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“Hello, nani.” That man’s voice was as smooth and sweet as honey butter. “You ready to go?”

I looked down at my attire—if that’s what you could call that bathing suit. My cheeks heated to the equivalent of a bright summer’s day on Mercury. I snatched a white, fluffy robe off the hook behind the door and slipped it on.

“Where to?” I was proud of my steady tone. I didn’t sound at all like a mortified woman who was totally crushing on her tour guide.

“The beach, where else? We are on an island, after all.”

“Good point.” The most ridiculous nervous giggle I’d ever heard popped out of my mouth.

“I brought this for you.” I finally noticed something besides his dazzling smile and gorgeously bronzed skin when he held out a large shopping bag.

Now it all made sense. He was standing at my door, doing the concierge’s job of delivering my over-priced purchase. “Thanks, but the concierge shouldn’t have asked you to bring this up.”

I growled inside, contemplating the one star review I was going to leave for the service around here. If I was going to spend an arm and a leg on their merch, they could at least follow through with the delivery and spare me this embarrassment.

“The concierge?”

“Yes, she’s the one who asked you to deliver the bathing suit, right?”

“I don’t know anything about a bathing suit besides that cute dolphin one.” He pointed at my fuzzy wrap, his eyes gleaming as they traced the length of my robe-clad body.

So, he had noticed my suit. Of course he had. It wasn’t something that could be easily missed. So much for my last-minute damage control efforts. At least he hadn’t seen me from behind!

“This is from me.” He dangled the bag in front of me, and I took it.

All the tension I’d carried for the past half-hour fell away when I saw what was inside. My heart swelled. “You got me a new hat?”

He pulled it out of the bag and placed it on my head. My skin sizzled when he tucked some of my hair behind my ear. “Yeah, you seemed pretty upset about losing the other one.”

“This is so sweet of you.” Kai was working overtime to earn the title most perfect man to ever live.

Just as Kai and I were about to have a moment, the concierge walked up with my new swimsuit. It was still navy blue, but there wasn’t a dolphin to be seen on the stretchy fabric.

Guilt tapped me on the shoulder, reminding me of how annoyed I’d been at the poor woman who’d done nothing wrong.

“What’s that for?” Kai asked.

“It’s my new suit,” I said, searching through my purse for a tip worthy of the apology I felt I owed the concierge.

“Why do you need a new suit? The one you’re already wearing is stunning.”

I snorted. “Yeah, I was pretty stunned when I first put it on, too.”

“You’re not going to change before we go, are you?” He leaned on the doorjamb with the practiced flair of a Hollywood movie star.

“It’ll only take me a minute.” I was about to tip the woman standing in the hall with my bathing suit when Kai suddenly invaded my space and smiled.

“I like the dolphins. They remind me of our first time in the water together.” His voice dropped an octave, and his eyes smoldered with something both hungry and mischievous. “You remember, don’t you? The day I saved your life?”

He winked at me again. It had to have been the fortieth time he’d done it since I’d met him, but somehow it never got old.

I shoved away the excited nerves coming to life in my stomach. “I don’t need a bathing suit to remind me of that day.”

The poor concierge heaved a sigh at our obvious flirting.

“If you want my opinion, you should wear the dolphin suit.” He glanced at my replacement. “That one’s boring. You’re too exciting to wear a granny suit like that.”

Exciting? Kai thought I was exciting? My stomach fluttered and I couldn’t hold back my smile. I’d never been accused of possessing that trait in my life. That in and of itself was… well, exciting.

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