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“Ariana here has been my eyes and ears of the castle, haven’t you?” he murmured, and I sat down on my bed.

“I have,” she answered.

“When did this happen?” I asked with a grin.

“You were asl

eep for a while. I needed to get things done,” Aric answered with a smirk.

“Should have run it by the queen first,” I teased. “I can’t have you stealing my best servants.”

“We can talk about the matter of your servants later, Freya, but you’re going to be fully bare and over my knee for the entirety of that discussion,” he warned, and a thrill of desire raced through me. My pussy clenched in excitement at the upcoming threat of a spanking.

Ariana was smart enough not to let her expression give away what she was really thinking.

I didn’t say anything in response. I was sure that the blush caressing my cheeks was enough and when he grinned at the sight, I knew that it was.

“Ariana, why don’t you come back in the morning and we can discuss what you learned. I’d like to spend the rest of tonight with Freya undisturbed. It’s been a great many days since I’ve reminded her of her rightful place before her alpha,” Aric said darkly as he sat back in his chair.

She nodded once before vacating the room.

Aric turned toward me and raised a single eyebrow.

“Strip,” he commanded.

Chapter Nine


I simply stared at him and when I didn’t move, he growled softly. My core tightened immeasurably, a reminder of his pull over me and I whimpered quietly.

“I gave you a directive, Freya. Have you already forgotten that inside these walls, you answer to me, omega?” he said. Without a word, he stood up from his chair and walked over to my dresser. My mouth went dry as I watched him pick up my wooden hairbrush. I bit my lip as he strode purposely over to the bed and took a seat, frozen in place as I realized what was about to happen.

He cocked his head to the side as he waited for me.

“If I have to tell you to strip again, this discussion is going to end with you sore, needy, and sobbing over my knee, my beautiful little omega,” he warned once again and I shivered, feeling my pussy moisten with arousal. He patted his hand with the back of the hairbrush, and I started to unlace my leather armor. My fingers clumsily undid the laces as I rushed to bare myself for him. He waited patiently as I finally pulled it free and bared my breasts. Quickly, I unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down over my hips as I kicked my boots off.

Once I was fully naked, I stood nervously before him as he placed the hairbrush down beside him.

He reached for me and traced his fingers lovingly along my hip in appreciation. He didn’t force me over his knees right away; instead he slipped an arm behind my knees and another around my back as he pulled me into his lap.

“Freya, I am so very proud of you for how very well you handled yourself on and off the battlefield. You are an incredible queen and I am honored to serve by your side,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead. My nervousness melted away and I curled into his arms, pressing my body against the warm safe place he offered. He purred softly and I was left with a soothing heat that pulsed through me and centered right in my core.

The connection between us throbbed with his pride and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling into his shoulder.

“Thank you, alpha,” I whispered.

“Tell me, little omega. Do you need to be reminded who is in control? Do you need your alpha to take charge?” he asked.

I licked my lips and fidgeted slightly in his lap. My pussy was unbelievably wet. I wasn’t even in heat, but I could feel that my body was producing an incredible amount of slick in preparation for his knot.

If I said yes though, I knew he was going to spank me first with my own hairbrush. It was going to hurt, but even as I nervously weighed my options, I could feel myself growing wetter at the thought. I shifted in his lap enough so that I could lift my lips to his. I kissed him tentatively at first before he grasped my chin possessively and took control. His tongue tangled with mine and I moaned softly into his mouth. His palm cradled the back of my head, capturing me completely. He pulled back just the slightest bit and slipped his other hand in between my legs, finding how very wet I was for him. He teased my clit and I whimpered quietly.

“Answer me, omega, before I decide you need to be thoroughly punished instead of thoroughly rewarded for such an incredible victory,” he commanded. I cried out in anxious arousal.

“Yes, alpha,” I whispered, my voice already shaking with my own need.

“I’ve needed to remind you several times tonight to do as I’ve instructed, haven’t I?” he asked. I nervously trembled in his arms, trying to quell the rampaging desire that was already swirling inside me.
