Page 16 of Summer of Thrills

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Mysti sat across from me,her smile radiant in the summer sun shining in through the cafe windows. Each time she laughed with one of her coworkers or the few customers still hanging around, she lifted her head, baring her delicate throat to me.

It brought to mind the taste of her skin, sweet like honey and salty like the ocean waves. I wanted to hold her in my arms again, to roll around on the floor in front of her fire and sink my fingers into her flesh until she whimpered for more. I wanted to cover her with those fucking delicious cookies her landlords brought her and lick away every last crumb.

I was numb to everything but thoughts of her, and it wasn’t good. I needed to keep my head on straight. There was much to do before I left town. And I needed to go or I was going to be late. But seeing Mysti one last time before I left was too important. Feeling her skin on mine once more would make my time away from her bearable.

Laughter floated across the tables, and once again, Mysti bared her throat.

“Mysti’s got a boyfriend! Mysti’s got a boyfriend!” her friend, Callie, said in a singsong voice.

Rhiannon piped in too, singing, “She’s in love!”

“Oh, hush.” She turned her smile my way and something inside my chest fluttered, making it hard to breathe. “I swear, they get more crazy every day.”

I beamed at her as she took a sip from her glass, and my eyes caught on her tongue sweeping moisture off her bottom lip. My dick kicked in my pants and my reasons for leaving floated away. I wondered how very mad my brother would be at me if I didn’t do what he’d told me to do.

“You’re beautiful.” The words were nothing but a whisper across my lips, and the blush that rose to her cheeks colored them a beautiful red.

“How ya doing, sweetie?” Her hand fell on my wrist, and every nerve ending in my body was on fire. “You better get going before you’re late.”

Nodding, I mumbled, “Doing great. I’ll go soon.” The words were thick on my wet tongue, and I swallowed down the saliva that pooled in my mouth. Her body was so tempting; it took everything in me not to throw her over my shoulder and drag her back to her bed.

But before I could say more, the door to the cafe swung open, and Mysti turned her attention from me.

“Welcome to Whitman’s Cafe!” She rose from her seat, her fingers trailing across my skin while her smile shined bright. But it wasn’t as bright as it was when she turned it on me.

The poor schmuck who walked in the door was at a loss when confronted with her beauty. He bumbled as his foot caught on the rug, then held his hat between his hands, worrying it as he stuttered like a fool.

“I’m looking for Miss…” He fumbled for his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper before shoving it back in. “Larson? Mysti Larson?”

“That’s me.” She tucked a hair behind her ear as she glanced my way, the girl unable to keep her eyes off me. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m Byron Frasier. My brother, Calvin, asked me to stop by.”

“Oh, yes.” She smiled, shifting her gaze across the room. It lingered on me, and warmth spread through my body and blood pooled down below.

I was going to miss her when I was gone, but what I was doing couldn’t wait. My brother wouldn’t accept a delay.

The cook, Calvin, stepped out from behind the kitchen door, and Mysti pulled away from the new guy, only for him to close the gap between them when she said, “Right this way.”

Discomfort wound through me. He was close. Too close. His hand on her arm, his smile too wide, and his eyes hungry as they scanned every inch of the skin her clothes bore. I hated that it was him her attention was on, that he’d cut into my time with her. And each glance she sent my way told me she felt the same.

“Can I get you anything else?”

Pulled from my thoughts, I lifted my head to find Callie standing by my side. My brow pulled down, and I brushed away a hair that had fallen in my face. “I’m good. Thank you.”

She shifted her weight, blocking my view of my girl as she picked up my empty plate from the table. “Mysti said you had to get going?”

I nodded, pulling my wallet out of my pocket as I stood. Callie stepped back, an awkward smile on her face as she tried to keep from staring. After counting out what I owed for my meal, I handed it over to her. “Keep the change.”

“Oh. Thank you.” Her hand lingered against mine, and I pulled away before she could get any ideas. Mysti was the only one I wanted, and Callie meant nothing to me.

Casting one last glance at Mysti, I headed toward the door. But before I could open it, Mysti called to me over her shoulder, “Have a good trip, sweetie! See you soon!”

“Buh-bye.” I gave a little wave, and that empty feeling that filled me in her absence pulsed with new life. I’d be home before she knew it. I couldn’t wait to touch her again, to brush my lips over her skin, and sink into the sweet warmth of her body.

But first, I would do the task my brother laid out for me. I would finish what I promised and make him proud.

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