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I couldn’t take much more of this without falling apart.

Then he growled and forced my orgasm forward. I cried out as my core twisted hard. Every muscle in my body clenched greedily at his thick length. I clutched at him with my fingers and I worried that I was gripping too hard, but then my eyes rolled back into my head as I took him even more deeply than before. My knuckles went white as every nerve exploded with exquisite ecstasy that threatened to drown me entirely.

I couldn’t even try to remotely control what happened next.

Hot pleasure sliced through me. My heart beat furiously in my chest, pounding with arousal and for every ounce of my submission to my alpha. I came for him and I came hard, again and again until my naked body glistened with sweat. My thighs were soaked with slick and still I rode him with wild abandon.

I embraced everything that was within me. I was alpha. I was omega, but most important of all, I was his.

Pleasure and pain become one and the same. Nothing else mattered and when I was finally ready, I tore open his shirt with my fingers, the sound of ripping fabric making my pussy clench hard around his cock. He groaned and I stared at the place where my mark should be.

I wanted him. I wanted to possess him in the same way that he’d claimed me.

“Take it, sweet girl. Make me yours,” he commanded, and I curled into him. Fueled by the raging instincts that swirled inside me, I bit hard into his shoulder. I tasted his blood on my tongue and I swallowed deep, marking him as mine.

The pair bond exploded between us in a brilliant show of white light, forcing a deeply intense orgasm to rip me apart. I felt myself falling and at once, our hearts beat together as one.

He’d chosen me. I’d chosen him and now we would be together forever.

The base of his cock swelled at my entrance. I screamed with pleasure and then his knot inflated deep inside my pussy, hooking behind my pelvis and securing us together. I trembled around his length as he groaned. I wound myself around his shoulders and when the first hot spurt of his seed burst up inside me, I hurtled into a final orgasm far more powerful than all the rest.

My endless bliss shattered over me like a hailstorm, pelting me with one ball of pleasure after the next. My passionate need destroyed me, wrecking me from within and strengthening our bond even more. My release consumed me like no other, a boundless abyss of desire that I couldn’t claw my way back from no matter how hard I tried.

When my orgasm finally ended, I laid against his chest. Thoroughly ravaged, I couldn’t hold back my tears from falling, but I wasn’t crying from pain or sadness.

I was blissfully content, and I smiled through my tears, his knot still safely inside me, holding us together. I could feel his contentment more acutely now that the pair bond was fully formed between the two of us. His happiness was exquisite and wonderful and it made my heart pulse for him and only him.

“You will always be queen, but you will also always be my omega, won’t you, Freya,” he purred.

“I will always be yours, alpha,” I replied softly, and I meant every single word.



The day I looked out my window and saw Thranar’s head on a pike was one of the happiest days of my life. I’d heard the rumors of what had happened, but I hadn’t believed it until I’d seen those dead eyes staring back at me. No longer did they wish to hurt me. No longer did he mean to hold me down and take me against my will. I’d never have to hear his arrogant voice again.

I hated that he’d forced me into heat, time and time again. He’d acquired some sort of injection that would bring estrous forth no matter what, using it against me every time that I tried to deny him. He’d always punished me for saying no.

And now he was dead.

Good fucking riddance.

I’d prayed to the gods every night for his death.

It had been about two weeks since the alpha queen had taken me from Ravenrath and brought me to the safety of her warrior city of Valgertha. Her people had taken care of me, ensuring that I had the best medical care. My bruises had faded away and the fresh cut marks on my wrists healed, leaving pink scars that would forever remind me of Thranar’s cruelty. More to add to the collection, I suppose.

I’d lost count of how many scars that he’d marked me with.

I was safe here for now, but I kn

ew it wouldn’t last. It never did.

If I didn’t return, the Cult of the Blood Moon would come looking for me and they’d find me. They’d punish me for leaving my post as Thranar’s omega and they’d torture me in retribution for his death.

But that wasn’t the worst of it.

If I didn’t go back, they’d kill my child.
