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I didn’t know what I was begging for anymore. Frankly, I no longer cared. I wanted him to keep smacking my ass. I wanted to keep coming on his fingers and I no longer cared if anyone heard me screaming out with my pleasure or that they could tell I was even getting spanked in the first place.

My bottom burned with agony, but the need between my legs was even greater.

Another orgasm rattled me, and my legs spread wider. My panties stretched around my thighs and cut into my skin. My legs felt weak, but Vikar held me firmly in his arms as I shook through one orgasm after another.

Pain and pleasure twisted into a single never-ending sensation that consumed me from within. Heat coursed through me and then I came to a terrifying realization.

I knew what this was.

How could this be happening?

I had already come several times and my arousal wasn’t fading. It was simply growing more intense with every passing second. Each orgasm cut through me like a knife, but it wasn’t enough, and I keened with fear knowing that there was only one thing that would subdue my desire once and for all.

I was an omega about to enter estrous.

I was going into heat and nothing I could do would be able to stop it.

I was helpless against it. It had already begun and now I knew that I had no hope.

Vikar was going to take me.

I was lost.

I hadn’t recognized the signs at first. The constant wetness and need every time I thought about him. The way I obeyed his instructions without much of a fight and the way I couldn’t get enough of his scent. It had hit me so quickly that the urge to nest hadn’t even come over me yet.

I’d gone through several bouts of estrous before, but every single one had been medicinally forced. I’d never been with any alpha other than Thranar and he’d never been patient enough to wait for my body to react to him naturally. I’d never had one organically before, so I hadn’t seen what was happening. I was an omega. My body was programmed to instinctually react to an alpha.

I stilled and whimpered quietly. Vikar stopped spanking me and I refused to look at him because I knew what was going to happen.

I was going to lose control. I would beg for him to take me, over and over again until my heat finally abated. I swallowed anxiously. It could last for hours, even days and it wouldn’t stop until he knotted me as many times as my body needed. I would plead for him to fuck me, to give me his cock over and over until my heat finally abated and I saw reason again.

“Look at me, Luna,” he said softly.

I didn’t want to, but I obeyed anyway.

“You just recognized what was happening, didn’t you, little one?” he asked.

I nodded. I wanted to cry. I wanted to come.

“I don’t know what to do,” I cried out, knowing that neither he nor I could do anything to prevent what was ultimately going to take place between the two of us.

“Shhhh. You’re safe with me, Luna. I will take care of you. I know what you need and will make sure that you get it. I’m going to help you through every last second of this,” he whispered gently.

“It’s going to hurt,” I whimpered.

“Yes. It will, sweet girl. But I won’t take you until your body is truly ready for me. I will make sure you enjoy every last minute of the breaking of your heat, my little omega,” he purred, and my core twisted hard for him with desire and immeasurable need that demanded I give into the urges raging inside of me.

“I don’t want this,” I cried out softly.

“I know, little omega, but you need me. You can trust me to care for you,” he whispered.

I trembled hard.

“But you said you were going to punish me,” I cried.

“I mean to still, little one. It will make this easier on you in the end,” he said softly. Carefully, he drew my lips to his and he kissed me softly. My body hummed with gentle warmth and I was grateful for the strength of his arms holding me. He pulled back and stared into my eyes and I felt the alpha and omega connection more intensely than ever before. There was honesty and caring in his gaze. I couldn’t deny that I saw that.

“I know this hasn’t been pleasant for you before. I know Thranar was cruel and abusive. I want to remind you that I’m not him and I would never treat an omega so horrifically as he did. I’m going to show you how a real alpha handles an omega and by the time your heat is over, you’ll know what that means,” he said softly.
