Page 4 of Steamy Biker Daddy

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I had to hold on for dear life as we sped out of the gas station parking lot. Which was for the best because it kept me from thinking about what just happened. I had never even seen a gun in person before. But it had been pointed straight at Luke. I thought he was going to die.

The gun was gone now. Luke had emptied the bullets before tossing the gun on the ground right before we left. But the image was fresh in my mind.

I didn’t know where he was taking me, but right now I didn’t care as long as it was away from that place with that awful man.

We rode for what felt like hours, only passing a couple of cars. Slowly, a town began to form around us, starting with a few houses here and there before some chain stores and then a small downtown area came into view.

Everything looked a little rundown. This was definitely not a town I had been in before. I doubted it was on my parents’ campaign trails.

We pulled up to what looked like an abandoned mall. “I know some people who can help,” Luke said as we got off the bike (I barely kept myself from stumbling into him again). He looked at me a little uncertainly. “They’re going to look scary, but they’re good guys. I promise.”

I nodded. “I believe you.” I had no choice but to believe him. What was I going to do, take off running through a town I didn’t know and hope he didn’t catch me on his motorcycle? That would be pointless.

We went into the mall. Even though it looked abandoned and desolate on the outside, it held a few more sparks of life inside. Faint music was playing and the greasy scent of junk food wafted from the food court. My stomach rumbled and I realized it had been several hours since I ate a bowl of fruit for breakfast.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“I belong to a group called the Hell’s Renegades. We’re a motorcycle club. The club president owns an Irish pub here. He’ll be able to help.”

“Shouldn’t we go to the police/”

He smiled grimly. “Not in this town. Even with the likes of you.”

I flushed. I didn’t like how he said that. He might as well call me a spoiled rich brat. It was clear that’s what he meant.

I sighed and stopped walking. “Look, I appreciate it, but I don’t want you to feel obligated. It’s clear you don’t even want to be in the same room as me. I’ll just call someone to pick me up. I’m sure I have reception here.”

Luke grimaced and I knew he was holding back a swear. “That’s not an option anymore.”

I took a step back. “What do you mean?” A shiver of fear ran through me. Maybe he meant to kidnap me after all.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. His frustration was palpable. “I mean that man knew your name and all signs pointed to your engine being sabotaged. Whatever happened back there wasn’t random.”

I realized he was right. And it was really likely. My parents were very high profile after all. Someone who didn’t like their politics or someone wanting some ransom money would choose me as a target. “Oh my god.”

Luke nodded. “I can help you, Addie. And I want to. Just let me.”

I nodded and we continued walking through the mall again.

Aside from the occasional store, everything looked abandoned. Then we turned a corner and on one side was an Irish pub called the Celtic Knot. Its lights were on and Celtic music was blaring out of the speakers. It was a major contrast to the darkened storefront windows on either side of it.

I followed Luke inside. There were a few people inside, drinking and talking. Everyone seemed to know each other. They were also just as scary as Luke, with leather jackets, tattoos, and ripped jeans. I had only seen guys like this in movies before. I stayed close behind Luke. Even though I barely knew him, I at least knew him better than anyone else in the room.

A few people called out greetings to Luke and there were a few curious glances at me, but Luke didn’t introduce me to anyone. Instead, he took me to a hallway in the back of the pub. We stopped at a closed door. He knocked on it quickly. “Chase, are you in there?”

I heard some muffled swearing and then the door opened up. A huge man was on the other side, his hair disheveled and shirtless. I felt my cheeks burn as I quickly looked away. “Your timing is the worst, Luke.”

“It’s important. Can you put your shirt on? We have company, for fuck’s sake.”

“Two seconds.”

There was a giggle and I looked up to see a woman perched on the desk of what was probably the office. She was gorgeous, wearing pigtails and a cute, puffy dress that reminded me of a princess outfit I wore for Halloween when I was five. She looked out of place in a biker bar, but at the same time, she looked perfectly comfortable. I was envious.

“Who’s your guest, Luke?” she asked.

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