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“Yes, alpha,” I answered quietly. My voice already seemed softer and more submissive as I awaited the reminder that he had planned for me. My blood boiled in my veins, demanding that I obey his every word, a biological need that was written deep into my DNA that I knew I would never be able to ignore ever again.

“You know what needs to happen, don’t you, my sweet mate,” he replied, rubbing my clit threateningly with every single word. I nodded into his shoulder with a soft whimper. Wanting to show him that I could be obedient, I pressed my feet to the floor and turned my body so that I lay face down over his knees. He repositioned me a little forward and balanced me over one knee, using his other leg to pin me into place.

“This is going to be a much firmer reminder than I had initially planned for you, little omega. But I think you need it, don’t you?” he murmured. His palm grazed over my naked bottom, his touch soothing but a definitive warning of what was to come. He patted my right cheek and I tensed nervously. He slid a single finger down the cleft of my ass, before settling his finger right on top of my bottom hole.

I keened with surprise.

“Tonight, little omega, you’re going to take my cock all the way in your bottom and then you’re going to come for me until there are pretty little tears dripping down your face,” he warned.

“You can’t be serious!” I scoffed in disbelief.

“I have never been more serious, little one. Not only that, but you’re not going to be allowed to come until you’ve taken all of me in this tight little hole and even after all of that, you’re going to have to beg me for it,” he instructed.

His finger was still wet with my slick. Pinned as I was, I couldn’t stop him from pushing it inside my reluctant hole.

“Before I’m through with you tonight, my sweet omega, this beautiful bottom is going to be very sore, both inside and out,” he said darkly, and he thrust his finger roughly inside my bottom. I cried out as a quick flash of pain blossomed deep in my core, racing up and down my spine with fervor before it finally ebbed away into nothingness.

“Please,” I begged, even though he’d barely touched me yet.

He removed his finger from my bottom and slapped my ass hard. The air rushed out of my lungs as the smack echoed throughout the room and the first initial sting burst across my flesh. His leg pinned me tight to him and I couldn’t budge as a punishing flurry of spanks peppered my bare cheeks. He punished me thoroughly with his palm, making sure to spank every inch of my backside. I whimpered, my cries escaping my lips openly now. I didn’t try to quiet myself. It no longer mattered who heard me scream.

He punished the tops of my thighs especially hard and I tried to twist my hips to the side, but it was no use. Even though the spanking hurt, I could still feel myself growing wetter. My body craved this. I needed this and I hated to admit it, but it was true.

I wanted to lose control with him. For the rest of the night, I wanted to forget the perils of war, the trials of being queen, and the dangers that still lay ahead. His palm demanded every ounce of my focus and I knew it wasn’t going to end there.

Next it would be the hairbrush.

Then it would be his cock.

He spanked me hard and I moaned over his knee. For a moment, he paused and slipped his fingers back between my legs and I knew what he would find.

He renewed my spanking until my entire backside burned with fire. My core blazed with arousal and my clit throbbed with need. Finally, he stopped once more, and I tried to catch my breath. He reached for the hairbrush and I watched almost in a fascinated horror as his fingers curled around the handle. He lifted it off the bed and pressed the cool wooden surface against my heated cheeks. I whimpered softly with nervousness at the same time my pussy clenched tight with want.

“This is going to hurt, my little omega,” he warned before he cracked the hairbrush against my naked and already sore flesh for the first time.


He wasn’t kidding.

It did fucking hurt.

With his palm, the pain had spread across my skin. With the hairbrush however, it was all focused on a singular spot. It was sharp and it stung a hell of a lot more than his hand and that was only one swat. He spanked my other cheek and I keened as the full intensity of the threat of the hairbrush finally settled over me.

He paddled my backside with that hairbrush until the only thing I could even remotely think about was the back of that horrid implement.

“Please,” I begged.

“Will you hesitate in obeying my instructions again, little omega?” he asked, while still very thoroughly spanking my ass and the backs of my thighs.

“No, alpha,” I keened as he paddled my thighs particularly harshly.

“Good. Now I’m going to make sure you won’t forget that,” he warned.

If I had thought the hairbrush was awful before, it wasn’t until he started spanking me even harder with it that I truly understood how very terrible it was. My cries got louder, and my toes drummed against the floor. Still pinned to his knee with my bottom bared and entirely too vulnerable, I had no choice but to take every swat that he gave me.

When he started to focus on the place where my bottom met my thighs, I could really feel myself losing control. I didn’t know when this would end. I didn’t know if he wanted to make me cry. Aric wanted to remind me that he was in charge and I was quickly coming to understand how thorough he wanted that reminder to be.

My breath hitched and my eyes watered as a few particularly hard strokes punished my bottom. My cries turned more desperate and finally, he paused and traced his palm over my sore and now very well-punished bottom.
