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His hand delved back in between my legs and he switched my breasts especially hard at the same time. I moaned as he found my clit, circling it with two fingers until I was shaking with need. My muscles tensed and I drew in a breath as he edged me closer and closer to what was sure to be an orgasm that would render me senseless.

Just when I thought I was going to break apart, he pulled his hand away. I couldn’t stop my hips from rocking toward him even as the painful ache of denial rushed into my core. Agonizing need raged through my veins, making my pulse quicken and my heart pulse with sensation. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again, only to see the world in a gauzy pink shade that spoke to how deep into estrous I’d already sunk.

My chest rose and fell as I struggled to contain the heat surging through me. My aching clit pulsed, incredibly sore and needy. I watched almost in horror as he dragged the switch along the punished skin of my breasts until he pressed it between my thighs. I almost stopped breathing

at that moment.

“Please,” I begged.

He didn’t answer with words. He just answered with the switch.

My pussy burned with a blazing line of fire that flared so hotly that I almost lost my footing. My legs quaked and when he drew back to strike me a second time, I pressed my legs together reflexively to try to protect my tender folds.

It was too late for me once I realized my mistake.

Time seemed to slow as the panties that I’d been instructed to keep up around my thighs dropped to my knees. I tried to recover and spread my legs wide enough to catch the undergarment, but they had already fallen to my calves and finally pooled around my ankles.

Vikar tsked under his breath.

“Naughty girl, didn’t I tell you to keep those panties up around your thighs?” he scolded firmly.

“Yes, Alpha,” I quivered.

“And did you?” he continued.

“No, Alpha.”

He knelt before me and reached for my ankle. He pulled my panties free from one foot and then the other before he rose back up in front of me with the sodden fabric between his fingers.

“Open your mouth,” he commanded.

I didn’t want to, but I obeyed anyway. My omega demanded that I submit, and I didn’t deny her.

Once my lips were wide enough, he pushed my wet panties into my mouth. The taste of my own arousal was musky and sweet. I whimpered, but the sound was shamefully muted by the soaked cloth.

“Keep your legs spread wide, little omega,” he instructed.

He flicked the switch upward several times, lightly welting my sensitive little pussy and I flinched as the agonizing sting spread across my tender flesh and settled deep in my core. I struggled to take it but the need to obey his instructions was stronger. When he was finished switching my pussy, he reached between my thighs and spread my folds open, revealing my clit in the process.

I hoped he would use his fingers to make me come again, but when he placed the switch against my needy bud instead, I stilled with fear.

For a long moment, I forgot how to breathe. I keened around the shameful gag in my mouth, but I didn’t dare try to close my legs even though I very much wanted to.

“You let your panties fall, didn’t you, little omega?” he asked.

“I did, Alpha,” I mumbled.

“I’m going to switch this naughty little clit to remind you that when I give you an instruction, you will remember to follow it,” he said darkly and I cried out even though my voice was strangled by the slick-soaked panties in my mouth.

I wanted to beg him to grant me mercy, but by the look in his eyes, I knew that he would give me none.

The smooth surface of the switch left my clit and I keened even before it struck. When it did though, I could have sworn I saw stars. Brilliant, blinding pain rendered me senseless. Even though it hurt, scalding hot pleasure followed in its wake.

“I’m going to switch this needy little clit three times, little omega,” he warned, as his fingers found my aching bud. He started to circle it, again and again as he forced me close to the edge of orgasm despite how sore my pussy was from the end of his switch. “But after each one, you’re going to come hard for me. Do you understand me?”

I moaned, nodding quickly that I understood. My core felt like it was about to burst, and my body was practically simmering with unrestrained heat. His ruthless fingers worked me roughly after that. I was helpless as he wound an arm around my waist, steadying me as he forced me to take every ounce of pleasure that he gave me.

I screamed as my first orgasm tore through me, hot like a knife through butter. My clit throbbed hard and my legs went numb as pulses of electricity ran down every nerve until my toes curled from the intensity of my release. When my pleasure finally faded, leaving me a breathless mess of wet omega, he pulled his fingers away and replaced them with the switch.
