Page 51 of Mine to Hold

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I hoped Jon’s cock was hard too.

I was just walking out of the bedroom when I heard a knock at the door. I stiffened.

What if it was him?

I cleared my throat nervously and tied the robe a bit tighter. I chewed the inside of my cheek, stalling for a minute before the knock sounded again.

“Room service,” someone called out and the air rushed out of my lungs in my relief. He’d probably just sent up something nice for me before I went to bed. Maybe ice cream or something sweet like that. I smiled.

How thoughtful.

I took a deep breath and walked through the sitting room to the door. I peeked through the eye hole to see a woman dressed in the regulation hotel uniform with a food cart covered in silver platters. I sighed with relief at not finding him standing there, and I opened the door. She nodded in greeting.

“Miss Everson,” the woman said. She rolled the cart inside, keeping her head down. “This is for you,” she smiled. She dug her hand into her pocket and handed me an envelope.

“Thank you,” I replied appreciatively, taking the note, and flipping it over to read the front of it. It was addressed to My Naughty Girl.

A soft gasp escaped me. The woman uncovered a few platters of dessert, a bottle of wine. I didn’t miss that she left one small plate covered. She poured me a glass of cabernet, handing it to me to taste before she put the bottle back down.

“Have a good night, miss,” she said before she wheeled the cart out.

“You too!” I exclaimed far too quickly as I stared down at the words on the envelope. I flipped it back over and pulled out a folded sheet of paper the moment the door shut behind her. I gulped as I opened it.

Baby girl,

That was quite a naughty display you put on for me.

Please enjoy a glass of wine with some dessert on me.

When you are finished, you will call me and then I will watch you put on another show for me. You should know that I plan on enjoying this one much more than the first.

With love,


My heart pounded in my chest with furious intensity. I glanced to the table at the slice of chocolate cake covered with berries and melting vanilla ice cream, along with a piece of cheesecake and an apple crumble. My attention was quickly caught up by the still covered platter. I reached for it, taking off the cover myself.

There were several pieces of raw ginger, but one of them was carved. I picked it up, studying it nervously. I cried out when I realized what it was carved in the shape of. There was a round bulbous pointed end that tapered into a narrow point, only to curve out again at the base.

It was carved in the shape of a butt plug.

I hastily put it back down. I looked back and forth between the carved piece of ginger and the letter.

Oh, fuck.

I was in trouble. That much was certain, but my pussy was throbbing again with nervous anticipation and unquenchable desire.

I didn’t know what the ginger would do, but I didn’t want to know either.

He’d said to call when I was ready. That might be a while.

I took a seat at the table, sipping at the wine and reaching for the very rich-looking piece of German chocolate cake. I dug in with a fork, taking a bite and moaning when I discovered that it was still warm. The berries were partially cooked. The scoop of creamy vanilla bean ice cream melted into every bite.

I was hungrier than I’d thought.

I polished off that decadent piece of cake and tasted the other desserts before I glanced at the ginger again.

I needed to call him.

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