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“I adore your fire, my love, but it’s been far too long since I’ve taken you over my knee, you pretty little thing. I don’t think that’s enough for you tonight though. You need a real lesson from your alpha to remind you that you belong to him, don’t you?” he whispered as his fingers dug into my bottom hard enough to hurt a little bit.

“Yes, Alpha,” I murmured.

“That’s what I thought, little omega. So, let me tell you what’s going to happen tonight. When I come into the room, I’m going to examine every beautiful inch of this delightful body until you’re soaking wet and begging for me to claim your tight little pussy as hard as you need, but I’m not going to. Not yet. Instead, I’m going to take you over my knee and spank that naughty backside bright red before you get down on your knees for me. You’re going to beg me to mark that bare little bottom with my belt and when I’m finally convinced that you’ve learned that you’re not in charge, little omega, you’re going to make it up to me with that pretty little mouth,” he warned and I shivered with heat in his arms.

“I don’t want a spanking,” I pouted. I lied and he knew it. His fingers squeezed my bottom even harder.

“It’s not up to you though, is it, little omega?” he answered, and my clit pulsed hard with need.

“No, it isn’t, Alpha,” I sighed.

“You protest, but I can smell your arousal, my little mate. You want to go over my knee even though you deny it and your naughty little bottom is going to pay the price for that. Now be a good girl and go to the bedroom. Wait for me as instructed and if you’re a very good girl for me tonight, perhaps you may earn the privilege of riding my cock. Perhaps I’ll even grant you permission to come,” he replied darkly.

“Yes, Alpha,” I answered heatedly as he unwound his arms from my body. My legs shook nervously, and my stomach rolled with anxiety. I had no doubt that before the night was through that Vikar would leave me sore, soaking wet, and aching for him in every way. I would scream his name until my throat was hoarse and still, he’d use me as hard as I needed. Without his touch, I felt unsteady although I was anxiously excited for what was to come.

I entered his house on shaky legs. Knowing that any delays would earn me a harsher punishment than I already had coming, I headed straight for the bedroom. Tentatively, I removed my belt and shrugged off my shirt. I folded it neatly as he expected, slid my feet from my boots, and placed them aside as well. Next, I unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down my hips. When I was stripped down to just my underwear, I paused anxiously before reaching back and unclasping my bra. My breasts felt heavy with desire and I brushed my palms over my nipples. They were already quite hard and sensitive. I drew in a breath before looking behind me to see that no one was there. Hastily now, I slid my fingers under the hem of my panties. I grasped them and pushed them down my thighs until I was entirely naked, and I shivered, knowing that soon Vikar would come inside and find me completely bare for his use, just as he expected me to be.

Hastily, I rushed to obey the rest of his instructions. I didn’t know if he would take his time to come inside to take care of me and I wanted to be ready for when he arrived. The bed was just high enough that when I bent over it, my upper half was fully supported. My legs were straight, and I did my best to spread them as wide as I could.

After that, I waited for him. The longer I waited, the hotter I became.

My entire body hummed for him. My core pulsed with warmth, slowly swirling faster and faster until I could feel my arousal gathering between my thighs. I knew that he’d find me soaking wet for him when he entered the room and I nervously shifted from foot to foot knowing that he’d be able to see my most private of places on display for him and only him.

I squirmed with need, thinking about every touch of his fingers on my skin and when I finally heard the sound of his soft purr behind me, I was more than ready for him to sink his cock inside me with one single hard thrust.

He wasn’t going to fuck me first though. I knew that and I shivered hotly from the knowledge that I was far from being allowed to have his cock between my thighs. I hadn’t been able to be with my alpha in the way that I needed since before the Cult stole me away from him, which felt like ages ago. I needed this. We both knew it.

I heard his footsteps behind me. I swallowed my whimpers, arching my back as the scent of his alpha met my nose. He was silent as he appraised me, and I didn’t dare look back. He strode closer to me and my arousal hurtled almost out of my control when his fingertips finally grazed along my skin.

“You understand that I’m not going to be gentle with you tonight, omega,” he chided quietly.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whispered.

“I’m going to take you hard and it’s going to hurt, but that’s what you need, isn’t it?” he continued firmly.

“Yes, Alpha,” I repeated. I knew he was right.

“This isn’t going to be a punishment, sweet girl. I want you to know that,” he added as he teasingly dragged his fingertips up and down the backs of my thighs. He didn’t touch where I needed him the most, but I knew he’d done that on purpo

se just to remind me that he decided when he would touch me and that it wasn’t up to me when he did.

“I understand, Alpha,”

“Are you ready to cry for me, my pretty omega?”

My pussy clenched hard. I was terrified, but so incredibly aroused. I knew that it wouldn’t take long to feel as though I was spiraling out of control and I welcomed the inevitability of everything that was about to happen.

“Yes, Alpha,” I replied. “I’m ready to cry for you.”

“Do you trust me, my little omega?”

“I do, Alpha,” I whispered softly, and I meant every word. He could do whatever he wanted with me and I knew that even when I fell apart, he’d be there to put me back together again. The bond pulsed intensely between us and that measure of trust deepened even further. I was his and he was mine and we had a lifetime together to fully develop that together.

He dragged the backs of his fingers along my legs and I trembled nervously. He examined me slowly, taking his time to inspect every last inch of me. His fingers were teasingly soft against my bare skin and I shivered hotly. I felt a rush of warmth across my face when he spread my bottom and gazed down at my tight little hole, but I didn’t pull away. Next, he used his fingers to part the soaking wet folds between my thighs. He just casually brushed his thumb against my clit, and I shuddered hard with desire.

He bent over me and slipped his palm into the hair at the back of my neck. Without warning, his gentle petting stopped, and he tightened his hand into a fist before he pulled me to a standing position by nothing but my hair. I squeaked in surprise at the rough treatment; at the same time, my entire body throbbed and my core twisted hard with arousal. He pulled my hair even harder. My scalp burned hotly, and I shuddered hard, waiting for what would come next.

He reached for my right nipple, twisting it hard enough to force me up onto my toes. I arched back, pressing my body against his cock and he growled softly in both pleasure and in warning.
