing him to continue until I came on his fingers.

“Please,” I begged. I flushed deeply with shame and bit my lip, wanting to take back the word even as it left my mouth.

“Naughty omega. I told you that you wouldn’t be allowed release until you are sore and sobbing over my knees, didn’t I?” he pressed.

I shivered against him.

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Is your bottom sore, little omega?”
