Page 22 of Summer of Thrills

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My phone hada notification on the lock screen when I checked it as I stepped from the front door of Razor’s Edge. A smile lit my face when I saw Trenton’s name, and I rushed to my car and had barely hopped inside before I was tapping the screen to listen to the voicemail.

“Mysti, love.” There was a heavy sigh that both cut straight through me and at the same time warmed my heart. “I miss you. Call me when you get this.”

I didn’t wait a minute more, just tapped on his number and called his phone. He answered on the second ring. “Mysti.”

“Hey, baby.” It came out almost a whisper, my throat tightening to the point of pain.

He was quiet a moment, and I wanted to reach across the phone line and take him in my arms. “I’m sorry, love. It’s been a rough day.”

“What’s going on?”

“My brother.”

“Oh, no.” I could tell by the pained sound of his voice, whatever he was going through wasn’t good.

“He’s at it again,” he started, pausing as if trying to find the words. “He knew I was leaving today. I told him and my parents and my sister, multiple times. But Jonathan scheduled a special anniversary dinner for my parents for tomorrow night. And of course, if I don’t show up, I’m the asshole.”

“Oh, Trenton. Has he… hit you again?” He’d told me the night before he left that his brother had often been violent with him when he didn’t do what the man expected. It explained that haunted look in his eyes, and the way he acted when he spilled rice on my floor.

He paused a beat, and I braced myself for his answer. “No. No, not yet.”

Yet. That word hung in the air, and it felt like an anvil hovering over me, about to fall. “What are you going to do?”

He sighed again, and I wondered if he’d heard my question. But before I could repeat it, he finally answered.

“I don’t know.” His voice was muffled and sounded far away. “I don’t want to stay. I miss you so much, and I need to be back in your arms. But if I leave, it’s going to start a fight. I know it will, because it always does. He’s the golden child who can do no wrong. And I’m just… me.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being you.”

He hummed deep in his throat. “I wish they felt the same way. Even Madeline won’t take my side. She never has. She doesn’t have the guts to stand up to them if it means risking her standing as second favorite child.”

“You’re my favorite,” I whispered across the line, hoping he could hear in my voice how much truth was wrapped up in those three words.

“Mmm. You’re my favorite too, love. And that’s why I don’t want to stay. But…”

“But you don’t want to risk the fallout if you leave.” My thumbnail caught in the groove in the steering wheel as I ran it across the hard, heated plastic. Disappointment bubbled under my skin, but I tried to push it away. “I understand if you need to stay.”

“How are you so perfect?” Trenton whispered, before he grumbled, “Goddess.”

It was the same deep sound he’d made on the phone the other night. The same sound that had my blood humming in my veins as he coaxed me into touching myself.

“I need you, love,” he murmured, just as he had that night. “Need to touch you. To feel you. Need to climb inside of you and make you mine.”

“Trenton.” It was all a quiet rebuke that came out sounding like a plea. Having him, being with him, was a thought that twisted my dreams and left me so hot and bothered I’d wake up feeling like someone was there in my room, watching over me.

How many times had I reached beneath the covers with thoughts of Trenton on my mind? How many times had I cried out my pleasure with his name falling from my lips?

“I want you too.”

“Soon, love,” he told me. “As soon as this horrible weekend is over, I’ll be there. And then we can do all of those wonderful, wicked things we talked about the other night.”

A whine emitted from my throat, and it brought laughter rumbling across the line.

“I can’t wait to see you.” His voice rasped in my ear. “Every gorgeous, delicious inch.”

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