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I bit my lip and he turned my head. With the self-assuredness that only an alpha was capable of, he captured my lips with his in a gentle kiss. At first, it caught me off guard because he hadn’t shown that kind of tenderness with me thus far, but as his lips prodded mine, I melted into his embrace, kissing him just as softly in return. My heart pulsed in my chest and his hand ventured back between my legs, squeezing rather possessively around my pussy. Carefully, he used the flats of his fingers to circle my needy bud and I quivered in his arms.

He coaxed my pleasure forth, and it answered to him. It wasn’t as savage or all-consuming as it had felt during my omega heat, but my body rose to his call. It simmered slowly to life and I moaned quietly, captured safely in his lap with his arms wrapped around me and his fingers between my thighs. He pulled away and I was left wet and wanting.

“Come for me, my beautiful omega. Come for your alpha,” he commanded, whispering those words into my ear.

My core pulsed and squeezed tight with building desire. I couldn’t help myself as I rocked into his touch and when my orgasm finally broke over me, it was powerful, and it sought to subdue my worries and concerns about him. I moaned, the sound low. My pussy throbbed hard several times and my entire body clenched down with passionate need, swirling with warm and happy sensations that left me feeling satisfied.

“Good girl,” he murmured, kissing the side of my neck and making me quiver against him.

The bond between us pulsed and I could feel just how much it pleased him that I hadn’t fought him. My own heart squeezed tight with pleasure at hearing his words and I wondered if he could sense that too.

“You like it when I call you that, don’t you?” he whispered.

I blushed.

“I do,” I whispered, feeling my flush deepen as the words left my mouth.

His fingers finally left my pussy and pressed against my lips. I opened my mouth and he slid them against my tongue.

“You will suck my fingers clean, unless you want to find yourself back over my knee,” he instructed. His voice was still gentle, but this time it carried an air of command that wasn’t there before.

I swallowed around him, pushing my tongue against his fingers and tasting my own sweetness as it washed over me. It felt dirty and wrong, but at the same time, I liked it. I suckled harder as I saw the smile that came over his lips, one of pleasure and pride. Slowly, I climbed off his lap and onto my knees before him.

He wasn’t wearing any clothes and his cock was already impossibly hard for me. His expression was quizzical, but he didn’t stop me and slowly pulled his fingers from my mouth. With a certain boldness, I took his cock into my hand and twirled my fingers around his thick length. My finger and my thumb closed at the base of his shaft. I leaned forward and took the head of his cock in my mouth. I mimicked the suckling I had done to cleanse off his fingers and he groaned in appreciation.

“You’re very good at that, aren’t you, little omega,” he purred, and my pussy squeezed tight. My hips rolled at the sound, reacting instinctively to his pleasure.

Feeling a bit braver, I bobbed my head back and forth, taking him deeper into my throat while my fingers stroked the base of him. He leaned back into the chair and worked his fingers into my hair, petting my scalp and urging me onward. I swirled my tongue around his length, sucking harder and enjoying the taste of his own arousal on my tongue. It was salty and sweet and all alpha, which only left me craving more. I took every last inch of him into my mouth and throat.

I had difficulty at first with his enormous length, gagging around him until I forced myself to relax and take him more deeply. I swallowed around him and his fingers dug into my scalp. His alpha took control then and he held my head down on his cock, forcing his length all the way down my throat.

I struggled against him, fighting him for several moments. With his cock all the way down my throat, it was hard to breathe and I gagged several times. Finally, I gave into the fact that I was no longer in control. He was and that allowed me to relax. I swallowed around him, showing him that I wanted to be a good girl for him and take him how he wanted.

He grinned and thrust into my mouth several times, using me roughly enough that I knew my throat was going to be sore. I hummed around his length and he groaned for me, rewarding me with his sounds. I felt my own arousal slipping down my thighs and I found myself wanting to come for him once more.

He started to move faster, and I suckled him harder.

“Such a good omega, giving me all of that wet little mouth,” he purred, and I whined around his cock. “You’re going to swallow everything I give you, aren’t you? Especially if you want me to allow you to come for me again,” he said gruffly, and my entire body quivered with insatiable need.

Over and over, he pistoned into my mouth with a certain roughness that I grew to adore. He used me not for my pleasure, but for his own and before long, I was rewarded with one soft purr after another. His cock throbbed against my tongue and I brazenly suckled harder. After a few moments, his shaft pulsed even harder and the first spurt of his cum splashed against the back of my throat. I did my very best to swallow every drop and when he was finished, I ensured that he was fully clean before he pulled out of my mouth. I licked my lips and blushed hard, before looking up at him.

I shuddered with need as he stared down at me and chewed the inside of my cheek, savoring the taste of him as I continued to kneel before him. He stroked the length of his cock with his fingers, watching me carefully as he did so.

“I can smell how very wet you are, my little omega,” he murmured. His cock hardened once more in his hand and I stared at it rather impatiently.

I wanted to mount it. I wanted to climb on top of him and ride his cock.

“You did such a good job sucking my cock, didn’t you, Freya?” he asked, and I trembled with need. I hadn’t thought I’d become so aroused so shortly after the breaking of my heat, but I soon realized that I was very wrong.

His fingers moved up and down his shaft and I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I imagined how it would feel for my pussy to grasp his cock instead.

“Answer me, Freya,” he warned.

“Yes, alpha,” I whispered anxiously.

“Do you think you did a good enough job to earn the privilege of riding my cock?” he pressed.

“Please, alpha,” I begged. My own fingers squeezed at my thighs. My skin was feverish with need. It felt so hot beneath my palms. I shivered with arousal as my nipples hardened to painful little peaks, just begging to be touched and kissed, but it all paled to how much my pussy throbbed to take his length all the way inside me.
