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“Eirik,” I sigh in exasperation, but he just raises a brow with a straight face. I know he’s enjoying this. “You can’t stand here while we shoot.”

“I’m staying here.” There is no doubt by his tone that he’s not changing his mind.

“Okay, please don’t make a noise.” He nods but doesn’t say anything as his eyes continue to look around the area. “And, Eirik, please don’t interrupt us if Kane touches me, it is part of the scene.”

“You know that Dane is not going to be happy about that, don’t you?”

“I know,” I grumble as I pull the small skirt down, trying to cover more of my thighs. I swear the skirt got smaller since the last time I wore it.

“You are a clever one. That is why you arranged that Garth and I keep an eye on you instead of your mate.” Darn, I never expected him to catch onto my plan.


“Well, let me tell you, that if Dane senses that any man has touched you, he will kill him and there is nothing you can do.”

I gasp at his words. “Don’t say that.” I raise my hand to my chest, feeling my heart race in anxiety. “In this scene, Kane kisses me. It is part of this shot.”

“Well, he better enjoy it because it will be the last kiss of his life,” Eirik states with a shrug.

“Can’t you keep him away from Kane until tomorrow midday?” I hope he can, because if he can’t, the only thing I can do is hide from Dane until Kane is gone.

“You have seen Dane; do you think that it will be easy to stop him if he really wants to do something?”

“Different one today, I see.” Tanya’s sarcastic comment has me stilling. I glance over my shoulder as she walks past. “Looks like the little librarian has a taste for bikers.”

“You want me to shut her up?” Eirik asks in a menacing tone that has Tanya hurriedly walking away. “I really don’t like that woman,” he growls, which has me smiling. It’s the first time Eirik shows any semblance of being irritated.

“No, it’s okay. You know that karma has a way of biting back.”

His expression doesn’t change, but he nods, his eyes still on Tanya that is now standing by the producer.

“Are you ready?” Looking at Janine, I smile. Time to maybe get Kane killed. Taking a deep breath, I turn and make my way towards set. We start filming, my mind is everywhere, but somehow, I make it through my lines and from what the producer says it seems like he likes them, then it’s the kissing scene and I can feel my heart racing, my palms are perspiring, and I feel such a nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach that I swear I will get sick if Kane kisses me.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kane whispers as he steps into place.

“I’m not feeling well,” I breathe.

“Well, make sure you keep it together until we are finished. I need to get this wrapped up today.” Kane doesn’t think about anyone but himself, but the one thing I’m in total agreement with is that the sooner we finish, the sooner he will be gone and out of harm’s way—Dane’s way.

I stand in position waiting for the producer to give us the go ahead. My stomach is heaving at the thought of Kane kissing me, but it needs to be done. Maybe I’ll just change it slightly, instead of him kissing me I’ll push him away before his lips can touch mine. After all, it is supposed to happen; I’ll just make it more believable by slapping him. When I hear action I automatically go into my role, forgetting everything and everyone around me and becoming one with my character. When Kane starts to lean towards me, I raise my hand and slap him across the face.

His eyes widen in surprise as I say my lines.

Luckily, he catches on and quickly composes himself by saying his own lines. I can see the anger in his eyes but the producer hasn’t stopped us so he must be happy with the scene. The day drags on, but finally it’s time to stop. Taking a deep breath, I turn to make my way towards my dressing room. I just want to go home, have a hot bath, and relax.

I’m nearly by my dressing room when I suddenly see Eirik walking towards me. By the expression on his face, I can tell that he isn’t happy. “Don’t even think about it.”

Eirik’s threat has me glancing back over my shoulder just in time to see Kane, his hand raised as if to grab my arm. At Eirik’s statement he stops, dropping his hand.

The glare he throws Eirik doesn’t seem to faze him as he comes to stand behind me. Eirik’s wide back is blocking out Kane, which in a way I really don’t mind as I’ve had more than enough of him today. “What? Can’t I talk to her?”

I sigh as I turn around and step to the side to see Kane. “What’s wrong, Kane?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were going to change the kissing scene? Did you think you would make a fool out of me by springing that on me?” He is so loud that the other actors who were standing nearby look over at us.

“No. I just wasn’t feeling well like I told you, so I thought it was better doing that then getting sick all over you.”
