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“Now, ask me to punish you, omega. Ask your alpha to punish you for running from him. Ask me to teach you what happens to very naughty omegas who disobey their alphas,” he demanded, all while he continued teasing my clit with his thick finger.

I swallowed, blushing furiously with shame.

“You are not allowed to come for me until you do as I say, omega. Don’t make me say it again or the first thing I spank will be this wet and very needy little pussy and you won’t be allowed to come at all. Not even once,” he commanded, and I moaned as my face turned even redder than before.

I opened my lips and he thankfully gave me a moment to formulate the words I desperately didn’t want to say. But I did say them. Every last word because I wanted orgasm so very badly and I didn’t know how much longer I could stand being denied release.

“Please punish me, Alpha. Please teach your omega what happens when she is naughty and disobeys her alpha,” I whimpered. My pussy tightened and my hips jerked back and forth against his palm.

“I’m going to enjoy this very much, little omega, but I’m going to enjoy the moment that you realize your pretty little omega cunt needs her alpha’s cock so very badly. I’m going to especially enjoy how you’re going to beg me for every last inch,” he warned.

I wanted him to be wrong. I didn’t want him to be right, but as he teased me with his palm, edging me closer to orgasm with every last movement, I feared that he might be.

My body heated even further and then his palm cracked against my naked backside hard. The sound echoed off the trees like a gunshot, deafening in its wake. I trembled and a second slapped against my other cheek, just as loud as the first.

I keened when the pain of that first strike eventually followed.

He had been right about before. My last spanking was much gentler than this.

This one began much harder and faster than the last. I whimpered, feeling helpless with my pussy encased by his palm and my hands bound over my head. I still felt my panties around my thighs, a quiet reminder of his instruction to keep them up around my legs, but I was quickly realizing that was going to be a far harder task than I anticipated. The more he spanked me, the more I began to doubt my ability to follow it at all.

He spanked all of my backside until it felt like it was completely on fire and my core pulsed even more fiercely with unbridled passion. I lost control of my grasp on it entirely and it just continued to build even hotter than anything I’ve ever felt before.

I ground my pussy against his palm, almost in an effort to avoid each punishing spank but if I was truly being honest with myself, it was because I needed to come. I wanted release and I would take it, even if I was getting a spanking at the exact same time.

Each slap against my backside hurt, but with every last terrible sting, an even stronger burst of arousal ultimately followed. Soon enough, I couldn’t recognize one sensation from the other and I cried out from confusion. I tried to separate the two and I failed again and again.

I was hardly even aware of the fact that my hips were rolling back and forth, forcing my desire higher and higher until I was on the edge of orgasm once more.

“A spanking hurts, little omega, doesn’t it?” he asked, paddling my backside with one palm while cupping my pussy with the other.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whimpered, grinding my pussy into his harsh touch.

“Are you ready to come for me?” he asked, spanking me even harder and I cried out with need. I wanted it. I was ready.

“Yes, Alpha. Please let me come!” I begged. I meant every word. My body burned with heat and I hoped that an orgasm would force it back. My core twisted fiercely with desire and I practically trembled in his arms. I pleaded for orgasm and even as the words left my lips, I felt myself blush even hotter with shame.

“Are you thinking about the switching you have coming, little omega?” he pressed.

I shivered hard. I’d already forgotten, but his reminder caused a rush of slick to dribble down my thighs.

“Yes, Alpha,” I quivered, imagining how the slender piece of wood would feel as it thrashed my bottom and the rest of the vulnerable places on my body that he had threatened. My pussy pulsed and my clit throbbed even harder. My hips jerked back and forth a bit faster and I knew I was seconds away from falling apart all over his hands at the very same time that he was punishing my naked bottom.

“I need...” I began to plead.

“I know what you need. Now come hard for your alpha,” he commanded.

I obeyed him without question this time.

My orgasm burst over me like a rushing river. Brilliant white light blinded me, burning even brighter as his ruthless palm paddled my ass over and over and I still came despite all of that. The spanking was harsher and more painful than I anticipated, but I knew now that I was coming even harder because of it.

When my orgasm faded, the bite of his palm was even crueler. My skin was awash in sensation, my orgasm making me even more sensitive than before. He spanked the tops of my cheeks and directly over top of my pussy, ensuring that he didn’t miss punishing a single inch of my exposed backside. After that, he punished the backs of my legs and I had difficulty keeping still because it hurt so much.

Even so, my pussy still ground against his hand. He worked me into a frenzy, spanking me and rubbing his palm against my clit until I was on the edge of orgasm once more.

“I’m going to command you to come for me, again and again until you think you can’t take anymore and then I’m going to force you to come some more,” he whispered and I cried out with arousal and fear and rampant need that I no longer had any hope to contain.

“Please,” I begged.
