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“You were punished over my knees when I caught you the first time,” he continued.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whimpered.

“A spanking wasn’t enough

to curb your defiance, was it?”

“No, Alpha,” I whispered, my fear growing.

“I’m going to be much firmer with you this time. What’s about to happen, little omega?” he pressed.

“You’re going to punish me, Alpha,” I cried out softly.

The switch patted the back of my thigh and I stiffened.

“Be more specific. I want you to tell me exactly what I’m going to do to you, my naughty little omega,” he demanded.

“You’re going to switch my bottom, my breasts, and my pussy, Alpha,” I finally managed to answer, although I stumbled over the words as they fell off my lips.

“I am, aren’t I?” he replied quietly, continually teasing me with the tip of the switch. He dragged it between and underneath my breasts, circling back around me as he did so. I quivered, watching the way it trailed across my skin and left a tiny line of white in its wake. He stopped in front of me and trailed it down my stomach until it reached the top of my pussy. Exceedingly slowly, he pressed it between my soaked folds and drew it back and forth. The rough surface edged against my clit and the air rushed out of my lungs in an anxious gasp. When he finally pulled it away, my legs were trembling as I imagined what it would feel like when he used it to punish my most sensitive places.

It wouldn’t be long until I found out exactly how it felt.

He circled around me several more times, lightly tapping my exposed skin with the switch. Sometimes he would snap it just hard enough to sting a little and other times it felt like a gentle caress of a finger. He lulled me into a relaxed state before he stopped at my side and whipped my backside with it for the first time.

A cutting line of intense fire blazed across my bottom before I was ready for it. My mouth opened wide as I struggled to process the terrible pain and then he struck me with it for a second time. The strike was quiet and unassuming, the only indication a rapid swishing that warned me it was coming. The sound of his palm had been much louder, but I quickly realized that the switch was far worse.

He thrashed my bottom much more quickly than he had spanked me. I could quite literally feel each painful welt rising on my skin. The agony escalated with every passing second until I was left keening from the terrible burn. My panties pulled at my thighs, reminding me to keep them spread, but as the switching continued, it became harder and harder. I danced from foot to foot, trying to keep myself upright. I swayed forward once and almost lost my balance, but he pressed a steadying hand against my belly and kept me upright. He didn’t stop whipping my bottom for even a moment and I couldn’t stop myself from crying out.

Sometimes the switch would lick one side, followed by the next. The tip would occasionally catch portions of my inner thighs and the folds of my soaking wet pussy. Those hurt the worst and I moaned each and every time, well aware of the fact that he had warned that I was going to get switched there too. He thrashed me hard enough where I lost all semblance of rational thought. The only thing on my mind was my bare bottom and the next fateful strike of the switch.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to hold back the inevitable tears to come. Just when I felt like I was moments away from crying, he stopped thrashing my backside so that he could trace his fingertips over top of the welts he left behind. I sniffled and tried to calm the hammering of my heart. For several long seconds, my body remained tense but as he continued to explore my scalded bottom with his fingers, I started to relax.

Those same fingers ventured down to the backs of my legs where several welts burned more sharply than all the rest. He pinched a couple of them, and I sucked in a pained breath as a fierce stinging sensation hurtled up and down my legs with enough vigor to cause my entire body to tremble.

He placed the switch down on a nearby rock and I glanced at it with hatred and awe that such an unassuming little thing could hurt so very much.

A single finger traced down the cleft of my bottom. He was reminding me that he could touch me however and whenever he wanted and that made my core twist hard with arousal. With his other hand, he spread my cheeks wide and revealed my bottom hole. Slowly, he pressed that single finger against my tight rim. He tapped it again and again and I could feel myself flushing with shame at being touched there.

“I think when I’m through punishing your breasts and that naughty little pussy, I’m going to make you beg me to switch this pretty little bottom before I give you every last inch of my cock, little omega,” he said boldly and I keened with nervousness at his pronouncement.

“You can’t!” I exclaimed. He simply chuckled at my proclamation of disbelief.

He released my bottom cheeks and circled around to the front of me. He grasped my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, pinching them firmly before he pulled them away from my body and toward himself. A gradual ache grew at the base of my nipples, intensifying the further he pulled away. When he twisted my nipples firmly to the right, I was unprepared for the sudden piercing agony that blossomed across the entirety of my breast. He held them that way for several long seconds until he released them at last.

“You’d do well to remember that I will use this beautiful body however I please, little omega, and if I decide that your naughty little bottom hole should be punished, then that is exactly what I will do,” he replied, a cocky smirk gracing his lips. I swallowed heavily as a single drop of slick rolled down my right thigh. It dripped slowly down the side of my knee and I could feel it as it made its way to my ankle. I shook, worrying that I was beginning to leave a puddle of arousal beneath me in the dirt.

My breasts throbbed and my nipples remained treacherously hard. I panted as I tried to take everything that he gave me, and I was horrified to realize that I wanted more.

So much more.

I wanted him to punish me. I wanted to come for him and for the very first time, I wanted to feel his cock deep between my thighs.

Saying nothing, he picked up the switch again and I bit my lip. He placed the tip against my left nipple and flicked it hard enough to make me cry out. The pain was swift and so incredibly consuming that it took my breath away in that single strike. He punished the other just as firmly, causing a rapid throbbing sting to radiate over my breast and stab right down into my core. I twisted, trying to avoid the slender branch, but it was useless. His aim was practiced and true each and every time no matter what I did.

I turned my head down and watched as the switch struck my breast. It jostled shamefully and I flinched as the sting simmered and then intensified. At first, there was a white line where he’d hit me and then it started to pinken and rise into a small welt on my tender skin. It was almost mesmerizing to witness, and I found myself watching as he did it again and again to my vulnerable and exposed chest.

A rolling wave of heat washed over me and even as the switch continued to strike my breasts and my nipples, a rush of slick dripped down my thighs. I was so wet, and I desperately wanted to come again. My backside stung and my breasts throbbed with both the painful bite of the switch and the unending desire within me.
