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“Do you think you can entice me to fuck that pretty little pussy? Are you trying to distract me from taking you over my knee and giving the spanking you so richly deserve, little omega?” he scolded, and I keened as a rush of wetness soaked my thighs.

Tonight though, I was feeling bold and I decided to tease him.

Even though I knew what the result would be, I pushed back against him even more firmly and rubbed my naked cheeks against his cock. His growl deepened and his grip tightened on my hair. He was rising to my challenge and I adored him for it.

“Yes, Alpha,” I answered with as much feistiness as I dared. His cheek pressed against the side of my head and I could hear him grinning at the brazen sassiness in my tone.

“I can see that I’m going to have to make you a very sore little omega before I’m through with you tonight, aren’t I?” he chided.

“Probably, Alpha,” I replied with a grin. My clit pulsed and I shivered with want. Then he started to move. It was time to begin.

In seconds, he sat down on the bed and tossed my naked body over his thighs. He tilted me forward, lifting my ass high before he spanked the bottom curve of my backside several times as a preview of what was to come. I gasped, but that didn’t stop me from spreading my thighs for him.

His fingers dipped between them, finding me more than just a little wet for him.

“Naughty girl, soaking wet even though you’re about to get your little bottom spanked,” he said firmly, and I gasped as my spanking truly began. He spanked my bottom incredibly hard from the start, giving me no chance to get used to the hard swats. I cried out and wriggled over his lap, but it didn’t matter.

My bottom burned with each stinging spank. He was careful to punish every last inch of my ass which included the backs of my thighs. Even though I’d been over his knee a number of times, it always surprised me with how much it hurt. I squirmed and kicked my legs before he repositioned me over one thigh. Swiftly, he used his other leg to pin me into place before he renewed his efforts to thoroughly spank my bare bottom and teach me a lesson that I would never forget.


This hurt.

Even though it was incredibly painful, I could feel my body beginning to react. His rough handling was making me wetter and I couldn’t make it stop. With every hard spank, my pussy grew even more soaked. There was no controlling it. Even if he spanked me hard enough to make me cry, I knew my pussy would be sopping wet for him.

I needed this and he knew it. I needed his cruelty. I needed his kindness and protection and especially his love, but most of all, I needed him.

A soft growl reverberated over me and my core cramped down hard. A rush of slick moistened my thighs, making my pussy clench tightly with desire. My body ached for him and still he punished my backside with more vigor than he ever had before. I whined pitifully, but it didn’t slow him down. Not even for a second.

He spanked my bottom so thoroughly that I struggled to keep myself together. Pain and pleasure warred inside me and with every spank, my body grew hotter. I responded to his dominance over me on a visceral level and I knew that it would never be enough. I wanted him so badly that it hurt.

I gasped for air and tried to swallow my cries, but it didn’t take long for me to have no control over the sounds escaping my lips either. I squirmed and groaned and just when I thought I was going to start to cry, he grasped me by the waist and gently dropped me to my knees right in front of him. My bottom ached and burned. Hesitantly, I reached back and lightly touched my scalded flesh. I wanted to feel his mark on me though, and it was comforting even though it hurt.

I lifted my head so that I was gazing up at him and sat back on my heels. Once my punished flesh pressed against the backs of my feet, I drew in a breath at the painful sting that radiated from even the gentlest touch.

“Open your thighs. Show me that pretty little pussy as you kneel before your alpha,” he demanded.

I obeyed and a delicious shiver of need raced down my spine.

“You’re going to remove my belt for me, little omega. Then you’re going to hand it to me and ask for me to mark that red little bottom with it until I’ve decided you’ve had enough,” he instructed. My eyes dropped to his belt and I bit my lip. It was thick, very well-worn leather and I had no doubt that it was going to hurt far more than his palm would. I reached for it, slowly tracing my fingers along its soft leather, and I nervously imagined how it was going to feel as it lashed against my already very sore backside.

My chest shuddered as I drew in an anxious breath.

I drew the leather end through the buckle and pulled it back enough to release the prong holding it tight around his waist. Once I had unthreaded the belt, I grasped the metal end and pulled it free from the loops of his slacks, enjoying the sound of it sliding against the fabric. Once I had removed it entirely from his waist, I folded it in half and used both hands to offer it to him.

My mouth had gone dry. I was anxious and rightly so.

“Alpha? Please mark my bottom with your belt until you’ve decided I’ve had enough,” I whispered as my voice shook just the tiniest bit.

“Are you nervous, my little omega?” he asked as he lifted the belt from my hands with both of his hands. He laid it down against the white bedspread and I stared at it for a long moment before I lifted my eyes back to his.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whimpered.

“Good, you should be,” he answered as he roughly grasped my arm. He lifted me to my feet and grabbed a pillow before he tossed it in the center of the bed. With care, he helped me climb up onto the mattress. Knowing what was expected of me, I pressed my hips over the pillow and laid down. My bottom felt precariously high and vulnerable and when he reached for the belt, I anxiously brought my legs together as if that offered some semblance of protection even though I knew it wouldn’t.

His fingers dipped between my thighs.

“Are you trying to hide that pretty little pussy from me, omega?” he asked.
