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“Stand up,” he demanded.

On shaky legs, I rushed to obey. His palm pressed against my pussy and he spanked it hard. I cried out at the unexpected discipline and shook as the stinging agony spread across my sensitive folds.

“That wasn’t an answer, little omega. I’ll ask only one more time and if you don’t answer, your bare little bottom is going to be paddled with your hairbrush instead of being allowed to come all over my cock. Now, do you think you did a good enough job sucking my cock to earn the privilege of riding it?” he pressed.

“Yes, alpha,” I quivered, feeling his palm squeeze possessively in warning around my wet folds.

“I do too. Now climb on and lower yourself onto my cock. You will take all of me, sweet girl, quickly enough that it hurts, omega. I want to hear your cries as you take every last inch of me inside that tight little pussy,” he demanded, and I trembled hard with need.

“I understand, alpha,” I whimpered, feeling my inner walls clench desperately at the thought of taking all of him inside me.

“Give me your hand,” he instructed, and I did. I wound my fingers through his, climbed up into his lap, and slowly mounted him. He held his cock steady as I positioned myself for his head to pierce my entrance. Once I was ready, I lowered myself onto him as swiftly as I could, unable to keep quiet my cries of pleasure at finally being granted his entire length and how much my body hurt taking all of it. His cock was enormous, and my pussy was wet, but it was still painful to feel him stretching me open all the same.

I didn’t slow though. I took all of him because that was what he demanded of me and when he was fully inside me, I looked up at him nervously.

“I can feel every time your tight little body clenches around my cock, little omega,” he murmured, and I blushed even more deeply. My inner walls fluttered hard and he grinned knowingly.


??Ride me like you don’t want that little bottom paddled with your hairbrush now, sweet girl. I want to wear yourself out on my cock,” he demanded. I bit my lip and looked away, but he gripped my chin and forced me to look at him, and his eyes darkened considerably. His fingers dropped to my bottom in warning and I quickly rolled my hips like he wanted and as soon as I did, I groaned, feeling his thickness inside me.

“You’re riding me like an omega that needs a spanking,” he warned, and I whimpered softly before putting more effort into my movements. I rocked back and forth, dragging myself up and down his cock. My clit pressed against his pelvis and I rolled myself so that I ground my needy bud against him.

Fuck. His cock was so incredibly good.

Facing him like this felt shameful. He could see every glimmer of pleasure cross over my features. I couldn’t hide from him. Not like this.

“I want you to look at me when you come on my cock, Freya,” he demanded, and my entire body tightened up so hard that it hurt. I trembled on top of him, riding him even as he held my chin firmly in his grasp. I kept my eyes trained on his even though I wanted to look away. I didn’t want him to see me fall apart like this, but it soon became apparent that I wasn’t going to have a choice.

I moved faster and rolled my hips harder. I took him as deep as I could, and I enjoyed every moment as I fucked him as hard as I needed. He never moved an inch, watching me as I took the pleasure that I wanted.

When I didn’t bring myself to orgasm fast enough, he growled, and my core cramped ferociously hard. My pussy burned with heat and I felt a rush of slick surround his cock as he reminded me that I wasn’t in control. With a cry, I moved faster and within moments, I was on the edge of orgasm.

“Don’t make me put you over my knee, still wet and needy, little omega. Come for me,” he warned.

I came so hard I could have sworn I saw stars, but I didn’t stop there. I made myself orgasm on his cock over and over until my body burned with passionate bliss so strong that I drowned in it. The link pulsed between us, growing stronger by the moment. My skin simmered with heat and I bit my lip, riding him to completion again and again until I felt his seed spurt deep inside my pussy.

In that moment, I accepted that I was his. I felt his own pleasure coursing through me through the bond, which only fueled mine even more intensely. I felt connected to him more fiercely than I ever had with anyone in my life and I reveled in that warm feeling like it was a gentle all-consuming embrace.

When I was finally spent, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as I felt his seed drip from my body, down my thighs, and onto the floor beneath me.

“That’s a very good girl. You rode my cock so well,” he whispered, and I whimpered softly, snuggling into the crook of his shoulder as I tried to catch my breath. His fingers traced up and down my back, before settling at the back of my scalp to gently pet my hair. It felt soothing and as I gathered myself once more, I pressed my lips softly against the side of his neck in a kiss.

He turned my head and captured my mouth with his. His kiss was gentle and for the first time in my life, I felt my heart pulse for this man.

I fought it with everything inside me, but the more time I spent with him, the more I feared that my heart might soon beat for him and only him.

Chapter Five


Later that evening, I was curled up in my bed when a loud knock woke me from my sleep. I groaned, hoping it would go away, but it continued with a constant persistency that could no longer be ignored. It had been a number of days since I’d emerged from my kingdom and even though Valgertha was used to their ruler disappearing for periods of time when a mate was taken, it was always expected that they would return and lead. As such, there were systems in place to run things properly when I was otherwise occupied, but they were only designed to be temporary at best. Still a little tired, I sighed and gathered a blanket around myself. I pulled away from the warmth of Aric’s sleeping form and left the bedroom to go answer the door at the entryway to my chambers. When I opened it, one of the servants of my court was there to greet me.

“Ariana,” I said softly in greeting.

“My queen,” she answered, bowing her head in deference to me. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but there is an urgent matter that needs your attention. King Thranar from Ravenrath has arrived and he has requested a meeting with you as soon as possible.”

“Has he said what he wanted?” I asked, furrowing my brow in concern.
