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Thranar’s face had gone white. He knew he was losing ground and fast. Once he recognized that he had nowhere else to go, his ferocity intensified, but so did his foolishness. His blows increased in strength, but I knew what he was going to do before he did it now. My sword cracked against his as I blocked every one of his attempts and then I started pressing harder.

His face tightened into a grimace once again and I spun around, elegantly sliding my sword along his blade in a block before I feinted to the right and mimicked his maneuver. He didn’t have time to parry my blade and it sank deep into his side. Quickly, I pulled it out and swung my sword around hard, slicing across his throat just deep enough to make him bleed.

He didn’t have a fighting chance. I tossed my sword to my other hand and quickly unsheathed the dagger that Aric had granted me. Thranar tried to swing his weapon in desperation, but I’d already mortally wounded him. I easily deflected his attack, spun the dagger in my fingers, and moved in to make the final blow.

Using every ounce of strength and instinct in my body, I sank the blade into the side of his skull until only the handle was visible. I held his eyes with mine, watching as they stared back at me with anger, then disbelief and finally, with nothing at all. I watched every last moment as he realized that I had won and he had lost. I watched the life flicker out of his eyes and my inner alpha rejoiced with triumph.

His body swayed side to side and he collapsed. I watched as he lay on the floor in a slump, the blood pooling beneath him in spades. The puddle crept outward across the gray stone, silent evidence that he was never going to get up and hurt anyone ever again.

He thought he’d be able to beat me. He’d been wrong.

My shoulders rose and fell at the same time as the beat of my heart pounded inside my skull. My veins still roared with the primal adrenaline that a battle of this magnitude brought, and I luxuriated in my victory. I stared down at the fallen king and took a deep breath. After that, I knelt down and gripped the handle of the dagger. In one smooth motion, I removed it from Thranar’s skull. The wet sound echoed throughout the throne room and I said nothing at all. Quickly, I grasped a cloth that was tied to my waist and I wiped off the blood that still stained the blade.

I heard Aric moving behind me and I jumped when his fingers brushed against the side of my neck. I knew it was him, but my body wasn’t calmed enough from the fight that I had difficultly not striking back in defense. Carefully, as if he knew what I was feeling, he took the dagger from my fingers and put it back in its leather sheath. Then he took my sword and wiped it clean with Thranar’s forgotten cape, before sliding it back into my scabbard. After all that, he turned me around slowly to face him.

I stood there almost in a daze.

He growled, the sound low and demanding and my core cramped hard. My eyes flicked up to him and I whimpered softly.

“You fought so very beautifully, Freya. I’m so very proud of you,” he murmured, and my eyes flicked down to watch the small mesmerizing motions of his words on his lips. His palm cupped the side of my face gently and I sucked in a breath.

“I killed him with your dagger, just like you wanted,” I breathed.

“I know. It was quite incredible, my love,” he answered, keeping his voice soft. “Now though, you need your alpha, don’t you, my pretty little omega?” With a single finger, he lifted my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his. A shiver raced down my spine at the raw intensity and arousal that I saw there. While holding my gaze, he growled quietly once again. My alpha took a step back and my omega reared her head once more. She answered to her alpha’s call.

A soft whimper escaped my throat, a breathy tell of the arousal that was just beginning to spark to life inside me. He reached down to unclasp my corseted leather top, all while holding my gaze with his. At first, my hands twitched, and I had to force myself not to try to stop him. Once more, he growled in warning and I stilled. My heart pounded in my chest as he undid one lace after the next until my top relaxed enough that he removed it entirely. Next he removed the soft cotton bra I’d worn underneath, leaving my torso completely bare.

He made quick work of my boots and my leather pants, pulling them down my waist before he laid everything on a nearby chair. He lifted me off the floor and carried me back to my throne. He sat down

and placed me on his lap. I was facing him, completely naked while he was still clothed.

“Undo my belt and free my cock, little omega,” he demanded.

I panted, a consuming warmth overtaking my limbs and an overwhelming need settling down deep into my core. I licked my lips, flicking my eyes from his down to the very hard erection that was still contained by his dark pants. With a heavy swallow, I reached for his belt and undid the clasp, sliding the leather through and enjoying the soft feel of it in my fingers. Touching it made me think of the many times he’d taken that very same belt and whipped my bare bottom with it and I couldn’t stop the soft moan that escaped my lips at the memory.

He grasped my chin and slid his thumb over my lip roughly.

“Such a pretty little mouth,” he murmured before he released my chin and slipped his fingers in between my thighs. He rubbed my clit lightly, coating them in my wetness before he lifted them back to my lips. Without hesitation, he forced them into my mouth and onto my tongue. “Lick them clean,” he demanded.

I closed my lips around his fingers and sucked them hard, blushing as the shameful taste of my own arousal spread across my tongue. With his other hand, he freed his cock and lifted me enough so that his head just brushed against my entrance. He kept his fingers in my mouth as he slowly lowered me onto his cock. I whimpered as he forced his long length inside of me. No matter how many times he fucked me, my pussy could never get used to his size. His entry hurt as my body tried to accommodate his massive cock and I cried out when my ass finally met his thighs. I’d taken all of him and my body spasmed hard around his length.

With his other hand, he tweaked my nipple. Pain blossomed across my breast and instinctively, my hips rolled against him as I tried to take what he wanted to give me. He pulled his fingers free from my lips and I sighed softly.

“I want you to ride me, little omega. I want you to wear yourself out on my cock because right now, that’s exactly what you need, isn’t it?” he purred softly in my ear and my inner walls fluttered possessively around his cock.

“Yes, alpha,” I panted, the breathiness in my voice giving away exactly how right he was. I loved that he knew me like that.

He grasped my face with his palm and pulled me into a kiss. It felt like he was devouring me, and I lost myself in his embrace. His lips demanded that I give in and when I finally did, my entire body pulsed hard with desire and my pussy clenched tightly around his cock. My hips rocked back and forth, and a soft keening noise escaped my lips.

I wound my arms around his neck, digging my fingers into his shoulders as I held on tight. He broke the kiss and stared back into my eyes, his intense desire unmistakable.

“I gave you an instruction, my pretty omega. Don’t make me put you over my knee instead,” he demanded, and a blush caressed my cheeks. Quickly, I rushed to obey him, rolling my hips and taking his cock exactly like he demanded. I rode him hard and fast, holding onto him as I lost myself in my pleasure.

His hand splayed against my lower back just lightly enough to remind me that he could take control at a moment’s notice. I rode him faster, took him deeper and everything else began to fall away.

I forgot about Thranar. I forgot about the responsibilities of being queen, of the Cult of the Blood Moon, of the Alpha Brotherhood. The only thing that mattered now was that I needed to ride my alpha’s cock while sitting atop my own throne until he gave me permission to stop.

He purred softly and a hot streak of desire raced through me, so strong that it nearly knocked me senseless with need. Every time I rolled my hips, my clit scraped against his pelvis and white-hot bliss surged inside me.
