Page 28 of Summer of Thrills

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“Thought you might want this,” she said, her face beaming as she held out my bag in her hand. “Have fun!”

“Thank you!” I grabbed my bag from her hand, then grabbed the roll bar overhead as Trenton peeled out of his parking spot and sped toward my house.

* * *

He brought me food,again. Fruits and vegetables and another type of fish. And while I was tempted to sit back and watch him cook me another amazing dinner, we’d barely gotten the food into the kitchen before we were pawing at each other with our lips locked.

“It’s been too long, love,” Trenton murmured against my lips, hands roving over my hips and my butt. “I can’t tell you how much I missed you.”

“Not half as much as I missed you,” I whispered back, my own hands tracing the faint line of hair that ran over his belly button and down into his pants.

He hissed as he sucked in a breath, his stomach tightening more the lower I went. His brow was furrowed, lips parted, and the look on his face was painfully erotic. “I want you.”

“Good.” It took effort to keep a straight face as I stepped backward out of his grip. Too much effort, it seemed. Because a smile was soon splitting my lips, and Trenton’s pinched face relaxed as he returned it with a wide, wide grin. I snagged his open shirt, tugging at him, as I took another step back. “Because I want you too.”

I didn’t make it another two steps before Trenton swept me into his arms. A moment later, he had me spread out on my bed, his long, lean body hovering over me.

“I’ve been dreaming of this moment.” He trailed his gaze down my body, tracing every inch of bare skin he could see.

“In my dreams, we were naked.”

And oh, how I loved his grin. I only caught a glimpse of it, though, because his mouth descended upon mine as he pressed me into the bed. I reached for his shoulders, trying to sweep his shirt away so I could touch every inch of him. Only I didn’t get to. He gathered my wrists in one hand above my head, and his eyes turned a mossy shade of dark green.

“I’m going to make you mine.”

Chills swept through my body as those words crossed his lips. I always knew I would suffer at his hands. As his lips brushed along my jaw, I struggled to free myself. As he kissed a line down my throat, I twisted my hips that he bore to the ocean breeze sneaking in through my open window. He touched me so gently I wanted to cry, and I gave into that desire as he slid one long finger through the wetness that had gathered between my legs.

“Trenton.” It came out a mewl, a tiny little whine.

“Hush now, love. I’m going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before.”

He tortured me. He tore his shirt from his back and used it to tie my wrists to my headboard. Then he showered my naked body with kisses while I could do nothing but lie there and watch.

Lie there and writhe as his mouth descended on me again and again.

“So pretty,” he whispered after he’d laved his tongue across my breast.

“So perfect,” he murmured, his breath a warm breeze across the sodden patch of wetness that grew between my legs.

I ached with desire, with the need for this man to be inside of me, to become one with me.

“I need you, Trenton.” I pleaded with my eyes as I watched him trace his tongue along the inside of my ankle before switching to the other.

“Soon,” was his response. Then he was rising, his tongue leaving a slick trail along my calf as he rose, rose, to my thigh, to the warm, wet home that was calling to him. He nudged me with his nose, and I cried out at the brief contact as I desperately wanted more. “Turn over.”


Trenton grasped my hips, then guided me not-so-gently until I was on my belly, my face covered by my hair. His chest pressed against my back, and my already fast heart rate kicked it up a notch. One long finger snaked out and brushed my hair from my face.

“Do you trust me, love?” He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he leaned in and kissed me, stealing my reply as he stole my breath. His hands smoothed along my sides, down my hips. Then he lifted off me, pulled my hips up, and shoved a pillow between me and the bed.

Before I could ask what he was doing, Trenton had lowered his head between my legs. His tongue slipped out and a cry I’d barely been holding on to tore from my chest. He plunged inside of me, again and again and again, and everything in me wanted to explode.

I was slick with desire for him, and the need to touch him grew until I had to clench my fists around nothing because there was nothing else. I was a ball of feelings, nerve endings zapping as he pinched and nipped and plunged into my core.

As he licked and swirled his tongue.

As my butt puckered when he fingered my tight hole.

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